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  • in reply to: check box disable #6794
    Support 1

      With Formativ 1.6 and earlier versions, a dynamic user interface is possible with an HTML portal or HTML dialog. You could, for instance, encode rules into a group of checkboxes using JavaScript.

      Alternatively, you could divide your dialog’s logic among a series of Formativ dialogs, approximating the ‘Wizard’ user interface metaphor. For example, choices made in dialog 1 would affect whether dialogs 3 and 4 appear.

      The forthcoming release of Formativ, due in early 2004, includes a new WYSIWYG form designer. In addition, the new forms make it possible to respond to user ‘events’ dynamically (as in your checkboxes example). If you wish to learn more about Formativ 2.0, please send an email to

      Advansys Support

      in reply to: Custom Icon in Toolbar? #6791
      Support 1

        Always happy to help.

        Advansys Support

        in reply to: Menu Separator #6785
        Support 1

          A menu separator line is just a menu item. The following is from our response to your earlier post:


          Formativ does not provide a means to delete GroupWise menu items. I will add your request to the Formativ Enhancements database.

          However this is possible using the GroupWise Custom Third Party Object (C3PO) API. You can find out more about developing a C3PO in the Novell Developer Kit at Novell DeveloperNet. I believe the API function you require is CustomizeContextMenu.

          Advansys Support

          in reply to: right click context menu #6784
          Support 1

            Formativ does not provide a means to delete GroupWise menu items. I will add your request to the Formativ Enhancements database.

            However this is possible using the GroupWise Custom Third Party Object (C3PO) API. You can find out more about developing a C3PO in the Novell Developer Kit at Novell DeveloperNet. I believe the API function you require is CustomizeContextMenu.

            I hope this helps.

            Advansys Support

            in reply to: Problems with saving messages as fmtAnsitext #6782
            Support 1

              I have done some experimenting with .ItemSaveMessage, and it appears to work correctly in my test applet, which assumes a message is selected in the GroupWise message list:

              option explicit
              Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                dim oDlg
                dim oMsg
                set oMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
                if IsObject(oMsg) then
                  set oDlg = Utilities.NewSaveFileDialog
                  with oDlg
                    .Title = "Save '" & oMsg.Subject & "' As"
                    .Options = ofOverwritePrompt or ofHideReadOnly or ofShareAware
                    .FileName = oMsg.Subject & ".gwm"
                  end with
                  if oDlg.Execute then
                    call GroupWise.ItemSaveMessage(oMsg.MessageID, oDlg.FileName, fmtAnsitext)
                  end if
                end if
                set oMsg = nothing
                set oDlg = nothing
              End Sub

              I have set the Integrations for this applet to add a button to the main GroupWise toolbar.

              If you can replicate the incorrect behaviour with this test applet, then I think the problem is to do with your environment. In that case, please send your system configuration to us at You can obtain the information via the main GroupWise Help menu: select About Formativ. When the About box appears, select the Configuration tab, then press the ‘Copy to Clipboard’ button. Finally, paste the contents of the clipboard into your message.

              Advansys Support

              in reply to: Problems with saving messages as fmtAnsitext #6783
              Support 1

                We think there is a bug in the GroupWise Token ItemSaveMessage, when using file format fmtAnsiText. This is on the basis that it works correctly for the other format.

                You may wish to experiment with saving to either format directly from the GroupWise client, looking to see whether message data is lost this way too.

                I will notify Novell about the bug in ItemSaveMessage – if they don’t already know.

                As for alternatives to finding a solution:

                • Manually post-process the WordPerfect format to plain-text. This is probably inefficient.
                • Switch to the GroupWise Object API, using, for example, the Message object to access individual properties, including the message body. Obviously this requires much more work than using ItemSaveMessage, and you will need to design a suitable file format for the message properties.
                • Combine the Token and Object APIs. Use ItemSaveInfo from the former to create a file, and use the latter to append the message body.
                • Advansys supplies a solution that I think is similar to yours – Formativ Message Saver Pack. Details of this product are here.

                Advansys Support

                in reply to: Looking for a search sample #6768
                Support 1

                  I suggest you take a look at Mailbox View, which can be downloaded from Cool Solutions here.

                  Mailbox View displays a list of messages in a Formativ Portal, where each item includes basic message properties like Subject, Date and From. In particular, subroutine StoreMessageInList in the source code obtains the relevant properties of a message.

                  You will find there is a plentiful supply of example Formativ applets – ready to run solutions – at Cool Solutions and at Formativ Applet Central. These examples are very useful for a Formativ beginner to study.

                  In addition, you can study the complete list of message properties and methods at the GroupWise Object API reference here. Note: this is the base Message object; there are specializations (with additional properties & methods) for message types like Mail and Appointment.

                  Hope this helps.

                  Advansys Support

                  in reply to: Search and Replace in MS Word #6773
                  Support 1

                    Glad to hear you’ve been successful. We are happy to help.

                    Advansys Support

                    in reply to: DateTimePicker.Checked always returns true? #6776
                    Support 1

                      You are correct, and this is a bug. I have written a test applet that verifies this behaviour of .Checked with .ShowCheckBox = True. I have also noticed that setting .Checked = False in code makes no difference. Source code of my test applet is listed below.

                      This issue has been recorded in the Formativ Bug Database. Our engineers will look at fixing this for the forthcoming release, version 2.

                      option explicit
                      Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                        dim iDialogResult
                        dim iIsDone
                        dim oControlDlg
                        dim oDateTimePicker
                        dim oLabel
                        ' Create control box & controls...
                        set oControlDlg = Utilities.NewControlBoxDialog
                        oControlDlg.AutoSize = True
                        oControlDlg.Caption = "My caption"
                        oControlDlg.Title = "Configuration Settings"
                        oControlDlg.Button1Caption = "OK"
                        oControlDlg.Button2Caption = "Cancel"
                        set oDateTimePicker = oControlDlg.AddDateTimeControl
                        oDateTimePicker.ShowCheckBox = True
                        oDateTimePicker.Date = Date
                        set oLabel = oControlDlg.AddMultiLineLabelControl
                        ' Execute the dialog until we're done...
                        iIsDone = False
                          iDialogResult = oControlDlg.Execute
                          Select Case iDialogResult
                            Case BTN1 ' OK
                              if oDateTimePicker.Checked then
                                oLabel.Caption = "Checked"
                                oLabel.Caption = "Not checked"
                              end if
                            Case BTN2 ' Cancel
                              iIsDone = True
                          End Select
                        Loop Until iIsDone
                        set oDateTimePicker = nothing
                        set oLabel = nothing
                        set oControlDlg = nothing
                      End Sub

                      Advansys Support

                      in reply to: Search and Replace in MS Word #6774
                      Support 1

                        I believe that using the selection object (.ActiveDocument) in Word is unreliable. Also, neither VBScript nor Formativ know the Word constant wdReplaceAll.

                        The following code sample should be a useful alternative.

                        Advansys Support

                        Const wdReplaceAll = 2
                        ' Mainline processing
                        Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                          dim oRange
                          dim oWordObj
                          On error resume next
                          Set oWordObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
                          if oWordObj is nothing then
                            exit sub
                          end if
                          oWordObj.visible = true
                          Set oRange = oWordObj.Documents(1).Content
                          if oRange is nothing then
                            exit sub
                          end if
                          Call oRange.Find.Execute("%1",FALSE,TRUE, FALSE,,,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,"Argl",wdReplaceAll)
                          set oRange = nothing
                          set oWordObj = nothing
                        End Sub
                        in reply to: Looking for a search sample #6767
                        Support 1

                          You will notice that the filter expression in the code sample includes the clause

                            (SUBJECT CONTAINS ""test"")

                          which limits the search to email messages whose Subject contains the text “test”. 0 (zero) on the VBScript dialog indicates you have no such messages, but you can change this filter expression from “test” to any other text.

                          Indeed, as indicated by the examples of other filter syntaxes, you can filter on a range of message properties, as well as Subject.

                          Advansys Support

                          in reply to: the Print Email applet and formative runtime 1.6 #5807
                          Support 1

                            We recommend that you use the latest version of Formativ. All versions are backward-compatible, so you can expect version 1.6 to improve on 1.5.

                            Unfortunately we do not have an applet for printing email without a Formativ Portal. I recommend that you install the GroupWise Enhancement Pack, as recommended in the System Requirements of the Formativ readme.txt.

                            Advansys Support

                            in reply to: Excel Importer #5806
                            Support 1

                              There is a newer applet on Cool Solutions that I think might work better for you. CSV Address Book Importer takes a CSV file and imports to a GroupWise personal address book. This is an installer for the applet.

                              You can get Excel to create a CSV file from your Excel address book. Choosing from the main menu File | Save As…, then set the ‘save as’ type to CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv). Then follow the instructions included with this new applet.

                              If the problem you are getting continues, please send us your Excel address book, to

                              Advansys Support

                              in reply to: html signature missing #8602
                              Support 1

                                Thank you for your follow-up message that all is well.

                                I am glad to hear there was no problem after all.

                                Advansys Support

                                in reply to: Word Mail Merge Source #6755
                                Support 1

                                  It sounds like you want the required format for a MS Word ‘mail merge’ data source.

                                  The following articles on the Microsoft web site may be helpful:

                                  HOW TO: Design and Set Up Mail Merge Data in Microsoft Word 2000
                                  HOWTO: Automate Microsoft Word to Perform a Mail Merge from Visual Basic .NET
                                  Word 2000 Mail Merge Resource Center

                                  In addition, I recommend you experiment with the Mail Merge feature in MS Word, to learn more about defining a data source.

                                  Advansys Support

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