Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the additional information.
>I ran maintenance on the live mailbox and on the archived messages
What do you mean by ‘maintenance’ – is this GWCheck?
Please zip and send the archive log file (in the archive folder) to If any errors appear on screen during processing, please include screen shots of these in your email.
We have noticed that, unfortunately, there is a noticeably higher error rate in processing GroupWise personal/native archives. It may be best to create two archives for the relevant GroupWise account: one for the main mailbox, one for the personal archive. I suggest that you restart the machine prior to archiving the personal archive.
The ‘new indexer’ (ie. will not help to complete the archive process. However, when your archives have been created, I strongly recommend using it instead of any earlier version; several customers have reported improved results.
Please let me know how you go.
Advansys SupportIt seems that this error will occur when attempting to index an archive that is incomplete. That is, when the archive was created the process was cancelled manually or stopped due to an error. You can review the archive log summary (at the end of the log, beginning with a marker line) to check whether the process completed. If the summary is missing then the process did not complete.
We plan to update Indexer for the forthcoming release of version 2.0, so that it is not affected in this way by an incomplete archive.
Advansys SupportThanks for your post. This problem has been reported previously: unfortunately it is not possible to use the context menu for these columns. We hope to remove this menu or make it usable in the forthcoming release of Archive To Go 2.0.
Advansys SupportThanks for reporting this problem, which I think has not been reported previously.
Which version of Indexer are you using? You can find out by clicking About… on the Indexer dialog. This featured topic has details about obtaining the latest update.
Please send the contents of the _metadata folder (zipped) to The exported metadata contains only Sender, Recipients, Subject and Date for each message; it contains only Display Name and Email Address for each contact. If the Indexer log contains more information than that quoted in your post, please attach the log file to your email.
Advansys SupportThanks for reporting this problem.
Please download the Advansys Portable Message Cleaner, which is described in the following featured topic: How to fix problem files in Archive To Go data.
I hope this helps.
Advansys SupportThat’s great news. Thanks for letting us know.
Advansys SupportThanks for reporting this problem.
Which version of Message Viewer are you using? The current release (2.0.2) prints the recipient email address if the display name is blank. In rare cases (when the original GroupWise message has been corrupted), both display name and email address are blank; if so, the Viewer prints ‘Not available’.
You can download the Viewer (a free product) from:
Please let me know how you go.
Advansys SupportThanks for your question.
You can use the following sample code to enumerate the Components and Controls arrays on a form. Note that a Component may also be a Control.
Utilities.Trace "MainForm.ComponentCount = " & MainForm.ComponentCount for I = 0 to MainForm.ComponentCount - 1 Utilities.Trace I & " = " & MainForm.Components(I).ClassName next Utilities.Trace "MainForm.ControlCount = " & MainForm.ControlCount for I = 0 to MainForm.ControlCount - 1 Utilities.Trace I & " = " & MainForm.Controls(I).ClassName next
I hope this helps you.
Advansys SupportThanks for your enquiry.
As with the question of displaying documents with a watermark, adding a column for document number would require changing the source code for the Viewer. It’s unlikely that this would be possible in the short term since Advansys’ development resources are fully occupied at present.
Short of changing the source code, I think the Size column could be used for this purpose. That is, you could modify the metadata and replace the ‘size’ value by a document number. Then you could interpret each value displayed in the Size column as a document number.
It’s possible that a future version of the Viewer may support custom metadata like this document number. In this scenario, end-users/administrators would use a configuration file to define additional columns and how each column relates to the metadata. To my knowledge no customer has requested such a feature, which our team will consider adding to the wish list.
I hope this helps.
Advansys SupportThere is no file extension on the file that causes this problem; the file name is ‘segments’. In general with an anti-virus utility, it is safer to specify excluded directories than excluded file extensions. Perhaps your anti-virus utility supports environment variables like ‘TEMP’? If so, you could set the exclusion paths to:
%TEMP%a2goidx %TEMP%a2gowork %TEMP%archive2goidx
Unfortunately it is not possible to change the working directory for Indexer at present.
I hope this helps.
Advansys SupportThanks for your enquiry.
While I don’t have a working sample available, the following should work.
- If you have not already done so, use the Formativ Form Designer to add a form to your applet.
- Go to the Component Palette’s Netware tab, select ‘NWDir’ and click the form surface to add this component. If your form is named ‘MainForm’, the new component name will be ‘MainFormNWDir1’.
- Go to the Object Inspector and select the Events tab, then double-click OnSearchCompleted. This will add the following to your applet source code:
Sub MainFormNWDir1SearchCompleted(Sender, Results) End Sub
- Now add code for your application:
Sub MainFormNWDir1SearchCompleted(Sender, Results) for each item in Results ' item is a string, the full name of an object in the Directory. call MainFormListBox1.Items.Add(item) next End Sub
This code assumes the existence of a ListBox control named ‘MainFormLIistBox1’ on the form.
Note: If the above does not work (or if you prefer to use VBScript’s CreateObject and the control’s ProgID to create an instance of this control), it may be possible to bind a VBScript handler (ie. procedure) to the SearchCompleted event with the GetRef function.
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support[This message was edited by Support 1 on September 16, 2009 at 08:04 PM.]
That’s great news!
I suggest you exclude the following folders from your anti-virus checking:
- C:Documents and Settings[Windows User Name]Local SettingsTempa2goidx
- C:Documents and Settings[Windows User Name]Local SettingsTempa2gowork
- C:Documents and Settings[Windows User Name]Local SettingsTemparchive2goidx
I hope this helps for all users.
Advansys SupportThanks for including the log sample.
It is possible that this problem is caused by anti-virus software locking certain files. It may help to disable anti-virus software temporarily, for the duration of the indexing process.
Please let me know how you go.
Advansys Support[This message was edited by Support 1 on September 15, 2009 at 06:55 PM.]
Thank you for the clarification, and sorry for the delay.
Probably there are many ways to do as you describe. There would need to be additional metadata which maps ‘document’ numbers to messages/attachments in the archive. The Viewer would need to have some way of rendering items to display the document number; perhaps literally a watermark (with email body text superimposed). However, the Viewer does not display the content of any attachment: this is dependent on the application associated with each type of attachment.
If you are interested in following this up, it would be a custom development job. Unfortunately we do not have development resources available at present; I suggest that you contact one of our custom development partners.
Advansys SupportThanks for reporting this problem.
I am not sure what causes this to happen. Your log sample indicates that you are using Indexer or below. I suggest you install the latest update, described in this featured topic before trying again.
Please let me know how you go.
Advansys Support -