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  • in reply to: Proxy to other accounts #6610
    Support 2

      Hi Todd,

      We are not aware of a known issue which may cause this problem. On the account which fails, does the proxying user have the same rights to it as other accounts or for users where the applet works fine?

      If you proxy manually to the account, does the applet (which normaly fails) work after a manual proxy is performed during the same session?

      What is the exact error message?

      The reason for the question is that we have noticed some strange behavior in the past when proxying to accounts via an applet. We found that while a manual proxy would work for a target account, an applet proxying to the same account would fail with a ‘user not found’ or something similar. It would display a strange user ID, one which did not relate to the actual account name to which the applet should proxy. We eventually solved the problem by tracking down and deleting a Personal Address Book contact that the error had referenced. Somehow the proxy via the APIs was trying to resolve the account User ID against another entry in a Personal Address Book.

      Perhaps it would be worth reviewing the address book issue and maybe run an OFCHECK against both the target and source accounts.

      I hope this helps in tracking down the cause.


      Advansys Support

      in reply to: HTML Signatures deletes content #6603
      Support 2

        Thank you for your product feedback and for the problem notification. We discovered this problem late last week and our investigations with Novell have determined it is an issue in the GroupWise 6.5 client. While a resolution to the underlying client problem is likely to be available in GroupWise 6.5 SP1, in the interim we have researched a work-around. A test version of the updated Multiple Signatures solution was completed last Friday (Mar 14) and you can download it from the following URL:

        The best way to download the updated applet is to highlight the link and do a ‘save as’ into the default applet folder, c:program filesadvansysformativlocal and then restart the GroupWise client. Please note that this is a beta test version and it has not yet undergone rigorous testing in-house. However, testing so far has not revealed any problems.

        The same ‘replacement’ issue affects the Stationery solution and an update is being tested in-house at present. This only affects users when a message being created already has text in the body, such as when replying, and then loading stationery. The problem won’t occur if you are creating a new message and load the stationery first.

        Another issue within the GroupWise 6.5 client means that the current ‘Personalized Mass Email’ solution no longer works effectively for HTML messages which are received within the same GW system (the HTML version can’t be seen on internal mail). It does work correctly for HTML personalized mass email messages which are sent via the GWIA, i.e. external messages. While this GW 6.5 client issue will be rectified in SP1, we are also finalizing an interim update for this solution.

        Fortunately it appears we will be able to address these 6.5 issues and we will make the updates available in the near future.

        Please let us know if you have any problems with the updated Multiple Signatures solution.

        Kind regards,

        Advansys Support

        in reply to: Recurring Appointments and Meetings #6595
        Support 2

          What are you seeking to do? For example, what would you want the applet solution to do which is different to the standard GroupWise auto-date feature?

          Kind regards,

          Advansys Support

          in reply to: Cannot install #5411
          Support 2

            Hi, just a quick note to say we’ve sent you a private post.


            Advansys Support

            in reply to: “Today View” not working… #8529
            Support 2

              Sorry for the delay. Fortunately nothing sinister, we’re still researching potential causes of the problems you describe and the most effective way to move forward. For example, one thing you will notice that is different between your configuration listings is that your Symphony Third Party Handler DLL entries are duplicating.


              Third Party Handlers

              DLL1 C:NovellGroupWiseNexicnxs260.dll
              Nexic Symphony Shortcut Bar (NXS260.DLL) 2, 0, 0, 20402 02/04/2002 05:00:00 am
              DLL2 C:NovellGroupWiseNexicNXSY60.dll
              Nexic Symphony for GroupWise (NXSY60.DLL) 2, 0, 0, 20402 02/04/2002 05:00:00 am
              DLL3 C:NovellGroupWiseNexicNXSY60.dll
              Nexic Symphony for GroupWise (NXSY60.DLL) 2, 0, 0, 20402 02/04/2002 05:00:00 am
              DLL4 C:NovellGroupWiseNexicnxs260.dll
              Nexic Symphony Shortcut Bar (NXS260.DLL) 2, 0, 0, 20402 02/04/2002 05:00:00 am
              DLL5 C:PROGRA~1AdvansysFormativScriptRecorder.dll
              Advansys Formativ Applet Recorder (SCRIPTRECORDER.DLL) 1.5 13/09/2002 11:50:44 am
              DLL6 C:PROGRA~1AdvansysFormativTokenBlocker.dll
              Advansys Formativ Command Blocker (TOKENBLOCKER.DLL) 1.5 17/09/2002 09:06:06 pm
              DLL7 C:NovellGroupWiseNexicnxs260.dll
              Nexic Symphony Shortcut Bar (NXS260.DLL) 2, 0, 0, 20402 02/04/2002 05:00:00 am
              DLL8 C:NovellGroupWiseNexicNXSY60.dll
              Nexic Symphony for GroupWise (NXSY60.DLL) 2, 0, 0, 20402 02/04/2002 05:00:00 am

              Recently we have been researching the cause and implementing a work-around to address this Symphony issue, which only seems to occur under particular circumstances and which can certainly impact other third party GroupWise software, such as Formativ (which also use Third Party Handlers).

              Upon installation and during GroupWise client startup Symphony may rewrite the order of the DLLs in this section of the registry in order to achieve a particular sequence for its operation. Unfortunately, under certain conditions, Symphony starts duplicating the registry entries, as can be seen above. We spent a significant amount of time tracking the cause and then implementing a work-around in the latest version of Formativ 1.5.7, which is available from our Web site.

              We do not know whether this problem is the sole cause of the symptoms you are experiencing. If installing the latest update does not resolve all the issues, should it be agreeable with you, we may be able to arrange a Webex support session so we can see the problems first hand, which can often lead to a speedier resolution.


              Advansys Support

              in reply to: Not A Programmer Question – Interpret HTMLDialog #6534
              Support 2

                Good news. And yes, you’re right, the resultant path would be incorrect when adding the GetDataDirectory to the fully qualified path to your file.


                Advansys Support

                in reply to: Programmatically accept an appointment #6524
                Support 2

                  We hope the following code may help. Let us know if it does not.

                  const IDS_SELECT_APPT_MSG       = "Select a posted personal appointment message to proceed."    
                  const IDS_SELECT_MSG            = "Select a message to proceed."
                  const IDS_MSG_CREATED           = "Message created."
                  const IDS_CAPTION               = "Formativ Business Solutions"  
                  ' Main line processing
                  Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                    dim iMsg
                    dim iNewMsg
                    dim iCloneMsg
                    On Error Resume Next
                    Set iMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
                    if isobject(iMsg) then    
                      ' Do we have an appointment message?
                      if (instr(1, iMsg.ClassName, "GW.MESSAGE.APPOINTMENT", vbTextCompare) <> 0) then
                        ' Clone the message
                        set iCloneMsg = iMsg.Clone      
                        iCloneMsg.subject = "This is the clone message"
                        ' Adds an existing Message object to this collection. (This method is available only in GroupWise 6.0, SP1 and later versions) 
                        set iNewMsg = groupwise.account.Calendar.Messages.AddExistingMessage(iMsg.sender.displayname, iMsg.sender.emailaddress, "NGW", iMsg.CreationDate, fgwPersonal, 0, fgwNormal, 0, iCloneMsg, iMsg.ModifiedDate)      
                        call msgbox(IDS_MSG_CREATED, vbInformation, IDS_CAPTION)
                        call msgbox(IDS_SELECT_APPT_MSG, vbInformation, IDS_CAPTION)  
                      end if    
                      call msgbox(IDS_SELECT_MSG, vbInformation, IDS_CAPTION)  
                    end if
                    set iMsg = nothing
                    set iNewMsg = nothing
                    set iCloneMsg = nothing
                  End Sub
                  in reply to: Formativ causing Groupwise 6 to shutown after opening ? #8542
                  Support 2

                    We’ve just posted Formativ Admin, Developer and Runtime to our Formativ Download page, . This resolves the GroupWise client shutdown problem, which was inadvertently introduced in the October 30 update,, which was released primarily to address the GroupWise Notify work-around.

           also includes a preliminary fix for TPH DLL registry duplications, which can affect Formativ, and which are caused by another third party GroupWise product. will contain the full features of this registry fix and is due during the week starting November 4.

                    We apologize for any incovenience caused by the introduction of this problem.


                    Advansys Support

                    in reply to: Formativ causing Groupwise 6 to shutown after opening ? #8541
                    Support 2

                      We have been able to replicate the close-down problem immediately after GroupWise startup. Unfortunately it appears we introduced the problem in 1.5.6, which was primarily released to work-around an issue with GroupWise Notify.

                      The problem appears to occur for first time users of Formativ 1.5.6 or users who do not already have a personal folder called ‘Formativ Portals’ in their GroupWise mailbox folder list. We are working on a resolution right now and it should be fixed very shortly.

                      In the mean time, there are a couple of possible work-arounds:

                      • Before installing Formativ 1.5.6, create a personal GroupWise folder called ‘Formativ Portals’. You should then be able to install and use Formativ without the closedown problem.
                      • If you are experiencing the problem already, you can go to the Formativ Windows Control Panel applet and deselect the option entitled ‘Create a portal folder in GroupWise called:‘. You can then start the GroupWise client. Then if desired, perform the step above (create the folder manually). Then reenable the portal folder setting in the Formativ Windows Control Panel applet and restart the GroupWise client.

                      We are working on this problem as a top priority. Thank you for your patience.


                      Advansys Support.

                      in reply to: Formativ causing Groupwise 6 to shutown after opening ? #8543
                      Support 2

                        We have certainly not heard of this problem previously. From the Windows Control Panel, you can access the Formativ Control Panel Applet. There is a configuration tab which will provide some details of the system configuration. Are you able to post this information or send it to

                        From your post, I presume that when you remove Formativ the problem is resolved?


                        Advansys Support

                        in reply to: GroupWise Address Book #6521
                        Support 2

                          Thank you for the test results. Unfortunately we don’t know why you would experience such a dramatic difference in performance between the system and personal address books. Formativ uses the same address book code to access both the system and personal ABs.


                          Advansys Support

                          Support 2

                            We will conduct further research with Word 97 to see if we can replicate then solve the problem. Once complete, the results will be posted here.


                            Advansys Support

                            in reply to: “Today View” not working… #8531
                            Support 2

                              We’d like to help but we really need specific information about the error messages. We appreciate that you may not wish to spend the time.


                              Advansys Support

                              in reply to: “Today View” not working… #8532
                              Support 2

                                This sounds like a very unusual problem, particularly with regard to the intermittent nature. Were you able to record all or some of the script errors you mentioned?


                                Advansys Support

                                in reply to: “Today View” not working… #8530
                                Support 2

                                  Formativ and Nexic Symphony should coexist on the same machine.

                                  When Formativ was installed, did the applet buttons appear on the GroupWise main toolbar?

                                  If you do reinstall Formativ, could you post your configuration information by selecting the GroupWise client’s Help menu, select About Formativ, select the Configuration tab and use the Copy to Clipboard button, then paste the config info into a reply post. This information may help us determine the problem.

                                  Please let us know if you have any questions.


                                  Advansys Support

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