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GroupWise does not expose events associated with an Address Book. Unfortunately, this means there is no way (using Formativ) to determine an edited Contact.
Advansys Support
GroupWise does not allow deleting attachments from received email.
However, GroupWise 6.0 or above can recreate the message (using API method AddExistingMessage) minus attachments, and insert reference text, eg attachment caption, into the email message body.
Note that ‘recreate’ is different to cloning a message. Cloning is also possible in GroupWise, though it excludes part of the message (eg Properties), and is not available for received messages.
You can find examples that save selected messages and their attachments to disk here.
Advansys Support
The GroupWise token
FolderMoveTo(Source, Target)
does not move messages from one folder to another. Rather, it moves the folder; in other words, it makes Source a sub-folder of Target.
I think the sample code below does what you are want. It uses Object API to move messages from one folder to another folder.
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Move all messages from the 'Work In Progress' folder into 'Cabinet'. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Main(Client, GWEvent) dim x dim iCounter dim oWIPMessages dim oCabinetMessages set oWIPMessages = GroupWise.account.WorkFolder.Messages iCounter = oWIPMessages.count if (iCounter = 0) then msgbox "No messages to move from the Work In Progress folder." exit sub end if set oCabinetMessages = GroupWise.account.Cabinet.Messages for x = iCounter to 1 step -1 msgbox x call oWIPMessages.Move(x, oCabinetMessages) next msgbox(iCounter & " messages moved from WIP to Cabinet.") set oWIPMessages = nothing set oCabinetMessages = nothing End Sub
I hope this example is helpful to you.
Advansys Support
We have received your message; thank you. Our engineers are looking into the problem.
Advansys Support
Thank you for sending the files. I have forwarded them to our engineers.
We will be in touch as soon as we have a resolution for you.
Advansys Support
GroupWise displays this error for an HTML-formatted message when inserting HTML that is corrupt (or non-standard). The problem here could also be related to the version of GroupWise.
Please send a copy of the HTML disclaimer file, the applet and your Formativ configuration information to the email address below:
(You can access Formativ configuration via the main GroupWise menu: select Help | About Formativ. When the about box appears, select the configuration tab, then press the ‘copy to clipboard’ button. Then paste the contents of the clipboard into the body of your email message.)
Advansys Support
I infer that your other users don’t have this problem with Multiple Signatures. This implies it may a version issue – with the applet or Formativ.
Please send a copy of the applet and your Formativ configuration information to the email address below:
(You can access Formativ configuration via the main GroupWise menu: select Help | About Formativ. When the about box appears, select the configuration tab, then press the ‘copy to clipboard’ button. Then paste the contents of the clipboard into the body of your email message.)
Advansys Support