Forum Replies Created
Always happy to help. Thank you for the feedback.
Advansys Support
Thank you for continued feedback. The details of your experiences are helpful to us, and probably Novell too.
If we think of anything else to try, we will let you know.
Thanks again.
Advansys Support
Unfortunately it is not possible to call the Environ function in an applet. However it is possible to access environment variables using the Windows scripting host. The following sample code reads all environment variables:
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Read environment variables ' Link: '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub Main(Client, GWEvent) dim item dim objEnv dim iMessage dim oWshShell Set oWshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") if oWshShell is nothing then exit sub end if ' Get the collection using the Environment property Set objEnv = oWshShell.Environment("Process") if objEnv is nothing then exit sub end if iMessage = "Environment variables" + vbcrlf + vbcrlf ' Read environment variables For Each item In objEnv iMessage = iMessage & vbcrlf & item Next msgbox iMessage set objEnv = nothing set oWshShell = nothing end Sub
Advansys Support
I am not sure of what specific help you are looking for.
If you want help on editing a Microsoft Word document from an external application, then I recommend you look for references on automating Word (and the Word Object Model) on Microsoft’s web site: Microsoft Developer Network.
Advansys Support
If you refer to setting a GroupWise Integration for your applet, it appears you have come across an error in the documentation. (We will correct the documentation in a forthcoming update.)
In order to assign a context menu integration for your applet, go to the Integrations tab within Formativ Central. For the Email context, place a check mark in the column named Popup.
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
Thank you for keeping us informed.
Your configuration information indicates that the portal folder is disabled (in the section Client Options). This is the reason GroupWise was not updating the display on changing the selection in the Folder List.
The Advansys Formativ support applet (in the Windows Control Panel) can be used to change this setting. It appears that your portal folder was disabled at some point after installing Formativ; the default setting is *enabled*.
Advansys Support
Thank you for your enquiry.
It should always be possible to access items in the GroupWise folder list. Something appears to have gone awry with your installation or configuration.
Please post your Formativ configuration information for us to analyse. You can obtain the information via the main GroupWise menu: select Help | About Formativ. When the About box appears, select the Configuration tab, then press the ‘Copy to Clipboard’ button. Finally, paste the contents of the clipboard into your message.
We will be in touch as soon as possible.
Advansys Support
Thank you for supplying this information. We are investigating the issue and will be in touch as soon as possible.
Advansys Support
October 29, 2003 at 4:55 pm in reply to: How to determine the language setting of the GroupWise client #6747Unfortunately there is no API call or Token to read the “Interface Language”. You can read the setting from the Windows Registry. The following source code example displays its value in a message dialog:
Dim oRegistry Set oRegistry = Utilities.Registry oRegistry.RootKey = fHKEY_CURRENT_USER if oRegistry.OpenKey("SoftwareNovellGroupWiseInterface Language", FALSE) then ' This key value has no name. msgbox oRegistry.ReadString("") oRegistry.CloseKey end if set oRegistry = nothing
Advansys Support
At present there is no way to prevent Formativ from displaying this message. The design team felt it was important to inform the GroupWise user of applets that cannot behave correctly.
I will forward your request to the Enhancements database for the forthcoming upgrade to Formativ.
Advansys SupportYou may share an applet via Cool Solutions, a website-based support community for products by Novell & other vendors.
If you wish to share a Formativ applet, you can submit it directly to Cool Solutions (see instructions here). Or send it to Advansys at, and we will submit it to Cool Solutions on your behalf. Either way, Cool Solutions requires approval of your applet from Advansys.
Advansys Support
Thank you for your support and feedback.
Advansys Support
I am not sure what you mean by a ‘corrupt installation file.’ Is this based on a message from the installer?
Given that this problem resembles the one you describe in the Formativ Admin forum, please continue this discussion in that thread.
Advansys Support
Here is some sample code to:
- Determine whether the [Shift] key is down.
- Retrieve Address Book entry attributes.
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent) dim oField dim oEntry dim oFieldObj dim oAddressBook ' Determines whether a key is up or down at the time the function is called. if Utilities.KeyIsDown(VK_SHIFT) then Msgbox("Shift Key Pressed") end if set oAddressBook = GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks.Item("Novell GroupWise Address Book") if oAddressBook is nothing then exit sub end if ' We are getting an entry using the index value set oEntry = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Item(1) if oEntry is nothing then exit sub end if msgbox "Name: " & oEntry.DisplayName msgbox "Email Address: " & oEntry.EmailAddress ' You can access all the properties using the fields collection. The sample code ' accesses the first item in the collection. See GroupWise Object API documentation for ' more details. ' set oFieldObj = oEntry.Fields set oField = oFieldObj.Item(1) if not oField is nothing then msgbox (oField.value) end if set oEntry = nothing set oFieldObj = nothing set oField = nothing set oAddressBook = nothing End Sub
Advansys Support
From your description, I am not sure what might cause this problem.
Have you checked the web page on Formativ Frequently Asked Questions?
If you are still unable to install, could you post more information about your system? Please include details of your hardware, the installed versions of Windows, the NetWare client and GroupWise.
Was GroupWise running while you tried to install Formativ? You should close all applications before installing.
To ensure your system does not have a corrupted installation of Formativ, please remove it before attempting another installation. Run Add or Remove Programs in the Windows Control Panel, then click the button Change/Remove on Advansys Formativ Admin/Developer.
Advansys Support