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  • in reply to: Appending HTML After Signature #7938

      You’re exactly right, only one PosToEndOfText works, however two “Call GroupWise.Retrieve(filename)” seems to work well. I’ve failed at trying to insert the logo in the disclaimer file unfortunately.

      The biggest problem I’m having is getting our logo to post after the signature. I don’t know how we were able to get our disclaimer to always post after the signature – I thought it was because we insert “>>>” just before the disclaimer text in the disclaimer file, but placing “>>>” before the logo positions above the signature.

      Another unfortunate outcome is how email providers render the logo coming from GroupWise as an attachment depending on personal HTML view options. If tried this example:
      <IMG SRC=”;
      BORDER=”0″> – which appears as an attachement in gmail, hotmail and others
      and example: <DIV style=”BACKGROUND-POSITION: center center; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(;
      WIDTH: 100px; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat; HEIGHT: 45px”></DIV> doesn’t seem to work outside of GW received email. Can you recommend other HTML syntax I could try.

      Thanks again!

      in reply to: Appending HTML After Signature #7937

        Thanks for the tips!

        Your alternative idea sounds very appealing. You reminded me of similar code to force our disclaimer at the end of externally sent email. This applet uses the following commands:

        Call GroupWise.PosToEndOfText
        Call GroupWise.Retrieve(ourfilename)

        Can I get away with using PosToEndOfText twice? Once for our logo, and again for our disclaimer. It should be easy to try – but please let me know if this is a bad idea.

        Your help is very appreciated.

        in reply to: Mouse Cursor Hour Glass vs. Progress Bar? #7605

          Perfect – thank you!

          in reply to: Personal Address Book Group Entry Question #7591

            Your information was exactly what I needed to know. Thanks for your quick response and the helpful sample code. You continue to help make Formativ a big success for us.


            in reply to: Multi-tasking OnSend issue #7565

              Your information is working out very well! Thank you for getting me over the hurdle.


              in reply to: Is current ComposingItem available after SEND is canceled? #7558

                Thank you!
                This did the job.


                in reply to: Double Quote Problem with ItemSetText #7527

                  Thanks again for responding.

                  It may well be that we’ll need to upgrade GroupWise. We’re on 6.5.1 (7/11/2003 build) which is a bit behind. I’m running this via a Message Tool Menu option. It does work every time unless () or {} are in the message body.

                  I’m happy to know that it can work.

                  in reply to: Double Quote Problem with ItemSetText #7521

                    Thank you for your response. Here is the applet I’m using:

                    ‘ 3/1/06 rdr Created
                    ‘ Allow email sender to insert a standard customer warning message on top of
                    ‘ the composing message body to warn recipient not to send sensitive personal
                    ‘ information via email

                    Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
                    Dim Msg
                    Dim textLine
                    Dim textMessage
                    Dim StrMsg
                    Dim StrNewMsg

                    textLine = “________________________________________________________”
                    textMessage = “For future reference, to protect the confidentiality of your”_
                    + ” financial information, please do not include personal ” _
                    + “information such as account numbers, card numbers, or ” _
                    + “social security numbers in email messages. Regular email ” _
                    + “messages are not secure and therefore should not be used ” _
                    + “to communicate confidential information. “

                    Set Msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem

                    if (not Msg is Nothing) then
                    strNewMsg = textLine _
                    + vbCRLF + vbCRLF + textMessage + vbCRLF _
                    + textLine + vbCRLF + vbCRLF + Msg.BodyText
                    iSyntax = “ItemSetText(“”X00″”;10;””” & strNewMsg & “””;0;1)”
                    msgBox groupWise.throwToken(iSyntax, iReturnVal)
                    ‘call GroupWise.ItemSetText(“X00”, itfMessage, strNewMsg, false)

                    Set Msg = nothing
                    MsgBox(“no gw items were available to insert text”)
                    end if

                    End Sub

                    You’re right that the test you describe above works well. In fact, I’m more puzzled now. For some reason though, if you type the (), {} within the message body, Msg.BodyText with throwToken’s iReturnVal comes back false and the applet fails.

                    Thanks for your ideas,

                    in reply to: Double Quote Problem with ItemSetText #7525

                      I have another question. All message body characters work with the “ThrowToken” method except for open and close parenthesis “()” and curly brackets “{}”. Any of These result in a “false” return and my applet fails to work. Would you have some ideas on how to keep these characters in the message body when converting to a string with GroupWise.ComposingItem and putting the message body back into GW with the “ThrowToken” method? Thank you!

                      in reply to: Double Quote Problem with ItemSetText #7520

                        Your solution worked perfect. I think it’s safe to say that I would not have found this on my own.

                        Thank you,

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