Forum Replies Created
The sample code above works fine with or without (), {} in the textMessage variable. May be the issue is relate to the GroupWise version. We have test the sample code in GroupWise 6.5.6 (1/02/2006 build) client. Which versions of GroupWise are you using (See Help – About GroupWise)?
How do you execute the applet? We have execute the sample applet from the composing message toolbar. If you do not have a valid composing message then the Token will not execute and the return value will be FALSE.
Hope this helps.
Advansys SupportThe defect may be lies in the Formativ SendOptions command. We will review this issue in the next maintenance release. In the meantime, see the response to use the ThrowToken method to execute a Token. See the Formativ Language Guide for more information about ThrowToken method.
Hi rdryan,
Could you please provide some sample code as we could not reproduce the behaviour. The sample code below uses the ComposingItem and ItemSetText token to insert the characters you described above.
GroupWise.ComposingItem.bodytext = "(), {}" iText = "(), {}" iSyntax = "ItemSetText(""X00"";10;""" & iText & """;1;1)" msgbox groupwise.throwtoken(iSyntax, iReturnVal)
Advansys SupportYou can add toolbar button to GroupWise Main Window or each message type (mail, task, note, etc) window. Open the Formativ IDE then go to the Integrations tab and check toolbar option. You may need to restart GroupWise to see the appropriate toolbar buttons appearing.
You can not change the toolbar button appearance as you described above. May be you can have two distinct applets to perform the task or you can change the applet operation based on a key pressed.
The sample code below add some text to the message subject when the toolbar button pressed. If the CTRL key was pressed when the applet execute then the applet will remove the text from the message subject. See the Formativ Language Guide for more information about the KeyIsDown method.
dim OldSubject dim AddSubject call GroupWise.FocusSet(9, "") ' Is the CTRL key down? iRemoveText = utilities.KeyIsDown(VK_CONTROL) OldSubject = GroupWise.ItemGetText("X00", 9) AddSubject = "[somestring] " ' Remove text from the subject if the CTRL key down otherwise insert the text. if iRemoveText then If (InStr(1, OldSubject, AddSubject, vbTextCompare) > 0) then OldSubject = replace(OldSubject, AddSubject, " ", 1, -1, vbTextCompare) call GroupWise.ItemSetText("X00", 9,OldSubject, false) end if else If (InStr(1, OldSubject, AddSubject, vbTextCompare) > 0) then call GroupWise.ItemSetText("X00", 9,OldSubject, false) else call GroupWise.ItemSetText("X00", 9,AddSubject + OldSubject, false) end if end if
Hope this helps.
Advansys SupportThanks for the feedback.
Advansys SupportSee below a sample code to iterate through the From controls:
iTotalControls = MainDlg.ControlCount for x = 0 to iTotalControls - 1 set oControl = MainDlg.controls(x) msgbox oControl.caption set oControl = nothing next
However, you can also access a Form control using the following approach:
msgbox MainDlg.checkbox1.caption
See this response about the components documentation.
Hope this helps.
Advansys SupportHi kempf,
If you want to create an appointment to your calendar then you should create posted appointment. No need to send the appointment to yourself and later accept the appointment. I don’t think you can automatically send and accept an appointment. See the example code below to create a posted appointment with alarm time:
set oGWAppt = groupwise.account.calendar.messages.Add(“GW.MESSAGE.APPOINTMENT”, fgwPersonal)
oGWAppt.OnCalendar = TRUE
oGWAppt.StartDate = now
oGWAppt.EndDate = DateAdd(“d”, 1, date)
oGWAppt.Subject.PlainText = “Test appointment”
oGWAppt.Place = “Office”
oGWAppt.BodyText.PlainText = “Appointment body”
oGWAppt.AlarmSet = true
oGWAppt.AlarmReminderMinutes = 20
set oGWAppt = nothingHowever, if you want to accept an incoming appointment then you have to use the Token API. The example code below uses the Token API to accept a selected appointment. See Formativ language Guide for more information about ThrowToken method.
set oMsg = client.clientstate.commandmessage msgbox groupwise.throwtoken("ItemAccept(""Review required"";160;""" & oMsg.messageid & """;)", returnVal) set oMsg = nothing
Hope this helps.
Advansys SupportHi rdryan,
The defect actually lies in the Formativ GroupWise.ItemSetText() command. We will fix this issue in the next maintenance release. In the meantime, you can work around the bug by using ThrowToken method as shown here:
iText = “Double quote(“”””).”
iSyntax = “ItemSetText(“”X00″”;10;””” & iText & “””;1;1)”
msgbox groupwise.throwtoken(iSyntax, iReturnVal)The ThowToken method calls the native GroupWise token directly, and returns a boolean indicating if the token actually worked. See the Formativ Language Guide for more information.
Hope this helps.
Advansys SupportHi,
The Routing Mail message example does not support attachments. If you are updating the solution to support attachments then refer to the Object API documentation, specially the Message, Attachments and Attachment object. See below the sample code to add and view attachments.
Add a file type attachment…
Message.Attachments.Add(“c:temptest.txt”, egwFile, “”)
View available attachments…
for each attachment in oMsg.attachments
msgbox attachment.displayname
I have been attempting to add code to add a custom field to hold the attachment files but with little success. Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
I am not sure why you want to add the attachment files to custom field. I think you should use the Message.Attachments collection to manage the attachments. The sample code below add a custom field to a message.
on error resume next‘ Get the selected message object.
set oMsg = nothing
set oMsg = Client.clientstate.commandmessage
if oMsg is nothing then
exit sub
end if‘ Make sure the field definition exists in the account. Add the field definition if
‘ not exists. You may need to restart the GroupWise client to refresh the field definitions
‘ collection.
set oFieldDef = nothing
Set oFieldDef = GroupWise.Account.FieldDefinitions.Item(“Field Name”, fgwString)if oFieldDef is nothing then
Set oFieldDef = GroupWise.Account.FieldDefinitions.Add(“Field Name”, fgwString)
end if‘ Add the field into message fields collection
call oMsg.Fields.Add(“Field Name”, fgwString, “c:temptest.txt”)set oMsg = nothing
set oFieldDef= nothing
———————–Hope this helps.
Advansys SupportHi J.Hill,
I don’t think you can set the default directory for this token. See below the GroupWise online Tokens documentation or Formativ Language Guide for more information about the tokens.
Tokens Reference (L-Z):
Hope this helps.
Advansys SupportHi kempf,
We also could not access the root folder name on GroupWise 7.0.1B (2/17/2006) with the localized word for “Home”. We can only access the root folder name without the word “Home”. We have followed the updated Object API documentation (see below) to access Owner object of the account and retrieve the display name but it return the name without the word “Home”.
Looks like it could be a bug in the GroupWise Object API. We’ll ask Novell about this issue. More information might be available over in the Novell GroupWise developer forums: thought, you can call the GroupWise.ItemSaveMessageDraft token without the folder path. If no folder is specified, the user is prompted to indicate which folder to use.
Object API: GroupWise Folder
For GroupWise 7.0 and later, the Name for the root folder is the User’s Display Name, concatenated with the localized word for home. For example, in GroupWise 6.5, the root folder name for user John Doe is “John Doe.” For GroupWise 7.0, that same root folder is now “John Doe Home.” Your application might need to check the ObjType property of a folder to ensure that it is the true root folder. If it is the root folder, you can access the Owner property of the account, then retrieve the DisplayName of the user from the returned Address object (which is the same string that is used to name the root folder in previous GroupWise versions).
Hope this helps.
Advansys SupportFebruary 22, 2006 at 10:04 pm in reply to: Stationary enabled HTML messages with images being sent as attachments #8844We could not reproduce the behaviour in GroupWise 7.0.1B (build 2/17/2006). Here are the steps we performed:
– Create a mail message in GroupWise 7.0.1B client.
– Insert picture into the message body.
– Send the message to Gmail account.Which non GroupWise client you are using? Please try the steps above and let us know whether you can view the embedded images.
Advansys SupportItemDelete() token deletes an item from the Mailbox or Sent Items. This token has optional parameters to deletes all instances of autodate item and retracts a Sent Items. We tried this token and couldn’t get to delete appointment from other members calendar. Seems like this token only delete messages from current account. The code below use the ThrowToken method which uses the native GroupWise Token Commander to execute the given token.
set oApptMsg = Client.clientstate.commandmessage
iSyntax = “ItemDelete(“”” & oApptMsg.messageid & “””;1;;1;292)”
msgbox groupwise.throwtoken(iSyntax, returnVal)See the Formativ Language Guide for syntax about the ThrowToken method and GroupWise online Tokens documentation for more information about available tokens. It’s often worthwhile posting questions about the GroupWise APIs to the appropriate Novell Developer Support Forums. While we always try to respond where possible, time constraints may prevent us from fully answering enquiries about issues that are specific to the GroupWise APIs.
Hope this helps.
Advansys Supportquote:
How can CC or BC be set?
You can set the recipients using the Object API or Token API.
Object API
call objDraft.Recipients.Add(“”, “”, fgwTo)
call objDraft.Recipients.Add(“”, “”, gwCC)
call objDraft.Recipients.Add(“”, “”, gwBC)Token API
call groupwise.itemsettext(“X00”, itfTo, “”, true)
call groupwise.itemsettext(“X00”, itfCC, “”, true)
call groupwise.itemsettext(“X00”, itfBC, “”, true)“X00” is active compose message ID. I will recommend to create the draft message in Work-In-Progress folder instead Mailbox folder.
Set objDraft = GroupWise.Account.workfolder.Messages.Add(fgwdraft)quote:
How can i include the senders email address?
See the sample code below to add the selected message’s sender email address. You need to place error handling incase no message selected in GroupWise client. See the “Visual Basic Script Guide” and “Formativ Language Guide” for details.
set oMsg = client.clientstate.commandmessage
call objDraft.Recipients.Add(oMsg.sender.emailaddress, “”, fgwTo)I hope this helps.
Advansys Support -