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  • Support 2

      Thanks MA. Performance problems with the GroupWise Address Book APIs is a known issue, including memory leaks. Novell has addressed some of these problems in the later releases of the GroupWise Windows Clients.

      It is recommended that you try again with the GroupWise Windows Client 6.5.5 or higher (6.5.6 is still in beta).


      Advansys Support

      Support 2

        The problems you describe almost invariably relate to Windows Security settings and access rights to the folders such as C:Windows or C:WINNT either during installation, after installation (i.e. logging in under another user with different rights) or both.

        What differences may there be with the installation procedure or security settings between the Windows workstations which work perfectly compared with the problematic ones?

        Manifest files form part of the Formativ Solution registration system and are copied to a special location by the solution installer. They are normally stored in:

        C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0System

        On the workstations with the problem, do you see a range of files ending in *.mnf?

        Depending on your answers above, we may need to correspond with you via to help you resolve the issue on these machines.


        Advansys Support

        in reply to: Date-range #9234
        Support 2

          Thanks for your feedback. Date range and folder selection options are high priority features for the next release of Archive To Go.


          Advansys Support

          in reply to: Error viewing Appointments #9233
          Support 2

            By changing the Regional Settings to Dutch, we have been able to reproduce the problem with appointments. An updated version of the Viewer, which includes a fix for this issue, is now available for testing from the url:


            You will need to unzip the Archive To Go Viewer application from, a2goview.exe, and copy it over the existing file in the portable archive’s media _viewer subfolder. If it solves the problem, you may wish to update the master distribution folder, C:Program FilesAdvansysArchive To Go.

            We look forward to learning of your test results.


            Advansys Support

            in reply to: Error viewing Appointments #9230
            Support 2

              Thank you for the update. We will attempt to replicate the problem here with the Windows Regional Settings and find a solution.


              Advansys Support

              in reply to: Error viewing Appointments #9229
              Support 2

                The Dutch language should not be the cause of this type of error. However, have you found that running the English version of the GroupWise client prevents this error from appearing?

                Which version and patch release of the GroupWise Windows Client are you running?

                Does the problem happen with all appointments, group and personal?

                Does it happen for Reminder Notes or Tasks?

                Does it happen for all GroupWise mailboxes tested?

                Are you able to access a new (or relatively empty) test GroupWise mailbox with just a few test appointments in it which causes the problem when exported? If so, to help us replicate and identify the reason for the error, can you zip and send the entire Archive To Go portable archive of the test mailbox (which illustrates the error) to


                Advansys Support

                in reply to: GW Trusted App #9226
                Support 2

                  Excellent news and thanks for the update.


                  Advansys Support

                  in reply to: GW Trusted App #9227
                  Support 2

                    The ‘eDirectory Tree could not be set.” error appears to be related to authentication while Archive To Go is attempting a system connection and subsequent discovery. The error may relate to the specific topology of your GroupWise system.

                    Are you running the NetWare Client?

                    To get access to the primary domain folder, I presume you must be logged into server which hosts the primary domain?

                    Do you happen to have a GroupWise system which spans across two NDS trees?

                    If you have multiple NDS Trees in your system, what happens if you authenticate to the multiple Trees prior to attempting to access the primary domain?

                    BTW, if you manage to resolve the Tree connection error and get to the System Properties dialog, when you attempt to create the Trusted App key, I would recommend that you DO NOT specify an “Optional Workstation TCP/IP Address and Port No:”. This feature is an additional, optional security setting which restricts Trusted Application access to the workstation with the specified IP address and port number. However, it is recommended that you DO specify the connection settings for each Post Office in your system.

                    This type of problem usually always relates to an authentication/rights issue, even if the cause is not obvious at first. If you cannot find a resolution by reviewing your server and tree authentication, we can make available a GroupWise Trusted Application debug DLL which will provide additional information on where the authentication process is failing.

                    If you would like to supply us with system details which you feel would be helpful but which you would rather not post in this forum, please feel free to send an email to

                    Kind Regards,

                    Advansys Support

                    in reply to: spanning CD’s and error message accessing e-mail #9220
                    Support 2

                      A fix was made on Friday December 23 2005 for both problems and a new version of the software uploaded to our Web site. It has not yet been documented on our Web site because we wanted to wait to hear from the customer who originally reported the problem. The good news is that the access violation fix (Archive To Go Viewer) has been verified as successful.

                      There were two issues:

                      1) For some CD media and recording software it appears that the default capacity specified in A2G Creator was too high. This has been lowered to a more conservative level of 600MB. If you know your CDs can accommodate a higher capacity, use the Custom setting.

                      2) There was a bug in the Archive To Go Viewer, a2goview.exe, where an error occurs when the sent items folder of an archive is selected and the items in the folder are unavailable (i.e. on another CD volume).

                      You can access the updated Archive To Go installer from the download location information previously supplied when you purchased the software. The trial version has also been updated and is available from our Web site,
                      If you have existing archives, for a limited time you can also download the latest viewer from:


                      To update the existing archives, extract the viewer into all copies of the _viewer subdirectories in your archive. If the archives have already been burnt to CD you will have to copy them to disk, replace the existing viewer, then burn a new set of CD’s.

                      Our Web site will be updated next week when our office reopens after the holidays.

                      I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any further problems.

                      Happy New Year!


                      Advansys Support

                      in reply to: Development of a COM aware program #7391
                      Support 2

                        Just a quick note of clarification. As a Formativ Applet can operate only when the GroupWise Client is running, an applet cannot be used to start nor close the GroupWise Client.

                        You need to write an external COM capable application, say in VB, VBA, C++, C#, Delphi etc., in order to start the GroupWise Client, call the new Formativ API and then close GroupWise. However, if you wish to run the export frequently, it may be better to consider leaving the GroupWise Client running and just call the Formativ API when you wish to export the address book.

                        There are a few alternatives, although all have specific advantages/disadvantages depending on your requirements and resource availability.

                        Advansys could modify the Address Book export applet to operate automatically on GroupWise Client startup and provide a simple notification when the applet is finished. You would still need an external application which started and closed the GroupWise Client and monitored for applet completion. The only difference with this approach is that you would not need to call the Formativ API, which is probably of little if no benefit.

                        Another alternative is to write an application which uses the GroupWise Object API to export the address book information into .NAB format. With this approach, while you would need the GroupWise Client installed, you would not require the GroupWise Client to be running. This approach would not use Formativ and you could not use the applet to which you refer, i.e. you would need to write the code to export the target Address Book to .NAB format. If you are using GroupWise 7, you could write an application which uses the server side SOAP API, which does not require the GroupWise Client. However, again, you would need to write the total solution.

                        If we have misunderstood your question, please let us know. Alternatively, you may wish to contact Advansys directly to further discuss your requirements.


                        Advansys Support

                        in reply to: Trial to Licensed #9203
                        Support 2

                          As the Trial version does not expire, it is assumed that you used the Archive To Go (A2G) beta version to produce the portable archive within which the viewer application has now timed out.

                          To refresh the A2G Viewer and Indexer applications copied to an archive during the creation process, you need to update the applications within the _viewer subfolder on each media volume (i.e. media-nn_viewer).

                          If you have the archive copied to CD, which is likely to be read-only, you can take the following steps.

                          • Copy the CD contents [Archive A], keeping the folder structure, to local hard drive.
                          • If you have not done so already, using the full version of Archive To Go, export another GroupWise account [Archive B]. You don’t need to export the full account, you can stop it shortly after commencement. The objective is just to get Archive To Go Creator to create the folder structure and provide the latest _viewer folder contents.
                          • Replace the [Archive A]’s _viewer folder with the _viewer folder from [Archive B].
                          • Test that you can access the updated [Archive A] by running the viewer.exe application from its media-01 folder. You can also start the viewer by running the a2goview.exe application from the media-01_viewer subfolder.
                          • Assuming that the previous step is successful, you may also wish to rebuild the full text index by running the indexer application. Please see the Archive To Go Creator Manual for additional information.
                          • Copy the updated [Archive A] to another CD.


                          Advansys Support

                          in reply to: Missing Applet Recorder #5528
                          Support 2

                            Great news, thanks for letting us know.


                            Advansys Support

                            in reply to: Portal and Firefox #8806
                            Support 2

                              There is no issue with Firefox because, like the GroupWise Windows Client, Advansys Formativ Portals use the Microsoft Internet Explorer ActiveX control.

                              The problem you are experiencing is a known incompatibility between the Formativ Portal technology and the GroupWise 7 Windows client, which introduced a new multi-pane interface. This issue is currently being addressed by engineering and we should have a beta update available late next week.

                              More information at:


                              Advansys Support

                              in reply to: Message Viewer on CD/DVD #8804
                              Support 2

                                No, this option does not exist at present. While it could be possible to edit the Message Viewer’s INI file, that is not a practical solution to what you are trying to achieve.

                                We will include this capability in the next release of Advansys Message Viewer, probably via a configuration file placed in the same folder as the viewer. When the viewer starts, if the config file states to look in this volume only, perhaps also with a default start folder, it will work as you require. During our product development review, we will also discuss the command line option.

                                If you have any other requests/enhancements for Message Saver or Message Viewer, also feel free to send them directly to


                                Advansys Support

                                in reply to: Message Viewer on CD/DVD #8803
                                Support 2

                                  Yes, you can simply copy the stand-alone Advansys Message Viewer application, MessageViewer.exe to the root folder of the CD. Start the viewer by double-clicking the executable via Windows File Explorer or perhaps you could include an autorun.inf file which instantiates the MessageViewer.exe automatically when the CD is inserted.

                                  The contents of the autorun.inf file would look like the following:


                                  The only minor disadvantage to the simple copy approach is that the exported Advansys Message Format file’s .fml file extension won’t be associated automatically with the Advansys Message Viewer. However, this file association can be configured manually and is only necessary if you wish to open the single message view by double-clicking on the message FML file from Windows File Explorer.

                                  Within the next couple of months we intend to make available an installation program specifically for the Advansys Message Viewer. While it won’t be necessary to use the installer for the Message Viewer to operate (as described above), it will make automatic file association more convenient and you could also choose to include the installer on the CD.


                                  Advansys Support

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