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  • in reply to: Can I do an SQL query in a Formativ applet? #6403
    Support 2


      Sorry for the delay in our response. We are currently participating at BrainShare 2002 in Salt Lake City and we should be able to respond shortly.


      Advansys Support

      in reply to: Runtime error #5658
      Support 2

        The FileSystemObject component appears to be missing or disabled. This component is not installed by Formativ and is assumed to be already installed and accessible. This explains why the problem is machine specific.

        Have you tried reinstalling MS Internet Explorer 5.5 or above?


        Advansys Support

        in reply to: How do I access an attached email’s information? #6400
        Support 2

          Don’t know a quick answer to this one. There was a problem previously which related to accessing GWIA (Internet) email message body text. It looks like it has been addressed in the latest SPs for 5.5/5.5EP but I’m not sure if it’s in 6.01 yet. Maybe in SP2. In any case, I’ll pass it by the engineering team.


          Advansys Support

          in reply to: FormativAdministrator problems #5211
          Support 2

            No problem and thanks for the good news.


            Advansys Support

            in reply to: FormativAdministrator problems #5207
            Support 2

              Please check all the options in the configuration object, including create and manage personal applets and record personal applets. If these last two options are not enabled, which in your post you indicate that they are not, then you will not be able to create or edit applets, which is the problem that you are experiencing.

              Please let us know if selecting these options solves the problem.


              Advansys Support

              in reply to: FormativAdministrator problems #5209
              Support 2

                Thanks for the config information and additional background. At this stage there are no known software problems which could cause this issue. As your local installation works fine, it appears that your eDirectory config is preventing you accessing the libraries as an administrator.

                We need to confirm a few things. What options do you have checked in your configuration object, Graded Configuration?

                Under the Applet Libraries page of your configuration object, do you have all the libraries listed for which you require access?

                Is your User object specifically listed in each of the Formativ Library object’s Library Administrators page?


                Advansys Support

                in reply to: FormativAdministrator problems #5210
                Support 2

                  This is an unusual problem, particularly as all was working fine previously. I’ll pass this onto our project engineers tomorrow for review. I suspect it is likely to be a rights issue which should be able to be resolved.

                  What may have changed on your system which could potentially explain such a change? For example have there been changes to your login, server or PC recently which could possibly be associated with the problem?

                  In the mean time, could you please send your Formativ configuration information to us at or copy/paste it into a forum message. See the Help|About Formativ|Configuration Tab to access this information and to copy the contents to the clipboard for inserting into the email message or the forum message.


                  Advansys Support

                  in reply to: When is the “On Message Arrival” event triggered? #6397
                  Support 2

                    No problem. You will find an example of this approach in the Virus Alert applet which ships with Formativ.

                    Please let us know if you have any other questions.


                    Advansys Support

                    in reply to: When is the “On Message Arrival” event triggered? #6398
                    Support 2

                      You’re right, the client must be running when the message comes for the On Message Arrival event to be triggered.

                      The way you can sometimes get around this issue is to write your applet so that it executes on startup and scans existing messages looking for those that are unread.


                      Advansys Support

                      in reply to: How do I create a new Phone message? #6390
                      Support 2

                        No problem. Let us know if you have any problems.


                        Advansys Support

                        in reply to: How do I create a new Phone message? #6392
                        Support 2

                          That’s correct about the Clone message limitation. Sorry about the URL, I posted the one which goes to the main page. The following should be correct:


                          It certainly doesn’t look like an easy one to use but I found the following basic code created a blank message in the Mailbox:

                          Call GroupWise.Account.MailBox.Messages.AddExistingMessage(“Joe”, “”, “”, Date, 1, 0, 2, 0)

                          You’ll note that it is not a personal message and cannot be edited via the client. There are some other parameters which need to be used to point it to the content of an existing message structure, which I believe would fill in the other fields.


                          Advansys Support

                          in reply to: How do I create a new Phone message? #6394
                          Support 2

                            Unfortunately there is no way to morph the message without creating a new message, which means the time stamp will always be different and you need to process the attachment.

                            Instead of using the exact code in the example for the Phone message creation, you could modify it so that it creates a Posted Phone Message rather than a group phone message. You could then include the date/time stamp details of the original message in the body text of the phone message. As you pointed out, this is not ideal because a) you would still need to transfer the WAV attachment and b) the creation date of the message does not match the original.

                            As an aside, just for future reference, see the new AddExistingMessage command at . We have not used this call yet as it was only documented last week. In any case this new call will not solve your current requirements. It allows the creation of a new message without actually sending it (incoming, outgoing, draft, personal), although it appears that this will only work with an email message type.


                            Advansys Support

                            in reply to: How do I create a new Phone message? #6396
                            Support 2

                              The following applet code should assist. Please let me know if you have any further questions.


                              Advansys Support


                              ' Create a New Phone Message
                              ' The following example creates a new phone message without any user
                              ' interface. You would normally use this approach when you have all the information
                              ' required to create a new item, and there is no need for user interaction.

                              Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

                              Dim objPhone
                              Dim objNewPhone
                              Dim objRecipient

                              ' Create a draft phone message with no user interface
                              Set objPhone = GroupWise.Account.Calendar.Messages.Add("GW.MESSAGE.PHONE", fgwDraft)

                              ' Add a single recipient - ourself
                              Set objRecipient = objPhone.Recipients.Add(GroupWise.Account.Owner.EmailAddress,,0)
                              With objPhone
                              .FromText = "Formativ"
                              .Priority = fgwNormal
                              .CallerCompany = "Advansys"
                              .CallerName = "Mr Smith"
                              .CameToSee = TRUE
                              .PhoneNumber = "555 7777"
                              .PleaseCall = TRUE
                              .ReturnedCall = TRUE
                              .Telephoned = TRUE
                              .Urgent = TRUE
                              .WantsToSee = TRUE
                              .WillCall = TRUE
                              .Subject = "This phone message was created using Formativ"
                              .BodyText.PlainText = "This is the body text"
                              End With

                              Set objNewPhone = objPhone.Send

                              Call MsgBox ("Message Id : " & objNewPhone.MessageID, 64, "Formativ")

                              Set objRecipient = Nothing
                              Set objPhone = Nothing

                              End Sub

                              in reply to: Stationery Applet #5656
                              Support 2

                                Just to be sure that the registered file type associations do not cause any more trouble with document recognition, we’ve again updated the applet so that it now checks the file extension rather than the registered file type.

                                You can download the updated applet from URL,

                                Let us know how you progress.


                                Advansys Support

                                in reply to: Stationery Applet #5657
                                Support 2

                                  When you view the stationery html templates file listing in Windows Explorer, what is the file type listed as? Is it one of the following?

                                  HTML Document
                                  html Document
                                  HTM Document
                                  htm Document


                                  Advansys Support

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