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  • in reply to: Address Book Information #6834
    Support 1a

      Thank you for your input. The Object API AddressBookEntries object also has a count property you can read, but it only provides an estimate if you are reading the system address book. Here’s an extract from the documentation on Novell’s site:


      The system address book does not keep an actual count of the number of users in the book. The count that is returned is an approximate count that is based on an index count. Since the index is not updated with every delete (for performance reasons), items that have been deleted will still be included in the count until the index is rebuilt. If you want an exact count, use the AddressBook object to iterate through every entry in the book and count each iteration.

      You can find the complete documentation here.

      I hope this helps.

      Advansys Support

      in reply to: groupwise 6.5 OnSend event #6835
      Support 1a

        This works for us using GroupWise 6.5.1 and Formativ I do seem to remember that a problem did exist at some point with the Send event not working when a message was replied to in a particular way. Which versions of GroupWise and Formativ are you using?

        Advansys Support

        in reply to: SQl #6839
        Support 1a


          We generally do all our database access in Formativ using Microsoft’s ADO. While I haven’t personally called a stored procedure, I can’t imaging why it couldn’t be done. If you are not familiar with ADO do a search on Microsoft’s web site for the appropriate reference material.

          Here’s some example applet code that creates a ADO session and executes some SQL. This example accesses an Access database, but you only need to change the connection string in order to connect to any SQL database supported by ADO:

          sub UpdateAcceptedSupportIssue(iMsg, iEvent, iEngineer)
            dim iADOObj
            dim iRST 
            ' create a new instance of an ADO Connection object 
            set iADOObj = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
            ' Did we get a handle to the ADO connection  
            if not isobject(iADOObj) then
              call msgbox("Failed to create ADODB.Connection object.", vbCritical, "Support Example")
              ' open the test data source with the Connection object  
              iConnnectString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & SUPPORT_DATABASE  
              iADOObj.Open iConnnectString
              ' Are we connected to the database?
              if err.number = 0 then
                ' Connected to the database - what do we want to do?  We currently support
                ' accepting a new support incident, and completing (closing) an incident.
                select case iEvent
                  ' Accept - Add a new record the SQL database
                  case "GW#C#ACCEPT"
                    iSQLString = "INSERT INTO Support(Incident,RequestedBy,Subject,ResponsibleEngineer,RequestedDate) VALUES ('"& iMsg.MessageID &"','"& iMsg.FromText& "','"& iMsg.Subject&"','" & iEngineer & "','"&SQLDate(Date)&"')"
                  ' Complete (close) - Update the existing record in the SQL database        
                  case "GW#C#COMPLETE"
                    iSQLString = "UPDATE Support SET CompletedDate='" & SQLDate(Date + 5) & "' WHERE Incident='" & iMsg.MessageID &"'"
                end select 
                ' close and remove the Recordset object from memory  
                set iRST = Nothing  
                msgbox err.description, vbCritical, IDS_CAPTION
              end if
              ' Close and remove the Connection object from memory
            end if   
            set iADOObj = Nothing 
          end sub

          I hope this helps.

          Advansys Support

          in reply to: Categories in GW6.5 #6827
          Support 1a


            We have been able to duplicate the unknown error at line 13 when accessing a message that has been assigned a non-user defined category. This does appear to be a bug in the Object API, and we will report this to Novell today.

            We were unable to reproduce the category count anomoly where the count property is incorrect when both a user-defined and standard category is assigned. However, we have seen the count property report seemingly incorrect values in the past, so we will mention this to Novell at the same time.

            Thank you for reporting this issue. I’ll make a posting in this thread when Novell respond.


            Advansys Support

            in reply to: Categories in GW6.5 #6828
            Support 1a

              Thank you for your posting. We will attempt to duplicate this issue and report our findings in this thread.


              Advansys Support

              Support 1a

                Not explicity, but I agree it shouldn’t appear unless at least one applet is using it. I’ll organize to have this updated ASAP.


                Advansys Support

                in reply to: Run Program #6825
                Support 1a

                  You currently need to use the Windows script host to start the process if you need to wait for the process to finish. Here’s an example:

                  dim oWSScript
                    on error resume next
                    set oWSScript = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
                    if oWSScript is nothing then    
                      exit sub
                    end if
                    call oWSScript.Run("c:winntsystem32calc.exe", 0, TRUE)
                    msgbox "Program completed"
                    set oWSScript = nothing

                  I hope this helps.

                  Advansys Support

                  in reply to: clip board #6822
                  Support 1a

                    Copy text to the Clipboard using Formativ:

                    Utilities.ToClipBoard("Hello World")

                    To access the text in the clipboard from Formativ:

                    msgbox Utilities.FromClipBoard

                    I hope this helps.


                    Advansys Support

                    in reply to: email message toolbar #6820
                    Support 1a

                      Unfortunately no, it doesn’t make a difference. There is currently no programmatic way using Formativ to remove existing, GroupWise controlled buttons from any toolbar in GroupWise. You may disable the functionality behind the buttons, but not remove the physical buttons themselves.


                      Advansys Support

                      in reply to: Distribution of Applet #6821
                      Support 1a

                        No, there are no special steps you need to take. (I assume your Admin is distributing the applet via eDirectory in a Formativ applet Library).

                        Here are some things to check:

                        1) Do other applets that are distributed via eDirectory work OK? Is your applet being distributed in the same library as those that work?

                        2) Does the applet work if you manually copy it to one of the workstations where eDirectory distribution seems to fail?

                        3) Is the applet actually making it out to users workstations? Go to a users workstation that should have the applet and start GroupWise. From the main menu, select Help|About Formativ. On the about dialog that appears, select the configuration tab. You should be able to find your applet listed near the very end of the list. You might also want to email this configuration information to and we’ll take a look at the general configuration of Formativ on this machine.

                        Kind regards,

                        Advansys Support

                        in reply to: Accessing Address Book #6816
                        Support 1a

                          Thank you for your question above.

                          Unfortunately, accessing every entry in the System Address book can be very slow given a sufficiently large number of entries. Other factors may also affect access times, including network infrastructure, loadings, etc.

                          Address Book access can also become slower as more entries are read from the server. This can give the impression the process has hung.

                          One thing you could try is to access the System Address Book using the native Object API approach. Instead of accessing GroupWise.AdressBooks, (which gives you a ‘wrapped’ address book collection), try GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks. This gives you access to the native Object API address book collection. Click here to see Novells AddressBooks collection documentation. Access from this point is much the same as your example code. As this collection is not wrapped, access may be faster.

                          Formativ 1.6 does not natively support the AddressBook name completion control (the control that provides the functionality in the ‘To’ fields in the email view). However, the next version of Formativ does support the use of this control. Please send an email to if you would like more information in this regard.

                          Advansys Support

                          in reply to: New Version Of Formativ #6817
                          Support 1a

                            We are unable to provide release date information in this forum. As I cannot match an email address against your forum user name, could you please send a message directly to and we’ll contact you directly with more information.

                            Advansys Support

                            in reply to: 30 day eval #5811
                            Support 1a

                              Unfortunately the trial period cannot be extended once it expires. Are you able to install Runtime on another PC? If you are trialing the software on behalf of an organization, please send an email to for further assistance.


                              Advansys Support

                              in reply to: Filtering Task List #6811
                              Support 1a

                                No problems. Please let us know if you require any further assistance.

                                Advansys Support

                                in reply to: NewControlBoxDialog #6814
                                Support 1a

                                  Unfortunately no, you cannot change the automatically determined width of the dialog in Formativ 1.x. However, the next release includes a full visual forms designer that provides complete control over the appearance of your dialogs (including size, style, etc). Please send an email to if you would like more information.


                                  Advansys Support

                                Viewing 15 replies - 541 through 555 (of 913 total)