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Hi again,
i read in the programmers guide (applet structure) that i can find more information about “GroupWise C3PO ClientState Object as documented in the GroupWise C3PO documentation”.
i do a search on the web and find on
information about clientstate. But where can i found the information for Client.ClientState.CurrentAccount.Proxied? I only find Client.ClientState.CurrentAccount.Thanks for help.
Best Regards
what can i say. P E R F´E C T Sample.
Thanks a lot.
Best Regards from Germany.
Thanks for the informations.
Are there any News??
i tried again with a modified script and re-start the GW-Client with the following result.
When I created a posted, personal task with GW-UI and pressed the post button the messagebox comes up. But when i use my script to create a task it does not work. Integration GW-Main-Toolbar (Button), Task | Events | OnSend
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
if (GWEvent = “GW#C#SEND”) then
msgbox(“Send ” & GWEvent)
‘ Create the new task
set objTask = GroupWise.Account.Calendar.Messages.Add(“GW.MESSAGE.TASK”, 3)‘ Set some properties
objTask.OnCalendar = TRUE
objTask.FromText = GroupWise.Account.Owner.DisplayName
objTask.TaskPriority = “9”
objTask.Subject = “My Task”
objTask.BodyText = “myTaskMessagetext”
objTask.StartDate = “03.07.2003”
objTask.DueDate = “03.07.2003”end if
End Sub
And the other thing is, when the task is already created, i re-open the task, editing something and post again, NO event ON SEND occurs !!!
Regards …
it works. Thanks.
But where can i find the values which returns from groupwise.ItemGetType. I looked into the language guide but there are no values described.Best Regards
ok i try to explain with more details.
The basic function of the applet is to start a UI to create a task. The fields to insert information for example
Subject, Bodytext are empty. This works fine. Now i want to enhance the applet with following functionality:
When i start the applet inside a mail which is currently active (viewed) read the subject and the bodytext, start the
UI and insert the subject and bodytext into the fields. With the code below i can determine what type of message it is (if i am right), but i cannot check the status of the mail if it is currently active (viewed). Only when it is currently active it should read the subject and bodytext to insert it, else open a empty UI.‘ If Type = Mail read Subject and Bodytext
Set SourceMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessageif (SourceMsg.Classname = “GW.MESSAGE.MAIL”) then
SourceSubject = SourceMsg.Subject
SourceBodytext = SourceMsg.Bodytext
end ifThanks again for help.
Best Regards
Thanks for the information. Here is the function which do the work.
Function PlainToRTF(cBodyText)
dim iList
dim Msgset iList = Utilities.StringList
iList.Text = cBodyText
for iCount = 0 to iList.Count – 1
if (iCount = 0) Then
Msg = “{” & iList.Strings(iCount) & “}”
Msg = Msg & “{par ” & iList.Strings(iCount) & “}”
end if
nextPlainToRTF = Msg
End Function
Best Regards
Hi Manfred,
i use a lot of task. Each time i work on a task i write it down. To see when i send some timeon this task i insert a Timestamp automatically. Mabye it works for you.
Regards Ralf
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)dim iMsg
dim sMessage
dim NL
dim Stamp
dim CostNL = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
InsTab = Chr(9)
Cost = InputBox(“Cost: “,”Time in Minutes”)
Stamp = NL & NL & _
“~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” & NL & _
“changed on:” & InsTab & Date & ” – ” & Time & NL & _
“Cost:” & InsTab & InsTab & Cost & NL & _
“~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” & NL & NL‘ Use the draft message ID (X00)
sMessage = GroupWise.ItemGetText(“X00”, itfMessage)sMessage = Stamp & sMessage
Call GroupWise.TextSetMessage(sMessage, False)
End Sub
—————%—————-It works fine. Thanks a lot. Greate Job!!!
i am not sure where’s the problem. I used the script descibed above. When i start the gw-client or edit the script and open a task first time, the task correctly changed with the additional information. When i open the task again i see the last modification, but when i insert another information the client did not save it.
A GW-Client without Formativ Extension actuall each time.
Any idea?
Thanks for the info’s. It works. Juhu … ;-))
Sometimes i am a little confused when i do a search in the language guide.
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
dim iMsg
dim sMessage
dim NL
dim InsTab
dim StempNL = Chr(13) & Chr(10)
InsTab = Chr(9)
Stemp = NL & NL & _
“~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” & NL & _
“geändert am: ” & Date & ” – ” & Time & NL & _
“~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~” & NL & NLset iMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
sMessage = GroupWise.ItemGetText(iMsg.MessageID, itfMessage)
‘MsgBox iMsg.MessageIDsMessage = Stemp & sMessage
Call GroupWise.TextSetMessage(sMessage, False)
End Sub
With the statement GroupWise.ItemGetText i get the message of the task. To modify the text i used first GroupWise.ItemSetText. But it does not work. After searching in the sample scripts i found GroupWise.TextSetMessage. This works fine.
Thanks again.
thanks for help.
i read a lot in the api documentation but it is not easy to understand. For example:MessageBoxTypeConstants
These constants identify the box type of a message.
Constant Value Description
egwIncoming 1 Incoming.
egwOutgoing 2 Outgoing.
egwPersonal 3 Personal.
egwDraft 4 Draft.What is the different between Personal and Draft?
I am looking for “GroupWise.ItemSetItemType(MessageID String, ItemType eItemType, IsPersonal Boolean)”.
Where can i get the MessageID?Thanks.