Forum Replies Created
Yes it works. My first Applet is finished.
Sorry i forgot to ask.
i used this code to insert plain text
NewMsg.BodyText.PlainText = “System: ” & InsTab & ComboBoxKategorie.Text & NL _
& “Datum: ” & InsTab & DateTime1.Date & NL _
& “Uhrzeit: ” & InsTab & DateTime3.Time & NL _
& “Dauer: ” & InsTab & DateTime2.Time & NL & NL _
& “Beschreibung: ” & NL _
& “—————-” & NL & MemoControl1.Text
———————-%————————you know i want to change this in RTF to do some formats. I tried the code
iBody = “{rtf1ansiansicpg1252uc1 {This is plain” &_
“par” &_
“par b System:}ComboBoxKategorie.Text{” &_
“par This is }{i italics}{” &_
“par }}”
———————-%————————but the access to the variable ComboBoxKategorie.Text does not work.
The Result should look like:
System: Formativ
Datum: 12.02.2003
Uhrzeit: 12:00:00
Dauer: 00:10:00Beschreibung:
Great System
——————————————Any idea.
Thanks again …
Hey great!!!
This works very good. Can you give me information where i can find documentation about the format of RTF text?
Ok this works fine, but how can i use it in the following code?
‘ Create a email message
Set NewMsg = GroupWise.Account.MailBox.Messages.Add(“GW.MESSAGE.MAIL”, 4)‘ Add a recipient
MsgRecipient = NewMsg.Recipients.Add(GroupWise.Account.Owner.EmailAddress,,0)‘ Subject and body text of the mail
NewMsg.FromText = GroupWise.Account.Owner.DisplayName
NewMsg.Subject = “System Störung”
NewMsg.BodyText.PlainText = “System: ” & ComboBoxKategorie.Text & NL _
& “Datum: ” & DateTime1.Date & NL _
& “Dauer: ” & DateTime2.Time & NL & NL _
& “Beschreibung: ” & NL _
& “—————-” & NL & MemoControl1.Text‘ Send the email by calling the send method
Set objEmail = NewMsg.Send
——————-%——————————–Here i want to format SYSTEM, DATUM, DAUER, BESCHREIBUNG in Bold Letters?
PS: Cool new Webdesign, wau ….
Thanks. The way you described works fine.