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Great, thanks for letting us know.
Advansys SupportIn Outlook API, following date properties available for a sent message:
– CreationTime
– ReceivedTime
– SentOn
– LastModificationTimeReceivedTime and SentOn date could be different as it depends on message sent time, actual received time, mail server time, etc. Personal Outlook Migration (version 2.0.7) used the ReceivedTime.
In your case, looks like the Outlook Express migration ignored CreationTime & ReceivedTime and reset to current time. It could be a bug in the Outlook Express.
Our engineers updated the Personal Outlook Migration (version 2.0.8) to use the SentOn date for the Sent Items messages. You can dowload the updated version from the link provided in earlier post.
Hope this helps.
Advansys Supportquote:
The ADV_Outlook_Log.txt file date is 25.11.2010 15:54, the first row of this file starts with 3:32:19 PM and the last row – 3:54:47 PM
Log file written to the disk at the end of the conversion process, so the log file date close to the last entry of the log file.
Our engineers able to reproduce the Sent Items messages date behaviour. We have fixed the issue in version 2.0.7. In the updated version, log file include stamp stamp and stored in Formativ Data folder, usually “C:Documents and SettingsUSER-NAMELocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0DataPersonal-Outlook-Migration”
You can download the updated version from here:
You should save the updated version in default Formativ applets folder, usually “c:Documents and SettingsUSER-NAMEMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativApplets”. Prior to replace, please backup the existing version. Finally, restart the GroupWise client.
Please note, all applets supplied to the Novell Cool Solutions Applet Central area are not supported by Novell or Advansys. However, we always try to update the solution (bug fix, enhancement, etc) when the resources becomes available.
Hope this helps. Please let us know how you go.
Advansys SupportUnfortunately we haven’t had any report about this issue.
Which version of the GroupWise client you are using (see Help – About GroupWise)? Please make sure to use latest point release of the GroupWise client, for more information see Novell Patch Finder:
Advansys SupportPlease let us know how you go.
Advansys SupportSure, make sense.
Advansys SupportUnfortunately ReadyState property not implemented in TEmbeddedWB.
However, you can use the following workaround to access the IHTMLDocument2 ( from the window handle then use the ReadyState. You can also use other properties of the IHTMLDocument2 interface.
dim oHTMLDocument if (Utilities.IHTMLDocumentFromViewHandle(myForm.Handle, oHTMLDocument) = 0) then msgbox oHTMLDocument.ReadyState end if msgbox myForm.ViewEmbeddedWB1.Busy set oHTMLDocument = nothing
Advansys SupportIn Formativ Language guide, take a look at Utilities.FindWindow() method which returns the handle of an open window. Formativ wraps few common Windows function.
I also suggest you to review available Windows API. If you unable call native API functions from VBScript/Applet then you could have your Applet to run a VB6/C#/etc executable that would call the APIs.
Advansys Supportquote:
1. Will the Outlook migration tool work with GroupWise 8 and SLES10?
Free Personal Outlook Migration solution depend on the GroupWise client & Object APIs. It does not depend on the back end server, so should work with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.
2. The customer said they tried the tool before but had trouble and had to abort on the first mailbox. I dont know the errors but they said it kept choking out and dying during the migration. My question is this. Is there a mailbox size limit that this tool can handle? I believe that mailbox is about 4GB and is the largest one in the company.
Our engineers not aware about any mailbox size limit. However, converting huge data (i.e. 4GB) will slowdown the process. We had few report where importing large number of contacts can slow down GroupWise process. It is a known issue to GroupWise. You can try to import emails & calendar items then contacts later.
We suggest you to convert smaller accounts, review data then convert the larger account.
3. This exchange site is in another state and it creates an obvious problem of sending that much data over a T1. Is my best option to save the users data to a .PST file and bring it back to the main location and set up a station to migrate each of the 25 .PST files with the Outlook Migration Utility?
Yes, Personal Outlook Migration solution migrate data from the PST file.
Prior to migration, we recommend to create a distinct Windows Messaging profile for each installed client (i.e. GroupWise and Outlook). We also recommend to disable realtime anti-virus software. Please see the Users Guide for more information.
Hope this helps and good luck.
Advansys SupportGood point, thanks for your advice.
Advansys SupportGreat, thanks for letting us know.
Advansys Supportquote:
As an alternative, could I implement a reply-with-close button that closed a mail while opening a reply to type into?
Following code will close the mail window. It make sure the mail window is opened. Incorrectly calling the “CloseWindow” can result closing the GroupWise client window.
if (lcase(groupwise.EnvCurrentViewName) = "mail") then groupwise.CloseWindow() end if
You can create a Formativ Applet with the code above:
– Integrate the applet to Email – OnReply/OnForward event (In Formativ IDE, select the applet, select Integration tab)
– Change the Applet execution direction (arrow symbol) to “Before GroupWise Event”, restart the GroupWise client.When the user press the reply/forward button then Applet will execute, it will close mail window if opened. If user press the reply/forward button from the message toolbar then Applet will close the message, however the draft message will not be closed.
Hope this helps.
Advansys SupportThanks for letting us know. We think the key may had a control character at the end of the code when copy and paste to the Registration Utility.
Advansys SupportWhich operating system you are running (i.e. XP, Vista, Windows 7)?
Emoticons is free cool solution so I guess you are trying to register the Formativ Runtime, make sure to select Formativ Runtime in Registration Utility then apply the key.
If the problem persists then email your Formativ Configuration information to Support ( You can access this via the main GroupWise menus: Help | About Formativ. When the ‘About Box’ appears, select the ‘Configuration’ tab. Press the ‘copy to clipboard’ button, then paste the contents of the clipboard into your email.
Advansys SupportAre you referring to the free cool solution Document Management System Meta Data Export? Can you provide more information.
Please note, all applets supplied to the Novell Cool Solutions Applet Central area are not supported by Novell or Advansys. However, we always try to update the solution (bug fix, enhancement, etc) when the resources becomes available.
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