Forum Replies Created
thanks works fine
ok i fixed the first thing with two recipients…
but i have still the problem with DateTimePicker ;(
i do it that way and evrything works fine.. but i have still 2 problems, how can i add two recipients?
and the other thing is:
With objMessage
.Subject = “xxxx”
.Bodytext = DateTimePicker.DateHere always cames out a freaky number, but i want to display the inputed Date ??
Thas all, thanks for now…
ignore my last post.. i was working with edit controls, of course there was nothing happens when i was putting the date manually
I cutted the the edit controls out and only working now with the DateTimerPicker… and i fix the other problem by working with Maxdate & MinDate Properties of the DateTimePicker Class…
I have one more question, is it possible to send the values or the result of my Form/Inquiry to 2 mail accounts as text mail in groupwise ( one for the CEO and the other mail for the one who is making the Inquiry)
How can i fix that ? Hope you understand what i mean…
Hi Support 1,
thanks for your help… and again it helps me a lot…
yes i meant the edit controls, i need to give the user the chance to put the Date in the DateTimerPicker or manually in the edit controls… but how? is that right that i have to put the the code in the main function also?
thanks for your help…
Hey guys,
now i have two problems… in my code now it works fine when i put a start and end date in the DateTimePicker calender to get only workdays of a week in my field workdays..I put these routine in the Sub PickerEndeChange(Sender) Event Handler…
So my two problems now are, that if the user put the start and end date manually in the fields nothing happens… i think i have to put the routine from the event handler in the main function, but how? and the other thing is, that i want to check if the date was putting correct, because start date can not be bigger then the end date ( if startDate > endDate ?? )
here is my code:
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
End Sub‘ Datefunction Start
Sub PickerStartChange(Sender)
TasoUrlaub.feldStart.Text = DateToStr(TasoUrlaub.PickerStart.Date)
End Sub‘ Datefunction End
Sub PickerEndChange(Sender)
TasoUrlaub.feldEnd.Text = DateToStr(TasoUrlaub.PickerEnd.Date)Dim fromDate
Dim toDate
fromDate = TasoUrlaub.PickerStart.Date
toDate = TasoUrlaub.PickerEnd.Date
Dim n
Dim i
Dim d
Dim s
Dim wn = DateDiff(“d”, fromDate, toDate)
For i = 0 To n
d = DateAdd(“d”,i, fromDate)
w = WeekDay(d)
If w <> 7 AND w <> 1 Then s = s + 1
TasoUrlaub.feldWorkDays.text = s & ” without holidays”End Sub
thanks for your help…
thanks a lot, it was very helpfull and it works fine…
i am trying to code a CheckDateRange function now… i try it by my own first…
Thanks very much..
it works great.. but now i have one onther problem..
‘ Date Function
I want that the users have the chance to put their start date and their end date in two fiels.. But i like to realize this like i ve seen in other formativ applets… i want my two fields with a drop down icon also which shows the visual calender of groupwise, and the users can select their start and end dates…
I hope you understand my function..
Thanks, Serhan
thanks for your answer, it helps me a lot..
i get the owner.displayname in msgbox prompted, but i need the value in my fieldNameChange Box..
i tried this:
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
dim owner
‘Get the login user address object
set owner = GroupWise.account.owner
set fieldNameChange = owner.displaynameSub fieldNameChange(Sender)
End Sub
But no luck, do you have an Idea ?