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  • in reply to: Accessing Formativ from VB #7076
    Support 1a


      Thanks for the update. In terms of controlling the GroupWise client (i.e. to display the native GroupWise dialogs), you would generally use the GroupWise Token API. Have a look at:

      You are probably already aware of this, but the best (and probably only) place to obtain GroupWise API support is via the moderated Usenet Forums hosted by Novell. You’ll find links to those from

      I hope this helps.


      Advansys Support

      in reply to: Registration Problems with #8682
      Support 1a

        Dear Mirko,

        Thank you for the heads-up with the IDS_OPTIONS constant. I’ll organise to have this fixed and released ASAP.

        In terms of the registration issue, each applet contains a unique code that ties it to one or more Solution Packs. When Formativ loads applets, it checks to see if these codes have been duplicated. If any duplicates are found, it disables secondary applets and displays a message. This is a licencing control feature. I suspect what is happening is that Formativ is detecting the three copies of the same original applet, all of which share the same internal ID. It then flags the second two as duplicates. I think you will have to move the copies you don’t want to use to another location so they don’t get loaded. (You will have to restart the GroupWise client after moving the duplicates) This should solve the problem.

        Please let me know if you still have problems.


        Advansys Support

        in reply to: Accessing Formativ from VB #7075
        Support 1a

          Dear RPP,

          Thank you for your question above. Unfortumately you cannot use Formativ in the way you describe (i.e. add the Formativ type library to the references in a VB project and attempt to call the methods in the library). Formativ objects may only be consumed by itself, not by external development environments.

          Formativ can consume COM automation objects. For example, you could create a COM object in VB and register it, then have Formativ create instances of the server and call methods on it. However, it doesn’t work the other way around.

          If you have an extensive existing code-base that you wish to integrate with GroupWise, you may need to use the GroupWise API’s directly from your VB application.

          I hope this helps.

          Advansys Support

          Support 1a

            Hello Steve,

            Thank you for your post. This problem was resolved in a maintenance release due to be made available this week. In the meantime, you can download a fixed copy of the Registration Utility from:


            Thank you,

            Advansys Support

            in reply to: Signatures Applet #7073
            Support 1a

              You are welcome. All of the 1.6 Business Solutions Pack Applets have been completely re-written to version 2.0 standards. Full details are available at:


              Advansys Support

              in reply to: Formativ 2.0 Visual Forms Controls #7069
              Support 1a

                If you are using a standard ListBox (on the ‘Standard’ tab on the component palette), you need to use the ItemIndex property to obtain the index of the selected item. This is an integer value that returns -1 if no item is selected, or the index value of the selected item in the list.

                Given a ListBox control call ‘testListBox1’ on a form called ‘test’, you could display the selected selected item like this:

                if test.testListBox1.ItemIndex <> -1 then
                   MsgBox test.testListBox1.Items(test.testListBox1.ItemIndex)
                end if

                You may also want to take a look at the updated Examples Pack, which contains three V2 solutions that use forms. The pack contains full source code, which may be helpful. Download it from:

                I hope this helps.

                Advansys Support

                in reply to: Suppress Options Menu in Templates #8674
                Support 1a

                  We should have an update to the V2 Templates solution available early in the new year that will allow you to disable the Options menu by editing the value of a constant. I’ll let you know when this is available (I’m suspecting within the first few weeks of next year).

                  We don’t have any plans to remove compatability with any existing applets in new versions of Formativ. All existing 1.5/1.6 version applets are compatible with version 2.0.

                  I hope this helps.

                  Advansys Support

                  in reply to: Message to Template Applet #8681
                  Support 1a

                    This functionality is now in the Templates applet. Open the message you wish to convert to a template, then run the applet. Select ‘New’, then choose the ‘Use currently selected message…’ option.

                    I hope this helps.

                    Advansys Support

                    in reply to: Signatures Applet #7072
                    Support 1a

                      A .SIG file is just a text file. This means you could load it into a memo control using the ‘LoadFromFile()’ method.

                      For example, assuming a form call ‘test’ containin a memo control called ‘memo’, you could load a sig file using this code:

                      call test.memo.lines.LoadFromFile(“c:downloadsdata.sig”)

                      Have you seen the new Version 2.0 signatures applet? ( It implements a signature editor.

                      Advansys Support

                      in reply to: Formativ 2.0 Visual Forms Controls #7070
                      Support 1a

                        Thanks for the question. Could you please confirm the full control name you are using? (In the form designer, select the appropriate tab on the component pallete and hold the mouse over the component to see it’s name).

                        It sounds like an exception is being raised when you try to access the property, but it is being suppressed by an ‘on error resume next’ or similar call. Try turning off any exception handling you may have implemented to see if an error message appears – it’s details may be a clue.

                        Once you confirm the name of the component I’ll check its properties to confirm your usage is correct.

                        Advansys Support

                        in reply to: Formativ connected to Exact?? #5470
                        Support 1a

                          I don’t have any knowledge of Exact, but I can tell you we don’t have any applets that interact with it.

                          Without knowing anything of the product, I cannot speak with much authority. However, if Exact has a COM/Automation interface, I expect it would be possible to interact with this application via GroupWise and Formativ.


                          Advansys Support

                          in reply to: UILOAD.DLL #5871
                          Support 1a

                            Do you mean the XP Task Manager Process List? It doesn’t appear in the Task Manager Applications list on XP here.

                            This process is responsible for co-ordinating the Formativ Tray application with GroupWise. It is designed to ensure the tray application shuts down when GroupWise exits.

                            Advansys Support

                            in reply to: “Formativ” menu item instead of “Applets” menu item #5870
                            Support 1a

                              Thank you for your post. The main differences between the two config files are that a) It appears someone/something has changed the Applets menu setting to ‘Formativ’, and b) the protocols setting has been changed from ‘NDAP’ to ‘NONE’. Changing the protocol setting is stopping Runtime from looking to eDirectory to load applets. This is why the Formativ/Applets menu only shows QuickConfig – no applets are available.

                              Two theories come to mind:

                              a) A user has accessed the Formativ Control Panel Applet via the Windows ‘Start’ menu and changed the menu name and protocol. This is quite easy to do.

                              b) A software distribution program like ZEN has updated the registry settings associated with these settings.

                              I hope this is enough information to help you track down the source of the problem.


                              Advansys Support

                              in reply to: Personalized Emailer – Duplicate recipient #8677
                              Support 1a

                                Thank you for the clarification. I’ll take a look at the scope of this request and post a reply in this thread ASAP.

                                Advansys Support

                                in reply to: Presentation Pack errors in GW #8655
                                Support 1a

                                  I can’t locate your email address in the forum member database. Could you please send an email to and we’ll follow up via email.

                                  Thank you,

                                  Advansys Support

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