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  • in reply to: Creating Mail with an Documentreference #7207
    Support 3

      As Preston Stephenson stated in your Novell forum post that Novell will investigate the issue.

      We will wait to see the results of the investigation.

      Advansys Support

      in reply to: Creating Mail with an Documentreference #7204
      Support 3

        Looks like Messages.Add() method not working when you provide “GW.MESSAGE.DOCUMENTREFERENCE” as class name.

        Good to see your post in Novell Object API forum. Keep us update, if you find any resolution to the post.

        Novell docs says “If ClassName is omitted, a document reference (GW.MESSAGE.DOCUMENTREFERENCE) is assumed.”. Based on it, following code should work where class name not provided.

        Set MailObjRef = MyAccount.DocumentsFolder.Messages.Add("", DocNew, fgwCurrent)

        Hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

        in reply to: Custom Forms #8187
        Support 3

          Thanks for the explanations.

          As you stated, you have used the GroupWise View Designer to create the form and Formativ for the code. Looks like overlapping controls issue relate to the View Designer.

          Unfortunately, we don’t have enough exprerience with GroupWise View Designer. Please make sure that GroupWise View Designer is uptodate. Perhaps, review the form in installed version of the GroupWise client.

          Advansys Support

          in reply to: Make some words bold before sending #5644
          Support 3

            Great, thanks for letting us know and glad it was of assistance.

            Advansys Support

            in reply to: 2.0.2 beta expired #6323
            Support 3

              Thanks for your post. We will contact you by direct email.

              Advansys Support

              in reply to: Purchases of MessageSave and Runtime #9092
              Support 3

                Could you please provide more information. Please send your enquiry to Support ( so we can contact you directly.

                Advansys Support

                in reply to: Make some words bold before sending #5647
                Support 3

                  You can also obtain an instance of the IHTMLDocument interface associated with the given window handle then update inner html.

                  See IHTMLDocument2 interface for available members:

                  The code below access message body, set bold to some of the words.

                    dim oList
                    dim oDocument
                    dim x
                    dim text  
                    dim innerHtml
                    dim handle
                    ' List of word to modify
                    set oList = utilities.stringlist
                    set oDocument = nothing
                    ' Get the message handle
                    handle = Utilities.FindWindow("OFMailView", "")
                    ' Get an instance of the IHTMLDocument interface
                    if Utilities.IHTMLDocumentFromViewHandle(handle, oDocument) = 0 then
                      innerHtml = oDocument.body.innerHtml
                      for x = 0 to oList.Count - 1
                        text  = oList.Strings(x)
                        innerHtml = utilities.FastReplace(innerHtml, text, "<b>" & text & "</b>", false)
                      oDocument.body.innerHtml = innerHtml
                    end if
                    set oList = nothing
                    set oDocument = nothing

                  Hope this helps.

                  Advansys Support

                  in reply to: Make some words bold before sending #5646
                  Support 3

                    See the following post, which shows how to change message body text to bold:


                    Advansys Support

                    in reply to: error message #9738
                    Support 3

                      This is a low-level error message which can have multiple causes, such as GroupWise data store corruption issues. Please see below some suggestions:

                      • Upgrade the GroupWise client to latest point release. Please check the list of updates at the following address:
                      • Are there any folders in the GroupWise archive which contain 4,960 or more items? On occasion we have found that to circumvent ‘strange’ errors like an inaccessible folder, it’s useful to divide a large folder (5,000 or more messages) into several smaller folders (Mailbox-2007, Mailbox-2006, etc.) before running Creator.
                      • We recommend running GWCheck on the affected account prior to archiving.
                      • Make sure you are running latest version of the Archive To Go:
                      • If you want to include native GroupWise archives, please make sure the folders are not ‘Read-only’.

                      Hope this helps.

                      Advansys Support

                      in reply to: GroupWise Crashes When Forms Closed Repeatedly #8192
                      Support 3


                        However, if I do this repeatedly, then GroupWise crashes.

                        We have created a simple applet which shows two form (Main form modal & Help non-modal) and unable to reproduce the behaviour. Can you provide details steps.

                        Advansys Support

                        in reply to: password protect #9737
                        Support 3

                          Thanks for your post. We will review this feature in next release.

                          Advanays Support

                          in reply to: Custom Forms #8189
                          Support 3

                            Thanks for your post.

                            The behaviour is not relate to Formativ version, its about how you designed the form, controls alignment, anchor, etc.

                            You should use panel and set its Align to client then add controls into the panel. You can use controls (button, etc) Anchors so when form resize or workstation appearance changes (i.e. font, theme, etc) then your solution form also adjust accordingly.

                            Advanays Support

                            in reply to: Spellcheck Form #8186
                            Support 3

                              Sorry we can not reproduce the behaviour in-house using GroupWise client 8.0.1 (build date 08/01/2010).

                              Looks like your text “Writing tools” not misspelled. We have tried “softwore writing tools langoage” (without quote, software & language misspelled) and speller fixed it to “software writing tools language”.

                              Your configuration shows that you are using 7.0.2 client, we always recommend to use latest point release of the GroupWise client.

                              Advansys Support

                              in reply to: Groupwise/Formativ Error #6320
                              Support 3

                                We have received your email and will respond by direct email.

                                Advansys Support

                                in reply to: password protect #9735
                                Support 3

                                  The current release of Archive To Go 2.0 does not provide a way to password-protect archives. We will review the encryption feature in next release.

                                  In the interim you may be able to find an interim solution using folder-encryption software, eg TrueCrypt. A tool like this may permit you to encrypt the contents of an archive folder before copying to DVD so that a password is required for accessing that folder on the DVD.

                                  Hope this helps.

                                  Advansys Support

                                Viewing 15 replies - 136 through 150 (of 929 total)