Forum Replies Created
I cannot reproduce the same behaviour. The draft message was removed from the deleted items if I call message.delete. I also noticed you create the draft message in the Mailbox folder. I recommend you create the draft message in the Work-In-Progress folder. Try the code below to remove the draft message from trash entries collection. Hope this helps.
sub ResendMail (Msg)
Dim objMail
Dim objNewMail
Dim objRecipientSet objMail = GroupWise.Account.WorkFolder.Messages.Add(“GW.MESSAGE.MAIL”, fgwDraft)
Set objRecipient = objMail.Recipients.Add(GroupWise.Account.Owner.EmailAddress,,0)With objMail
.Priority = fgwNormal
.FromText = Msg.Sender
.Subject = strPrefix & ” ” & Msg.Subject
.BodyText.PlainText = “============= Orginal Message =============” & _
vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
End WithSet objNewMail = objMail.Send
‘ Removes from TrashEntries collection.
set oTrashEntry = Groupwise.account.Trash.TrashEntries.ItemEx(objMail.MessageID)
if not oTrashEntry is nothing then
end ifset objNewMail = Nothing
Set objRecipient = Nothing
Set objMail = Nothing
Originally posted by GoumJer:
MA,thanks for your reply.
Unfortunatly this doesn’t solve my problem. The draft message still is in the deleted items.
Is there a command which does the same as the
keyboard combination (really delete)?Thanks,
[This message was edited by Support 1 on August 18, 2005 at 05:08 PM.]
Delete the draft message after send. Here is the code:
Set objNewMail = objMail.Send
objMail.deleteHope this helps.
Is it true that once a email is received into Groupwise it cannot be edited?
You can only change the Personal Subject for the received email. Personal subject is a text string to be shown by the GroupWise Windows client as the Subject text. This text appears only for the current user. The normal subject or their own Personal Subject text appears for other users. Available in GroupWise 6.5 and later.
My colleague wants to edit a copy of an inwards email before he files it away. E.g. change the title if it is not relevant. Apart from addedit message note is their a Formativ product that will do this?
You can use Advansys Formativ Message Saver Pack to save messages from the GroupWise client to files which can be viewed offline using the free Advansys Message Viewer. For more details see:
I will suggest to use RzDateTimeEdit control from the Enhanced tab and set the EditType to etTime to use the edit control to enter times. Hope this helps.
My question is: How to determine whether the user Sends, Replies or Forwards the message?
You can determine which event caused an applet to run checking the GWEvent argument (passed into the Sub Main() of every applet). Here’s some sample code:
select case GWEvent
case “GW#C#REPLY” msgbox “Reply message”
case “GW#C#FORWARD” msgbox “Forward message”
case “GW#C#SEND” msgbox “Send message”
case else msgbox “Other”
end selectquote:
I tried registering our applet with OnReply event, but this brings another issue: I can’t get the reference to GroupWise.ComposingItem object.
I could not reproduce this. Make sure you set the OnReply event to After GroupWise Event. Alternatively, you can use the Groupwise.ItemSetText commands to set some properties:
call groupwise.ItemSetText(“X00”, itfSubject, “Test subject”, false)
call groupwise.ItemSetText(“X00”, itfMessage, “Test message”, false)Hope this helps.
[This message was edited by Support 1 on March 23, 2005 at 07:39 PM.]
Make sure you have entered valid URL into the Image URL edit box. I have entered the url into the edit box and pressed Refresh which insert the GroupWise cool solutions image into the message. Hope this helps.
I would recommend you use the GroupWise Object API AddressBookEntries Find(Condition) method. You can use wildcard characters “*” and “?” in the filter expression. The folowing code uses the Find method to find contacts in the “Frequent Contacts” address book.
For more details see the Object API documentation at:
dim oBook
dim oContact
dim oContacts
dim iSyntaxset oBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item(“Frequent Contacts”)
iSyntax = “(Name CONTAINS “”” & inputbox(“Find contact”, “”, “”) & “*””)”
set oContacts = oBook.AddressBookEntries.find(iSyntax)msgbox “Contacts Found: ” & oContacts.count
for each oContact in oContacts
msgbox oContact.displayname
next[This message was edited by Support 1 on February 09, 2005 at 02:43 PM.]
The following code will read the attachments size for the composing message. Hope this helps.
dim x
for x = 0 to groupwise.ItemAttachmentGetCount(“X00”) -1
‘ Attachment size, in bytes of the specified file
msgbox Utilities.FileSystem.GetSizeOfFile(groupwise.ItemAttachmentGetName(“X00”, x))
nextSelect a GroupWise folder and try the following code. Hope this helps.
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)dim oFolder
dim oMessages‘ Get the selected folder
set oFolder = nothing
set oFolder = Client.ClientState.SelectedFolderif oFolder is nothing then
exit sub
end ifmsgbox “Selected folder: ” &
set oMessages = nothing
set oMessages = oFolder.messages.find(“(MAIL) AND (BOX_TYPE=INCOMING) AND (NOT READ)”)if oMessages is nothing then
exit sub
end iffor each oMsg in oMessages
msgbox “From: ” & oMsg.fromtext & vbcrlf &_
“Subject: ” & oMsg.Subject & vbcrlf &_
“Creation Date: ” & oMsg.CreationDate
nextset oMessages = nothing
set oFolder = nothingEnd Sub
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