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  • in reply to: getMessage from Proxy fails #8104


      With the help of this post:

      I created a work around:

      intParentAttachmentCount = GroupWise.ItemAttachmentGetCount("X00")
             for intCounter = 0 to intParentAttachmentCount - 1
               ' extract from email attachement as other classes don't have attachments
               if GroupWise.ItemAttachmentGetClass("X00", intCounter) = 2 then
                 ' current account
                 set tmpMsg = groupwise.Account.GetMessage(groupwise.ItemAttachmentGetName("X00", intCounter))
                 if tmpMsg <> "" then
                   ExtractAttachments tmpMsg
                  ' proxies
                  for intPrx = 0 to groupwise.Account.Application.ProxyHistory.Count - 1
                     set tmpAccount = groupwise.Account.proxy(groupwise.Account.Application.ProxyHistory(intPrx))
                     set tmpMsg = tmpAccount.GetMessage(groupwise.ItemAttachmentGetName("X00", intCounter))
                     if tmpMsg <> "" then
                       ExtractAttachments tmpMsg
                       set tmpAccount = nothing
                       set tmpMsg = nothing
                       exit for
                     end if
                   set tmpAccount = nothing
                   set tmpMsg = nothing
                 end if
                 ' normal attachment code
               end if

      gonna go optimize it…

      in reply to: writing text after the signature #8093

        That’s genius if it works…

        I can safely say, even if the user see’s >>> that’s fine, as i can make the case (and win).

        I’ll give it a try.

        BTW.: your assumption is correct on the send even.


        in reply to: Running applet on receive item when user is not logged in? #8090

          Thanks for the link and reply!

          here’s the proper [URL=]SOAP Home[/URL]

          …same link…

          in reply to: Saving to Work In Progress #8086


            I posted on the novell forum and the response back was the API returns what’s in the database and the client is the one supplying the label’s per local.

            To me this is a huge down fall to state the API returns one thing but the software uses something else.

            They seam to think this is ok…

            in reply to: Saving to Work In Progress #8084


              I got it to work by using Displayname ” – AccueilTravail en cours”. Something like that…

              The Bug still remains the API does not return the proper labels. This issue can be seen with the Work in progress folder. When the interface is in french the api still returns “Work In Progress” when it should be “Travail en cours”.

              We could hardcode the string, however if the user changes the name of the labels this would most likely fail.

              Or Novell could just update ALL the bugs in there API and we could all live hapily ever after!


              in reply to: Hover box? #8079


                I’ll be going with the TMemo for multi line purposes.

                And the TImage for the call, which will hold in it’s tag value the message to load 1 = “This help”.


                in reply to: BUG: Retreiving the Subject of CurrentItem #8012

                  That’s an idea…

                  but in this case we would loose the


                  This copy also gets all recursive attachment of the composing email (in the case of Forward as Attachment) and attach them to the copy email in a linear fashion.


                  in reply to: BUG: Retreiving the Subject of CurrentItem #8013

                    I just did, The clone, clones all recipients, i believe (some) recipient cannot be removed from the collection. Thuse I don’t want to send 2 emails to all the To’s, CC’s and BCC’s. Just a copy to ONE box.

                    in reply to: BUG: Retreiving the Subject of CurrentItem #8022


                      1. The need:
                      We want to (when an email is sent) to also send a copy of the message + plus one Attachment we produce to a special email box. This copy also gets all recursive attachment of the composing email (in the case of Forward as Attachment) and attach them to the copy email in a linear fashion.

                      2. set oMsg = Client.clientstate.commandmessage
                      I was using clone initialy, don’t remember why I stopped. I do remember it was because of something. I’ll try again…


                      in reply to: BUG: Retreiving the Subject of CurrentItem #8017

                        Another solution i just thouth of is a 2 applet solution..

                        one that runs before event and does initial desired stuff.

                        then one that runs after event and copies and sends the message to another box.

                        Only thing I don’t know how to retreive the email just sent (100% sure to be the one sent) in the second event. How would i do that?

                        ill post if i find

                        there is an issue right off the bat with this. We cannot garantuee this second applet of siring because if the user clicks on another action between Before and After the After doen’s fire.

                        so this is down the tubes…


                        [This message was edited by sam on October 10, 2008 at 07:13 AM.]

                        in reply to: BUG: Retreiving the Subject of CurrentItem #8021

                          Thanks for the reply.

                          This action is a REPLACE GROUPWISE EVENT
                          When main runs onSend Action
                          1. Create a new message
                          2. Save the somposing item to draft (Because we NEED to keep formatting on subject and body text)
                          3. Copy the properties (subject, body, attachements) from the draft message to the new message.
                          4. send the draft and the new message.

                          no emails sent get the signature even thought we choose to add from the initial signature prompt screen.

                          Note: I tryed to send the composing item in the above flow to see if the signature would apear and it didn’t.

                          This behavior is also produced if the event is changed to “run before”.

                               dim iWIPFolderPath
                                   dim oMsg
                                   dim iMsgID
                                   dim iWIPPath
                                   dim iBreakCount
                                   ' Get the message ID
                                   iMsgID = GroupWise.ItemMessageIDFromView
                                 ' If the draft message then save to WIP otherwise access the message
                                 if (iMsgID = "X00") then
                               '  function saves to draft 
                               set oMsgCopy =  SaveComposingItemToDraft()
                                Set objDraft = GroupWise.Account.MailBox.Messages.Add(4)
                                'set subject and body
                                with objDraft
                                   .Subject.PlainText = oMsgCopy.Subject.Unicode
                                   .BodyText.RTF = oMsgCopy.BodyText.RTF
                                end with
                                 ' add attchements form original email
                                 if oMsgCopy.Attachments.Count > 0 then
                                   for sndIntCounter = oMsgCopy.Attachments.Count to 1 Step -1
                                     if oMsgCopy.Attachments(sndIntCounter).ObjType <> 2 then
                                     	  ' add to email
                                        valFileName = utilities.CreateValidFilename(oMsgCopy.Attachments(sndIntCounter).DisplayName)
                                        oMsgCopy.Attachments(sndIntCounter).Save utilities.tempfiles & valFileName
                                        objDraft.Attachments.Add utilities.tempfiles & valFileName, , oMsgCopy.Attachments(sndIntCounter).DisplayName
                                      end if
                                 end if
                                 ' Add Email for draft
                                 select case form.cboDestination.text
                                   case gstrDestinationItems(0)(0)
                                     objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(gEmail1,,0)
                                   case gstrDestinationItems(0)(2)
                                     objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(gEmail2,,0)
                                   case gstrDestinationItems(0)(1)
                                     objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(gEmail3,,0)
                                   case else
                                     objRecipient = objDraft.Recipients.Add(gEmail4,,0)
                                 end select
                                 ' send copy
                           	' send composing
                                 ' clear change flags
                                 ' close composing window
                          in reply to: BUG: Retreiving the Subject of CurrentItem #8023

                            Another issue was been found using this technic.

                            It has been observed that if the composingItem is save to draft then sent (in order to retreive the subject properly) the user’s default signature or the signature specified before send. Does not get appended to the message.

                            Anyone know how to work around this?


                            in reply to: How to get signature text? #6913


                              So did they ever get back to you guys? this is a must for us as we are replacing the onsedn event with are own event.

                              Only issue is the novell signature form runs (if the user has it set-up that way) and the changes/default do not get written to then email when sending it. Even after using Utilities.DoEvents…

                              Any insight for us?


                              in reply to: Menu Objects disapear if other tabs are clicked #5628

                                the message from support:

                                Thanks for the message.

                                Our engineers recommend to upgrade Formativ from “” to “2.0.1”.
                                You can download the Formativ 2.0.1 from here:

                                Please see below Formativ 2.0.1 readme entry about the XP themes:

                                “GroupWise 7 client introduced support for Windows XP Themes. Themes
                                are not supported by the Formativ Forms designer component toolbar and
                                property editors. Accordingly, theme support is disabled in GroupWise
                                while the Forms editor is active, and re-enabled when the Forms editor
                                is closed. This affects Formativ Studio and Creator users only.”

                                Hope this helps. If you have any further questions, please do not
                                hesitate to contact us.

                                I then disabled themes on my workstation, moving from windows xp custom to windows classic and it solved the issue.

                                Looks like the switch wasn’t being flicked properly for me when the form designer loaded…


                                in reply to: Menu Objects disapear if other tabs are clicked #5625


                                  Anyone else with this issue?

                                  or a possible fix?

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