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  • in reply to: Setting destination fields to addresses with initials #7197
    Support 1a

      Thanks for your post above.

      We were able to duplicate the problem as described. Unfortunately, this appears to be a bug in the underlying GroupWise ItemSetText() token. I’ll report this to Novell today.

      We’ll spend some time today to see if we can come up with a workaround. I’ll let you know what we find via this thread.


      Advansys Support

      in reply to: How to restore admin utility #5267
      Support 1a

        Great news – thanks for the update.

        Advansys Support

        in reply to: Access Violations #5510
        Support 1a

          Thank you. We have received the applet. We will investigate and get back to you via direct email ASAP. We’ll also post our findings in this thread.

          Advansys Support

          in reply to: Access Violations #5512
          Support 1a

            Thank you for the update. As mentioned above, we have not received any other reports of this issue.

            It is possible that the applet could be a factor. Would you be willing to email the applet to, along with a series of steps you take to cause the errors to occur? If you are able to consistently replicate the problem through a series of steps, please provide full details.


            Advansys Support

            in reply to: Access Violations #5509
            Support 1a

              We are sorry to hear of your frustrating experience. Other than the known issue of not closing certain editors mentioned above, we are not aware of any issues that might cause the problems you describe. We have not received any other reports of this problem. We have spent many 1000’s of man hours working in the Formativ 2.0 development environment and have not experienced anything like you describe. This leads me to believe the problem may be specific to your environment.

              Formativ makes use of several external components and services that may be responsible for unusual behavior if faulty. To this end, I would suggest you try the following steps to see if the problem can be eliminated:

              a) Formativ Installation

              On rare occasions we have seen installations that have become corrupt, presumably during the download process. I would suggest you download Formativ from our downloads page again, uninstall your existing version, and then re-install.

              b) GroupWise Client Installation

              On more than one occasion we have seen strange problems caused by invalid/incomplete GroupWise client installations. Some people install the GroupWise client using ZEN snapshots or other automated means. These images are sometimes incomplete or invalid. The client may appear to install and run fine, but a missing or old version of component, or an incorrect registry entry can cause all sorts of subtle, hard to track down problems. I would suggest to uninstall the GroupWise client (possibly using one of the client cleanup utilities that are about to ensure the client is completely gone), then re-install from a clean CD.

              c) Windows Service Pack Installation

              I would suggest you manually run Windows update to ensure you have the latest service packs installed.

              d) Microsoft Script Host Installation

              Formativ uses the MS script host. The script host libraries are used directly by the form designer environment. I would suggest you re-install the script host. You can download it from:


              e) Microsoft Script Debugger

              Do you have a copy of the MS script debugger installed? If so, try uninstalling it.

              f) Microsoft Internet Explorer Installation

              Formativ and GroupWise shared several dependencies on Internet Explorer. Please ensure you are running the latest version. Installing the latest version of IE helps ensure you have the most current versions of several critical Windows System files.

              g) Antivirus Software

              Try turning off any local anti-virus software. These can sometimes adversely affect the operation of other software, particularly some of the script host components.

              h) Video Drivers

              Formativ runs inside the GroupWise process. Being in the same process, both can affect the other. GroupWise does seem to be particularly sensitive to video driver issues. I would suggest you check you have the most current version of the video drivers for your card installed.

              I hope one or more of these suggestions help. While testing/troubleshooting, remember that Formativ and GroupWise run in the same process. If an obscure problem occurs, the chances are it will continue for the remainder of the GroupWise session. To this end, it is important to re-start the GroupWise client each time you change something during this process, or else the problem will likely to persist, even though the cause may have been removed.

              Please let us know how you proceed.

              Advansys Support

              in reply to: documentation #5506
              Support 1a

                Further to the above, because the masked edit controls don’t inherently know anything about what the data they collect represents, you need to write your own validation code. Here’s a simple example to get you started.

                Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                  Dlg.rzMaskEditTime.editmask = "!90:00;1;_"
                End Sub
                ' Validate the time when OK button pressed
                sub btnOkClick(Sender)
                  dim iPos
                  dim iHour
                  dim iMinutes
                  iPos = instr(1, Dlg.rzMaskEditTime.text, ":", vbTextCompare)
                  ' Make sure we have the seperator character exists
                  if (iPos = 0) then
                    exit sub
                  end if
                  ' Get the hour portion from the value
                  iHour = trim(mid(Dlg.rzMaskEditTime.text, 1, iPos-1))
                  ' Exit if the hour value not entered
                  if (len(iHour) = 0) then
                    msgbox("Enter hour.")
                    exit sub
                  end if
                  iHour = cint(iHour)
                  ' Exit, if the hour not in the valid range
                  if (iHour >= 24) then
                    msgbox("Enter valid hour.")
                    exit sub
                  end if
                  ' Get the minute portion from the value
                  iMinutes = trim(mid(Dlg.rzMaskEditTime.text, iPos + 1))
                  ' Exit if the minute value not entered
                  if (len(iMinutes) = 0) then
                    msgbox("Enter minute.")
                    exit sub
                  end if
                  iMinutes = cint(iMinutes)
                  ' Exit, if the minute not in the valid range
                  if (iMinutes >= 60) then
                    msgbox("Enter valid minutes.")
                    exit sub
                  end if
                  msgbox "Time entered: " & TimeSerial(iHour, iMinutes, 0)
                End Sub

                Advansys Support

                in reply to: Add Boutton at Address Book #7179
                Support 1a

                  Thank you for your question above. Unfortunately the GroupWise address books is completely closed to third party developers. Novell provides no hooks at all into the Address book, making it impossible to add buttons to the the toolbar or context menus.

                  This is a requirement we have submitted to Novell for many years now.

                  Sorry I couldn’t provide a more positive response.


                  Advansys Support

                  in reply to: html stationery #8719
                  Support 1a

                    You can’t control the view a recipient used when sending a message. Your recipients could be using any email system, some of which don’t even support HTML messages. Others support HTML, but have it turned off by default.

                    Depending on the nature of the HTML you imported, it is also possible GroupWise may make some automatic modifications to it as part of the send process (but not enough to convert it to plain text). We would be happy to take a look at your stationery if you email it


                    Advansys Support

                    in reply to: ref : object and form Designer #7044
                    Support 1a

                      Try downloading Formativ 2.0.17 and try again using the DoVerb() method. (DoVerb was fixed in 2.0.17).


                      Advansys Support

                      in reply to: License Issue with 2.0 #5892
                      Support 1a

                        Our records indicate you have both 1.6 and 2.0 keys:

                        Formativ Presentation Pack 2.0
                        Formativ Runtime 2.0
                        Formativ Runtime 1.6
                        Formativ Business Solutions Pack 1.6

                        Are you sure you are entering only the version 2.0 keys? The 1.6 keys you have won’t be accepted by version 2.0.

                        We look forward to receiving your config information via email.


                        Advansys Support

                        in reply to: License Issue with 2.0 #5891
                        Support 1a

                          Thank you for your enquiry. I have asked our Sales department to send me a copy of your keys and licencing information. In the meantime, could you please email a copy of your current Formativ configuration to (You can access the configuration from the GroupWise main menu. Select Help | About Formativ). When the about dialog appears, select the ‘Configuration’ tab. Press the ‘copy to clipboard’ button, then paste the contents of the clipboard into a message).

                          Once I receive this information I’ll be in a better position to access the problem.


                          Advansys Support

                          in reply to: Limit Field Size? #7159
                          Support 1a

                            Are you referring to a form created with the Formativ forms designer? If so, many controls (including the standard edit control) have a MaxLength property which limits the length of the data you can input.

                            I hope this helps. Please let me know if I have misunderstood your question.

                            Advansys Support

                            in reply to: OnSend vs OnReply #7154
                            Support 1a

                              Thank you for the confirmation.

                              Advansys Support

                              in reply to: Ini files #7148
                              Support 1a

                                You are welcome.

                                Advansys Support

                                in reply to: OnSend vs OnReply #7156
                                Support 1a

                                  We will also respond via direct email.


                                  Advansys Support

                                Viewing 15 replies - 301 through 315 (of 913 total)