Forum Replies Created
Thanks very much for the feedback. In Formativ 1.5, for the HTML stationery templates, you should use the Convert message to stationery solution rather than the ‘Message to template’. There are two main ‘template’ style solutions which ship with Formativ 1.5:
- Template System – Introduced with Formativ 1.0, this is a plain text system based on an XML format which enables simple or interactive, dynamically built forms. To create a Template System compatible template from a message, use the Message to template facility.
- Formativ Stationery – New to Formativ 1.5, this is an HTML based stationery template system. You create stationery templates by using an HTML editor (not MS Word) or with the Convert message to stationery facility.
Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Best regards,
Advansys Support
Good news.
Advansys Support
Thanks very much for the suggestion and it is now clear how this oversight in the documentation can cause incovenience. We will ensure that this is addressed for the forthcoming Formativ release.
Please let us know if you have any further problems or feedback.
Advansys Support
Thanks for the feedback. By using the /r-<regcode> parameter in the AddOn.cfg file, it would have been possible to automatically register Formativ as the software was being installed. This command line parameter is a standard feature of the installation program (see the Distribution Kit documentation).
However, as the software is already installed, you can register it by running the installation program again and using the /ro-<regcode> command line parameter, for example,
formativruntime /ro-<regcode>
where <regcode> should be replaced by the Formativ Client registration key code.
This facility will register the software without installing any software and without user intervention. An icon with this command line could be distributed to the end user via ZENWorks or perhaps you could send an email to each user with a batch file attached, which would run a centrally accessible installation program with the appropriate /ro-<regcode> command line parameter.
As a side note, which may or may not be practical in your case, if your users have acccess to Formativ eDirectory Applet Libraries, you could temporarily make available a Formativ applet which would run the installation with the appropriate command line parameter.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Advansys Support
The second snippet of code is what you are probably after. The first one is included for good measure.
1. Create a filter to return messages which have any value in the custom field 'Advansys Category'.
Call GroupWise.FilterSetText(hFilter, 331, "**", matSubText, "Advansys Category","")
2. Read the 'Advansys Category' custom field value from a selected message.
on error resume next
Set Msg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
set FieldOut = Msg.Fields.Item("Advansys Category", fgwString)
msgbox (FieldOut.Value)
set FieldOut = nothing
set Msg = nothing
We hope this helps. Please let us know if you need further assistance.
Advansys Support
Thanks for the background. I will pass this onto the engineering team and get back to you if there is another method which can be used.
Advansys Support
The following code snippet should assist. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
dim hFilter
' Clear any previous filter
Call GroupWise.FilterClear
hFilter = GroupWise.FilterCreate(fttEmpty, TRUE)
Call GroupWise.FilterSetText(hFilter, 331, "Test", matSubText, "Advansys Category","")
' Apply current filter
Call GroupWise.FilterApply(hFilter,fatItemList,"")Regards,
Advansys Support
No, at this stage, dialog manipulation at this level is not possible with Formativ. The good news is that we will be implementing this capability in a future service pack following the Formativ 1.5 release later this month.
How important is this feature to your organization? How many users would need to take advantage of a solution built on these capabilities?
Advansys Support
Thanks for the feedback. We have now posted Formativ Admin Please see below.
Updated Formativ Admin 1.0. Version updated to Fixed a problem in the ‘Disable Library Integrations’ dialog where unchecking a Formativ eDirectory Library would not disable eDirectory applet menu and event integrations when using Formativ Admin in Formativ Library Administrator mode. Unchecking a library in the startup dialog now fully disables all applet integrations for that library for the current Admin session.
Updated Formativ Admin installation file available from the Formativ download page.
Advansys Support
September 3, 2002 at 7:27 pm in reply to: Applet menu disappeared and formativ is no longer running. #5388We have identified from the configuration information which you have posted that the mode setting has dropped back to 0. This will almost certainly disable everything. We don’t know why this would happen, but it is suspected that something has happened on this machine at some point which caused the Formativ security system to drop back to zero rights.
You need to either completely remove the software from the PC to ensure that this registry entry is removed, or manually edit the registry to re-enable the software.
We will send you an email direct with the information which you require.
Best regards,
Advansys Support
Yes, you are right, it is a GroupWise client language issue. We have posted an update on August 22 which will resolve the following problems:
Updated Formativ Admin 1.0 and Client 1.0. Versions updated to Fixed two problems with non-English GroupWise clients:
]> Applet recorder now works and does not return ‘unspecified error’;
]> The About Formativ menu entry now appears under the Help menu.
The updated Formativ 1.0 installation files available from the Formativ download page, .
Just for future reference, you can also register the software by using the appropriate command line parameters with the installation program. This is detailed in the Formativ Distribution Kit help documentation.
Please let us know if you have any further problems.
Advansys Support
We can’t yet determine a logical reason for the problems which you are experiencing. If you have not done so already, we recommend reinstalling Formativ.
It may be related to either a worksation specific configuration issue or perhaps interaction with another piece of software. Do you have any monitoring software operating, such as an anti-virus program?
If you are in a position to test it, does the same problem happen on another workstation?
Advansys Support
We have uploaded a modified Publish folder list applet to our Web site for test purposes. It can be downloaded from: folder list to ms word_bsp.vbf
In this modified applet, the left and right margin commands (for the word document) have been commented out (near line 274). We hope that this may work around the problem, which certainly appears to be a Word version related issue.
In regards to your first posting, the problem with the Multiple Signatures solution, we are unable to duplicate the problem so far. Unfortunately we have no other similar reports which may assist in identifying the cause. Does the same problem occur on multiple workstations?
Advansys Support
Could you please confirm which applet are you running? Was the applet installed with the product or did you download it from either our Web site or Cool Solutions?
Once we know the exact applet, we should be able to identify and rectify the problem, which will be a Word 97 version issue.
Advansys Support
Try the code below, which should work. You were very close and just needed to include the append text parameter value.
OldSubject = GroupWise.ItemGetText("X00", 9)
MsgBox OldSubject
NewSubject = "Re: adjusted subject"
call GroupWise.ItemSetText("X00", itfSubject, NewSubject, FALSE)Regards,
Advansys Support