Forum Replies Created
The object returned by GroupWise.ComposingItem is not a fully initialized Message object.
Formally, the BoxType property is undefined. I suggest using the following approach to determine whether the open message being composed is a personal task.Sub Main(Client, GWEvent) dim iPersonal dim oMsg set oMsg = GroupWise.ComposingItem if not (oMsg is nothing) then iPersonal = (oMsg.ClassName = "GW.MESSAGE.TASK") _ and GroupWise.ItemGetAttribute("X00", 198) msgbox "ClassName: " & oMsg.ClassName & ", Personal: " & iPersonal end if End Sub
Note that “X00” identifies the current composing message, which does not yet have a defined message ID.
Advansys Support
You cannot use the FormVariables collection with an HTML Dialog. FormVariables is associated with a form posted from a Formativ Portal. Rather, you should use the Variables property of the HTMLDialog object, as shown in the following revision to your code.
if (iHTMLButton = 1) then msgbox aDlg.Variables.Count Set iNumberCTL = aDlg.Variables.ItemByName("number") if not iNumberCTL is nothing then call msgbox(iNumberCTL.value, vbInformation, "Number") end if else ' msgbox "Cancel" end if ' --- Free up memory --- set aDlg = nothing
Advansys Support
It is not possible to set the focused control on a fcControlDlg object, or to get/set the cursor position in a MemoControl. This applies to Formativ 1.6x and earlier versions.
Formativ 2.0, which is going into public beta, includes a visual forms designer and provides dynamic access to the controls on a dialog. These features make it possible to do what you require. Watch the main web site for beta availability.
Advansys Support
If by application scripting you mean scripting (ie. automating, customizing) GroupWise, then Advansys Formativ may be what you are looking for.
I suggest you look at the overview of Formativ here. In addition, there are several free Formativ solutions available at GroupWise Cool Solutions.
Advansys Support
January 28, 2004 at 3:46 pm in reply to: Force GroupWise to open the application for an attachment #6885Formativ can be used to open a file attachment using the Windows file association, as shown in the applet example below. This example should be launched from a toolbar button on an open message view.
' GroupWise integrations should include the toolbar for all required message ' types. Note that setting this integration will require restarting GroupWise. sub Main(Client, GWEvent) dim iFileName dim iFound dim iIndex dim oAttachment dim oMsg set oMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage if IsObject(oMsg) then iFound = false iIndex = 1 do while (iIndex <= oMsg.Attachments.Count) and (not iFound) if oMsg.Attachments(iIndex).ObjType = fgwFile then iFound = true else iIndex = iIndex + 1 end if loop if iFound then set oAttachment = oMsg.Attachments(iIndex) iFileName = oAttachment.FileName if iFileName <> "" then iFileName = Utilities.TempFiles & iFileName call oAttachment.Save(iFileName) call Utilities.OpenDocument(iFileName) else iFound = false end if set oAttachment = nothing end if if not iFound then call MsgBox("Cannot find a file attachment.", vbInformation, "Open Document") end if end if set oMsg = nothing end sub
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
If you wish to obtain this applet with non-standard integrations, then please send an email to
Advansys Support
You can do this in several ways; using a script variable to store the message body is one reasonable option.
Here is another way. Find in the Token API looks for text in the message body. If successful, Find also selects the text. Unfortunately Find does not return True/False. But as the following code shows, we can copy the selected text to the clipboard and do a string comparison.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dim iText ' Set up the search text iText = "disclaimer/confidentiality" ' Clear the clipboard Utilities.ToClipBoard("") ' Set the focus to message body and point to the beginning of the first line. call GroupWise.FocusSet(fcsMessage, "") call GroupWise.PosTextTop ' Find the text call GroupWise.Find("", "", iText, _ fsdForward, matSubText, matSubText, matSubText) ' Copy to clipboard call GroupWise.EditCopy If (InStr(1, Utilities.FromClipBoard(), iText, vbTextCompare) > 0) then call MsgBox("Found the disclaimer language.") else call MsgBox("Did not find disclaimer language.") end if --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
Glad to be of service!
Advansys Support
Your code uses incorrect syntax for the token AddressBookResolveFullName. A user ID is required as well the full name; use an empty string for the current (logged-in) user. Try the following code:
MsgBox GroupWise.AddressBookResolveFullName("Tendulkar", "")
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
The code sample below finds all sent messages and displays the total number found in a message box. See the Filter syntax for a reference.
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent) dim oMsg dim oMessages on error resume next set oMessages = GroupWise.account.mailbox.messages.find("(MAIL) AND (BOX_TYPE = OUTGOING)") if oMessages is nothing then exit sub end if msgbox "Total sent messages: " & oMessages.count set oMessages = nothing End Sub
I hope this helps.
Advansys Support
I cannot find anything wrong in your code.
It may be worthwhile comparing the results you see from the applet with the categories displayed in the GroupWise client.
We have found that the category displayed in the GroupWise user interface can differ from the category reported by the GroupWise Object API. This is a defect in the current release of the GroupWise client. A workaround is to call
and/or set a 1-2 second delay after changing the category value in an applet.
Perhaps the behaviour you see is related to a different GroupWise defect. Please notify this forum of your progress. We may need to inform Novell of a new defect that requires fixing.
Advansys Support
Thank you for your response.
This issue will be dealt with offline of this forum.
We will post an update here when there is a resolution to publicise.
Advansys Support
There is an error in my earlier message. Instead of ‘Rollback,’ the button has the caption ‘Undo.’
I apologize for this error – and I hope this has not caused much confusion.
When a migration has completed and you start Personal Outlook Migration (do not click Migrate again), you should see the button Undo appear at the bottom. If this button does not appear, then I think something is amiss in your GroupWise environment.
We may need to send you a test applet to help diagnose the exact cause. In the meantime, please send an email to, stating your edition of Formativ (Admin, Developer or Runtime), and the text of your Formativ configuration. You can obtain the configuration as follows. Go to the GroupWise client Help menu, and select About Formativ… When the dialog appears, go to the Configuration tab and click the button Copy to clipboard, then paste the text into the body of your email.
We look forward to solving this issue very soon.
Advansys Support
The only known cause of deleted tasks being migrated is that the Outlook Trash folder was renamed. Personal Outlook Migration has no way of recognizing the Trash folder if its name has changed.
An Outlook task that is recurring will be migrated as a non-recurring GroupWise task; however its body text states that it is a recurring task.
I am not sure why your new/current/recurring tasks do not migrate. Please help us analyze this issue by sending us your Formativ configuration, and the log file from a migration session. You may post these items to To obtain your Formativ configuration, go to the GroupWise client Help menu, and select About Formativ…; when the dialog appears, go to the Configuration tab and click the button Copy to clipboard, then paste the text into the body of your email. Here are instructions for obtaining the log file:
- Hold down the Shift key as you start Personal Outlook Migration (this will generate a log file);
- Undo part of the completed migration: click the Undo button, then (on the Undo dialog) select Tasks only and proceed to undo the migrated tasks;
- Back on the main dialog, select Tasks only and click the Migrate button to migrate tasks from Outlook;
- Close the dialog. A Notepad window should open; it contains the text of the log. Copy the text and paste it into your email to us.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Advansys Support
We are always pleased to provide assistance where we can.
Advansys Support