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  • in reply to: Save message text to a file #6443
    Support 2

      Please let us know if you have any questions.


      Advansys Support

      ' Formativ Solutions for GroupWise
      ' Store messages into file
      ' Designed by: Formativ Business Solution Team
      ' Copyright (c) 2002 Advansys Corporation (
      ' Version 1.0
      ' Description:
      ' This applet will store the incoming messages and file type attachments. You need
      ' to replace the constant value MARKER with the text the applet will search for each message's subject.
      ' You need to provide the folder path where the messages will be saved. This applet
      ' will save the file with an unique id using current date time stamp (eg test_020314153920.doc).
      ' Change the constant value UNIQUE_NAME to false if you do not want the unique id. Change
      ' the constant CONFIRMATION_DIALOG to false if you do not want to display any confirmation
      ' dialog.
      ' INTEGRATIONS: This applet requires integration with GroupWise message arrival and
      ' On Startup.

      ' The text applet will search in the message's subject
      const MARKER = "F023"
      ' Set the file extension
      const FILE_EXTENSION = ".doc"
      ' the folder where the messages will be saved
      const FOLDER = "c:"
      ' Produce a unique name for each file (Using date time stamp)
      const UNIQUE_NAME = TRUE
      ' Save the file type attachments
      ' Display the confirmation dialog at the end

      const CAPTION = "Formativ Business Solutions"
      HRT = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
      FILE_NAME = Utilities.GetDataDirectory & "CheckOnce.ol"

      ' Main line processing
      Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

      dim iMessageClass

      if (FOLDER <> "") and (MARKER <> "") and (FILE_EXTENSION <> "") then
      set iMessageClass = new MessageClass
      ' Perform the processing
      set iMessageClass = nothing
      end if

      End Sub

      ' Message class
      Class MessageClass

      private iFSO
      private iMailBox
      private iMessagesCount
      private iMessagesObj
      private iCommander
      private iStatusDlg

      ' Constructor
      private sub class_initialize
      set iMailBox = GroupWise.Account.MailBox
      Set iStatusDlg = Utilities.NewStatusDialog
      Set iFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      Set iCommander = CreateObject("GroupWiseCommander")
      end sub

      ' Destructor
      private sub class_terminate
      set iFSO = nothing
      set iStatusDlg = nothing
      set iMailBox = nothing
      set iMessagesObj = nothing
      set iCommander = nothing
      end sub

      ' Get the current date time
      private function GetCurrentDateTime
      iDay = Day(date)
      if len(iDay) = 1 then
      iDay = "0" & iDay
      end if

      iMonth = Month(date)
      if len(iMonth) = 1 then
      iMonth = "0" & iMonth
      end if

      iYear = Year(date)
      if len(iYear) > 2 then
      iYear = right(iYear, 2)
      end if

      iTime = FormatDateTime(Time, vbShortTime)
      iTime = Replace(iTime, ":", "")
      iTime = Replace(iTime, ",", "")
      iTime = Replace(iTime, " ", "")

      GetCurrentDateTime = "_" & iYear & iMonth & iDay & iTime & Second(Now)
      end function

      ' Store each message
      private sub StoreMessages
      with iStatusDlg
      .MainText = "Saving messages ..."
      .ProgressRange = iMessagesCount
      end with

      for x = 1 to iMessagesCount
      set iMsg = iMessagesObj.Item(x)
      if isobject(iMsg) then
      iFileName = GetFileName(iMsg.Subject)
      if iFileName <> "" then
      ' Save the message into the file. You can set the file format as (Ansitext - fmtAnsitexts) or (Word perfect 6 - fmtWordPerfect60)
      iToken = "ItemSaveMessage(""" & iMsg.MessageID & """;""" & iFileName & """;" & fmtWordPerfect60 & ")"
      ' Execute the token through the commander
      Call iCommander.Execute(iToken, "")
      ' You can also save the file type attachments as follow:
      if (iMsg.attachments.count > 0) and SAVE_FILE_TYPE_ATTACHMENTS then
      for iNum = 1 to iMsg.attachments.count
      set iAttachment = iMsg.attachments.item(iNum)
      if iAttachment.ObjType = fgwFile then & iAttachment.FileName)
      end if
      set iAttachment = nothing
      end if
      end if
      iStatusDlg.ProgressPosition = x
      iStatusDlg.StatusText = "Subject: " & iMsg.Subject
      end if
      ' Mark this message as read
      iMsg.Read = TRUE
      set iMsg = nothing
      end sub

      ' Set the file name with the file extension
      private function GetFileName(aSubject)

      ' Replace some characters which not acceptable as the file name
      aSubject = replace(aSubject, "/", "")
      aSubject = replace(aSubject, "", "")
      aSubject = replace(aSubject, "*", "")
      aSubject = replace(aSubject, "?", "")
      aSubject = replace(aSubject, """", "")
      aSubject = replace(aSubject, "'", "")
      aSubject = replace(aSubject, "<", "")
      aSubject = replace(aSubject, ">", "")
      aSubject = replace(aSubject, "|", "")
      aSubject = replace(aSubject, ":", "")

      ' Produce a unique file name for each messages using the current date time and second
      if UNIQUE_NAME then
      GetFileName = FOLDER & aSubject & GetCurrentDateTime & FILE_EXTENSION
      GetFileName = FOLDER & aSubject & FILE_EXTENSION
      end if

      end function

      ' Determine what action we have to take. Do we have to check all messages
      ' or only the unread messages.
      public sub DetermineAction
      if iFSO.FileExists(FILE_NAME) then
      Set iMessagesObj = iMailBox.FindMessages(iFilter)
      iMessagesCount = iMessagesObj.Count
      if iMessagesCount > 0 then
      end if
      Set iMessagesObj = iMailBox.FindMessages(iFilter)
      iMessagesCount = iMessagesObj.Count
      if (iMessagesCount > 0) then
      end if
      end if

      ' Display confirmation dialog
      if (iMessagesCount > 0) and CONFIRMATION_DIALOG then
      call msgbox("Messages saved." & HRT & "Folder: " & FOLDER, vbInformation, CAPTION)
      end if
      end sub

      end class
      in reply to: Anti-virus Message running Applets #8499
      Support 2

        We recommend that you do upgrade to the GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack client. This should provide better HTML support and it will provide any updated GroupWise client APIs which may be required.

        Which Windows operating system are you using?


        Advansys Support

        in reply to: Anti-virus Message running Applets #8502
        Support 2

          Which version of the GroupWise 32-bit client are you running?


          Advansys Support

          in reply to: Anti-virus Message running Applets #8500
          Support 2

            Yes, we run Norton AV too and can get the same message. The reason is that some applets, such as the Multiple Signatures etc., access the Windows file system (i.e. read files etc.) and Norton AV detects this operation. If you are running Norton AV 2002, you can choose to:

            1) Authorize the applet (script); or
            2) Disable script checking.

            Of course, if it is practical for your environment, number 1) is the definitely the preferred option.

            Please let us know if you have any further questions.


            Advansys Support

            in reply to: An OnClose event #6442
            Support 2

              Unfortunately not. We have submitted this enhancement request to Novell. This feature is not something we can include within Formativ unless Novell includes it in the underlying product.

              Best regards,

              Advansys Support

              in reply to: Compose command in C3PO… #6441
              Support 2

                Sure, on the Integrations tab in FormativCentral, just select the On Compose check box under the desired message type -> Events tree options. Once selected, this means that the applet will execute when the #compose event fires.

                You can also interrogate the applet’s global GWEvent variable to determine which GW event initiated it. For example, to test whether the the On Reply event initiated the applet, you could use:

                If GWEvent = "GW#C#REPLY" Then
                'Do something
                'Do something else
                End If

                The other GWEvent constant string values are shown below. These are the same as listed in the Novell C3PO SDK header files.


                Please let us know if you have any further questions.

                Best regards,

                Advansys Support

                in reply to: Formativ Applet runtime error #5673
                Support 2

                  MS Word 97 does not have many of the table automation commands available in later versions. For example, it appears that Word 97 does not allow us to set shading and styles that we used in the applet.

                  We will email you an updated applet which now checks the Word version and, if it is Word 97, then the applet will not set the shading and color.


                  Advansys Support

                  in reply to: Formativ Applet runtime error #5672
                  Support 2


                    Which version of MS Word are you using?


                    Advansys Support

                    in reply to: Formative Stationary Problems #5375
                    Support 2

                      Unfortunately we don’t know of any technical reason why this problem would occur. We can only think that it is related to the environment in which GroupWise is operating. To help us gain a further insight, could you please let us know the following:

                      1) What version of MS Internet Explorer are you using?

                      2) Send us your Formativ configuration information by selecting the GroupWise client’s Help menu, select About Formativ, select the Configuration tab and use the Copy to Clipboard button, then paste the config info into an email to us at or post it to the forum.

                      It is very unlikely to be related to Formativ because our stationery solution leverages the inherent HTML support in GroupWise. Formativ and the applet do not modify the GroupWise HTML features.

                      We are not aware of any other problems where a mail message is slow to be delivered when using HTML.

                      As you may know, if you switch to Plain Text view mode while editing a HTML email, any HTML formatting will be lost.

                      It may be worth you sending us the HTML file and images so we can simulate the operation here ( send to ).

                      BTW, did you upgrade from GW 5.5 to GW 5.5 EP? If so, did you ever install the HTML C3PO for GW 5.5? We will also be able to check this from the Formativ configuration information.


                      Advansys Support

                      [This message was edited by Support 2 on May 23, 2002 at 07:11 PM.]

                      in reply to: ConsoleOne admin #5217
                      Support 2

                        That’s good news. Please let us know if you have any further problems or questions.


                        Advansys Support

                        in reply to: ConsoleOne admin #5218
                        Support 2

                          The Formativ AdminTools installer should only install the Formativ snapins to the local workstation because we do not support our snapins when ConsoleOne is installed on the server. The installer looks in the Registry for the path of the local ConsoleOne installation.

                          I presume there is a problem with the installation of the snapins? Can you provide some details?

                          If so, we can certainly provide you with the steps to manually install the snapins.


                          Advansys Support

                          in reply to: Syntax for Accessing Forwarded Messages #6440
                          Support 2


                            One of our engineers has written the following sample code which we hope will assist. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

                            ' This sample code will display a selected message's subject. If the selected message
                            ' contains any message type attachments (ObjType = fgwMessage),
                            ' the code below will display the attachment's subject and the body text.

                            Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

                            HRT = Chr(13) & Chr(10)

                            on error resume next
                            Set objMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage

                            if isobject(objMsg) then

                            msgbox "Selected message's subject: " & objMsg.Subject & HRT &_
                            "Total attachments: " & objMsg.Attachments.count

                            if objMsg.Attachments.count > 0 then
                            for y = 1 to objMsg.Attachments.count
                            set FordwardMsg = objMsg.Attachments(y)

                            ' If the attachment is a message type then proceed
                            if FordwardMsg.ObjType = fgwMessage then
                            msgbox "Attachment's subject: " & FordwardMsg.Message.Subject & HRT &_
                            "Message: " & FordwardMsg.Message.BodyText
                            end if

                            set FordwardMsg = nothing
                            end if
                            msgbox "Select a message to continue."
                            end if

                            set objMsg = nothing

                            End Sub


                            Advansys Support

                            in reply to: ‘In place’ html forms #6438
                            Support 2

                              We’ll soon have a public beta available for the new Formativ version which will contain the new HTML features. In the mean time, we will contact you directly about access to the private beta.


                              Advansys Support

                              in reply to: Novell Netware Client Requirement #5664
                              Support 2

                                The current version of Formativ does require the NetWare client. However, a Formativ update, which is now in private beta, offers stand-alone, NetWare client or LDAP support.

                                If you would like to beta test the new version of Formativ prior to the public beta, please let us know.

                                The updated version of Formativ is scheduled to ship during early Summer.


                                Advansys Support

                                in reply to: Variable file attachments #6437
                                Support 2


                                  This feature certainly sounds like it is achievable. We have customized the new Email Merge applet to demonstrate the possibilities and have sent this to you directly via email.


                                  Advansys Support

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