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  • in reply to: Post task #6880
    Support 1a

      Unfortunately you’ll need to upgrade your GroupWise client to get the events you mention to work. Up until quite recently the GroupWise client contained a bug whereby the send event would not be triggered if you replied or forwarded a message using the advanced reply/forward functions, then sent the item. Novell rectified this issue recently, but I can’t recall the exact build number the fix was contained in. I am using 6.5.2B and the send event is triggered under the circumstances you mention. A search on Novell’s support site should assist.

      I hope this helps.

      Advansys Support

      in reply to: E-Directory Applets not Publishing #5262
      Support 1a

        Thanks for the update – I’m pleased to hear things are now working.


        Advansys Support

        in reply to: Post task #6884
        Support 1a

          Thanks for the hint regarding posted item identification.

          Advansys Support

          in reply to: Post task #6881
          Support 1a

            This is working as designed. The send event will trigger for posted tasks, notes and appointments in GroupWise 6.5.2. (From memory the event didn’t work in earlier versions of the GroupWise client – this was considered a bug).

            As there is no ‘On Post’ event, triggering the On send event is logical when some post-processing needs to be performed when an item is initially created. The event does not trigger when subsquent updates are applied to the same item and it is re-posted.

            Advansys Support

            in reply to: Formativ OEM Solutions Engine #6875
            Support 1a

              Thanks for the update. We are still looking into the issue.


              Advansys Support

              in reply to: E-Directory Applets not Publishing #5263
              Support 1a

                Thank you for your post. Formativ using the currently authenticated session when using NDAP to access applet libraries in eDirectory. As you point out, the machine that doesn’t work is unable to locate an eDirectory configuration object for the currently authenticated user. As the log from the successful machine indicates you have a Formativ configuration object associated with your user object, I am confused as to why logging in as the same Netware user would not work. Are you logging as via the Netware client login when testing the different machine (as opposed to just logging into the workstation? Where on the network physically is the second machine located in relation to the workstation that works? (i.e. on a different subnet, etc?). Have you been able to try the same test on different workstations with the same result?

                We are able to provide a debug build that outputs more detailed information regarding the decisions Formativ is making when accessing eDirectory if necessary. let me know answers to the above and we’ll go from there.


                Advansys Support

                in reply to: Formativ OEM Solutions Engine #6876
                Support 1a

                  Thanks for the additional information. We’ll investigate this further on Monday and report our findings in this thread.

                  Advansys Support

                  in reply to: Formativ OEM Solutions Engine #6873
                  Support 1a

                    This file is installed to the Window system directory as per a recommendation from Microsoft in regards to system path determination. In this regard, the installation currently requires the rights to write into this directory.

                    Does the installation continue when this error occurs?


                    Advansys Support

                    in reply to: Enabling Junkmail doesn´t work #6849
                    Support 1a

                      Novell have just comfirmed this is a bug in the JunkMailSettings token, and have created a defect notice for it. While this means it will get fixed, unfortunately I am unable to offer a workaround at this stage.

                      I am able to get some of the features working by using the following code:

                      dim iSyntax
                      dim iReturnVal
                      iSyntax = "JunkMailSettings(true;false;false;;0)"
                      msgbox groupwise.throwtoken(iSyntax, iReturnVal)

                      Note the fourth parameter is not specified at all (it fails if you include anything). I have used 0 as the last parameter, but supplying any other value does not appear to work anyway.

                      I’ll advise when Novell have more information in this thread.

                      Advansys Support

                      in reply to: command button #6851
                      Support 1a

                        In Formativ 1.0 through 1.6, unfortunately no. The button widths are fixed. Formativ 2.0, which is going into public beta next, includes a visual forms designer which allows you to change the size of buttons. Watch the main web site for beta availability.

                        Advansys Support

                        [This message was edited by Support 1 on January 08, 2004 at 06:15 PM.]

                        in reply to: Rules for everybody #6850
                        Support 1a

                          This has been answered by direct email.

                          A trusted application is an application that is authorized to access all users accounts in GroupWise without needing to know each users password. Trusted application work only with GroupWise 6.5 and above. You can use Formativ to write trusted applications. A sample applet that creates and uses the trusted application API is available by writing to

                          Advansys Support

                          in reply to: Enabling Junkmail doesn´t work #6848
                          Support 1a

                            GroupWise.JunkMailSettings calls the native GroupWise JunkMailSettings tokens, which appears to have a problem with the last two parameters. We have today reported this to Novell for confirmation and a possible workaround. We’ll report our findings back in this thread.


                            Advansys Support

                            in reply to: CategoriesSetDlg #6844
                            Support 1a

                              The GroupWise.CategoriesSetDlg method makes a direct call to the native GroupWise token CategoriesSetDlg. Formativ doesn’t perform any additional processing in this case, indicating this is the behavour Novell designed into this call.

                              I suspect it doesn’t work when a message is open because, like many native GroupWise commands, it maps directly to a GroupWise menu option. In this case, the standard GroupWise categories option is only available from the message context viewer. There is no menu option display the categories dialog once a message is opened. i.e you need to select the personalize tab, then press the categories button.

                              While it is probably working as designed by Novell, it does mean there is no way to programmically display the categories dialog when a message is open. I can make an enhancement request to Novell in this regard. To assist in this regard, how important is having this issue resolved to your application?


                              Advansys Support

                              in reply to: groupwise 6.5 OnSend event #6838
                              Support 1a

                                We don’t have a copy of 6.5.0 installed here to test. It does work work with GroupWise 6.5.1 and above. I would suggest you try installing the 6.5 SP1 update to see if thay fixes the issue for you.

                                Advansys Support

                                in reply to: Modal forms and Applet Processing #6840
                                Support 1a

                                  Modal windows essentially suspend processing until they are dismissed. In this regard, I can’t think of a means by which you could display a modal dialog (whether it be owned by Formativ or not) and still have applet processing occur.

                                  We have done something similar in the past, but instead of displaying the form modally, we simply show the form and set it as the topmost window. This allows the applet to continue processing. At the appropriate time the applet closes the window. We had an external COM Automation DLL that exposed a couple of methods – something like ‘ShowStatus’ and ‘HideStatus’.

                                  I hope this helps.

                                  Advansys Support

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