Forum Replies Created
Thanks for your comments. The graphics are actually embedded as attachments by the GroupWise client when it creates the Mime.822 attachment. This will happen whenever you author a GroupWise HTML email which references a graphic. This behavior is not related to the applet.
Even if you send the email to yourself via the GW client, i.e. internally, not via the Internet, while you may not see the attachment icon (paperclip) in the message list view when the message is received, if you preview the message via the QuickViewer (with the attachment window visible), you will see the graphics and the TEXT.HTM file as attachments to the message.
It is standard GW client behavior for any GroupWise HTML message, which contains a graphic, to be received via the Internet with the images as attachments. The benefit of this technique is that the images always travel with the email, making it self contained. This disbenefit is that you can’t have live image links and choose not embed the images.
I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Advansys Support
Thanks for the feedback!
Just let us know if you have any further questions.
Advansys Support
The problem appears to be that you are using Object API commands to build most of the message but then you are using a Token command, Call GroupWise.ItemAttachmentAdd(“X00″,115,MessagesID(1),”Test”), to add the attachment.
Unfortunately you cannot mix the types of API commands in this manner. Instead you would use the Object API command to add the attachment. For example, to add a file ‘c:test.txt’ to the message, you would use:
call objDraft.Attachments.Add(“c:test.txt”, fgwFile, “Test”)
To add an existing message, you use:
call objMail.Attachments.Add(Msg, “Description”)
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
Does ScriptRecorder.xml exist in the Formativ Data folder (normally c:program filesadvansysformativdata) on the machines with the problem?
If so, could you please email the ScriptRecorder.xml file(s) to for analysis.
Thank you,
Advansys Support
April 17, 2002 at 6:47 am in reply to: Listing the contents of a folder to a Word document – problem with script #6417It appears that Word 97 does not allow us to set shading and styles that we used in the applet. We’ve updated the applet, which now checks the Word version and, if it is Word 97, then the applet will not set the shading and color.
We sent you the applet direct via email and thank you for the return email which confirms that it solves your problem. We will make this update available in the next release of Formativ.
Best regards,
Advansys Support
Great. Below are a few more examples:
call msgbox("message text", 0, "Dialog Title")
call msgbox("message text", 16, "Dialog Title")
call msgbox("message text", 32, "Dialog Title")
call msgbox("message text", 48, "Dialog Title")
call msgbox("message text", 64, "Dialog Title")
You can find the full details in the MS VBS Help file which is accessible from the dropdown list on FormativCentral’s Help button.
Advansys Support
Below is some example source code which will copy selected message info to clipboard or to a file. You will need to edit the code to change modes, for example set the COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD value to the following features:
A) TRUE = Copy to clipboard
B) FALSE = Save to a filecode:
Const CAPTION = "Formativ Business Solutions"
HRT = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
' Main Line processing
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
dim messageList
' Change the value to (TRUE = Copy to clipboard, FALSE = Save to a file)
set messageList = Utilities.StringList
On Error Resume Next
' If we selected more then one messages
If Client.ClientState.SelectedMessages.Count > 1 then
for x = 1 to Client.ClientState.SelectedMessages.Count
Set iMsg = Client.ClientState.SelectedMessages.Item(x)
call ExtractMessageInfo(messageList, iMsg)
set iMsg = Nothing
' If only one message selected
Set iMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
If iMsg is Nothing then
call MsgBox ("Message(s) not selected.", 64, CAPTION)
exit sub
call ExtractMessageInfo(messageList, iMsg)
End If
End If
' Copy the messages details into clipboard
end if
set iMsg = nothing
set messageList = nothing
End Sub
' Extract message details and store in a string list
Sub ExtractMessageInfo(messageList, iMsg)
with messageList
.Add(iMsg.Subject & HRT & iMsg.Sender.DisplayName & HRT & iMsg.Sender.EmailAddress & HRT &_
iMsg.CreationDate & HRT & iMsg.BodyText)
end with
End Sub
' Copy to clipbord
' Note: You can use Utilities.FromClipBoard to get the value from the clipboard.
Sub CopyToClipboard(messageList)
call MsgBox ("Messages details copied to clipboard.", 64, CAPTION)
End Sub
' Save into a file
' Create a text file in the formativ default data folder and write the details in.
Sub SaveInToFile(messageList)
dim iFSO
FILE_NAME = Utilities.GetDataDirectory & "Test.txt"
Set iFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Call iFSO.CreateTextFile(FILE_NAME, True)
call Utilities.SaveStringToFile(messageList.Text, FILE_NAME, TRUE)
set iFSO = nothing
call MsgBox (FILE_NAME & " - file created.", 64, CAPTION)
End Sub
I hope this helps and let us know if you have any further questions.
Advansys Support
No problem!
where can i find the file formativruntime.exe /ro-in my computer ? or this is a special file that i have to download?
The formativruntime.exe file is the installation file for the Formativ Client software (not the Formativ Admin software, which is formativ.exe). The installation file can be downloaded from I don’t know why you could not access the Help|About Formativ dialog after 30-days.
The Formativ software can be removed via Windows Add/Remove Programs feature within the Windows Control Panel. However, for obvious reasons, the uninstall procedure will not remove the trial time system.
Perhaps the best way is to reinstall the Formativ Client software by running formativruntime.exe with the /r option (register), i.e.
formativruntime /r-[your registration key], where
[your registration key] is the Formativ Client (runtime) registration key which was provided to you. Please let us know if this does not assist.Regards,
Advansys Support
P.S. I just realized that I used some HTML characters which caused some text not to display in my last message, making it rather unintelligible. I have corrected it now. Sorry for any inconvenience.
[This message was edited by Support 2 on April 07, 2002 at 04:46 PM.]
[This message was edited by Support 2 on April 07, 2002 at 04:48 PM.]
Did you see our reply to your previous question at URL: ?
Which SQL server do you wish to integrate with?
Advansys Support
You should be able to register the software in a couple of ways:
1) entering the registration key via the GroupWise Help|About Formativ dialog;
2) with the installation file according to the instructions in the distribution kit help file (Formativ Distribution Kit.chm). For example, you can use the /ro-[Registration Code] Register Only Mode:
The /ro switch is used to register Formativ. It does not install any file, so Formativ must have already been installed on the PC in order to use this parameter. You must provide the registration code exactly as supplied by Advansys, or your reseller, for the registration to be successful.
So you would use:
formativruntime.exe /ro-[regcode], where [regcode] should be replaced by the registration code we provided to you.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further problems.
Advansys Support
[This message was edited by Support 2 on April 07, 2002 at 04:47 PM.]
Hi Jo,
As the answer requires a little more explanation, we will respond when we return from BrainShare next week.
Thanks for your patience.
Advansys Support
Hi Jo,
You can’t trap events in the current dialog system. However, in SP1, which is due shortly, you will be able to design HTML dialogs and use embedded JavaScript to update the controls. This is what we are demonstrating at BrainShare for the first time and we are getting a great response!
Advansys Support
Sorry for the delay in our response. We are currently participating at BrainShare 2002 in Salt Lake City and we should be able to respond shortly.
Advansys Support
No, you cannot use Formativ objects in VB.
Advansys Support