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  • in reply to: Reply dropdown doesn’t fire event #7508


      2) On a similar vein, I was trying to do a Reply from the right-click pop-up menu. Having highlighted my email, I right click and choose Reply.

      Using the trace feature I get event #54 as the choose type of reply box appears (to sender/to all)

      Then I get event #271 within my applet. Great so far.

      However, I can’t seem to get hold of the message that was selected.

      Calling to Client.ClientState.CommandMessage doesn’t work
      Nor does oAcct.GetMessage(Groupwise.ItemMessageIDFromView())

      This fails on all PCs – including the Creator one

      Is there some other way to detect which message is selected but not opened?

      Hi Simon,

      I could not reproduce the behaviour you described above. The following code shows the subject and message id when I select an email, right click and choose reply (sender/all).

      dim oMsg

      set oMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
      msgbox oMsg.subject & vbcrlf & oMsg.messageid

      set oMsg = nothing

      I am using GroupWise version 6.5.5 (build date 24/09/2005). I recall there was some events issues with GW 6.5.3 or some other version. May be you need to upgrade the GroupWise client. Another thought may be not practical in your situation, you can also modify the OnReply event (Formativ IDE) to execute Before GroupWise Event.

      Hope this helps

      in reply to: Access violation #7506


        A) Is it better (faster) to get a message using the GetMessage( <id> ) function at Account level or by using the SelectedFolder.Messages( <id> ) function.

        I will recommend to use the Account.GetMessage(MessageID) method instead of Folder.Messages(MessageID). I did a simple test of these two methods. GetMessage() method retrieve the message faster then Folder.Messages(). In my test the GetMessage() took .00350285 Milliseconds where the Folder.Messages took .26625061 Milliseconds.


        C) Is it possible to integrate my Applets with the toolbar in the QuickViewer. They get the standard Reply/Forward buttons but not my additional ones.

        Try the GroupWise Main Window Toolbar integrations.

        Hope this helps.

        in reply to: Get MessageID of last send Item #7498

          See the response about the unique identifier and CommonMessageID.


          in reply to: Ressources #7494


            Originally posted by lp_irovetz:

            Is there someone who know how to find ressource in Novell Address book ?

            I used Two types of ressource (Cars and Rooms), the only way i’d found was to browse the AD and test ObjType property. But With more than 3000 entries, it’s slow. Frown

            Thanks for help

            L.P. Irovetz
            ARCANE GroupWare

            If you know the email-address of the resource then you can use the AddressBookEntries.Find(String Condition) method to find the resource from the address book entries collection. The filter exprtession support a different set of filtering operations, see the Object API documentation for more information. I don’t think you can provide object type in this filter expression.

            Another thought, if you don’t know the email-address of the resource items then may be you have to iterate through all entries and remember the email-addresses of the resources. The sample code below use the Find() method to find a contact using the email-address…

            dim oGWBook
            dim oEntry
            dim oFindResults

            set oGWBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item(“Novell GroupWise Address Book”)

            iFilterSyntax = “(<E-Mail Address> MATCHES “”””)”

            set oFindResults = nothing
            set oFindResults = oGWBook.addressbookentries.find(iFilterSyntax)

            if oFindResults is nothing then
            exit sub
            end if

            msgbox oFindResults.count

            for each oEntry in oFindResults
            msgbox oEntry.DisplayName

            set oEntry = nothing
            set oFindResults = nothing
            set oGWBook = nothing

            Hope this helps.
            MA Cool

            in reply to: Damaged emails across the whole server #7491

              May be not relate directly to your issue, I have noticed deleting Field Definition was difficult process in earlier version of GroupWise 6.5. The program I used, delete the Field Definition in current GroupWise session but the Field Definition reappear on restarting GroupWise. The Field Definition eventually deleted if I run the program few times. I don’t know whether this behaviour changed in GroupWise 6.5 or GroupWise 7. I will test the program in GroupWise 6.5.4 and let you know the results.


              in reply to: DateTime #7485

                If you want the date default to a static date then specify the date value:
                <DateTime prompt=”Leave start date” hint=”Enter the date” date=”11/1/2006″></DateTime>

                If you want the date default to today’s date then do not specify the date value:
                <DateTime prompt=”Leave start date” hint=”Enter the date”></DateTime>

                Hope this helps.


                  Process of creating thousand of GroupWise address book entries can be very slow. I have noticed the creating process slows down after 300+ entries. Do you see the same behaviour if you split the file into smaller portion (500/300 entries)?

                  Hope this helps.

                  in reply to: Enterprise Caledar Dates: Cannot create Trusted Application #8829

                    Can you try the followings…

                    + Can you see the same error message if you select another user as the master user.
                    + Although it may not make any difference, you can provide the Post Office path instead the IP/Port to avoid any confusion.
                    + If the issue not solved then you should send the debug trace to Advansys Support.
                    Hold down the CTRL and SHIFT keys, then start the solution while the keys are still held down. release the keys, then run the solution to the point where you see the problem. Exit the solution, at which point a draft email message should be created and a log file attached. Send the draft email to support

                    Hope this helps.

                    in reply to: editable regions on html stationary #5539


                      Originally posted by halmel2:
                      Can I make it so the only place text or signatures can be placed is between the header and footer.

                      To set the focus, insert the text [Type Here] in the template between the header and footer.

                      in reply to: GroupWise Client no longer refreshing / F5 needed #7474


                        Originally posted by Immi:
                        As soon as I deactivate the applet the problem is gone.

                        Use utilities.doevents at the end of the applet to process any pending messages in the Windows application message queue. Hope this helps.


                        in reply to: ExpandedRecipients #7430


                          Originally posted by Immi:
                          If the workFolder is in a subfolder, then it fails. How can I build a complete folder-path for ‘groupwise.ItemSaveMessageDraft(iWIPPath)’ ?

                          The following recursive function will return the full path of the Work-In-Progress folder.

                          Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

                          dim iWIPFolderPath

                          ‘ Account refresh required if you have moved the WIP folder in current session.
                          call GetWIPFolderPath(groupwise.account.workfolder, iWIPFolderPath)

                          msgbox iWIPFolderPath

                          End Sub

                          ‘ Get full path of the Work-In-Progress folder
                          function GetWIPFolderPath(aGWFolder, byref aPath)

                          if aGWFolder is nothing then
                          exit function
                          end if

                          if (aPath <> “”) then
                          aPath = & “” & aPath
                          aPath =
                          end if

                          if (aGWFolder.objtype = fgwRoot) then
                          exit function
                          call GetWIPFolderPath(aGWFolder.ParentFolder, aPath)
                          end if

                          end function


                          in reply to: Wait … to see ! #7454

                            Use utilities.DoEvents() inside the loop to process any pending messages in Windows application message queue. If the query not completed after some waiting period then you may need to exit from the loop…

                            qwend = false
                            waitCounter = 0

                            ‘ Wait for the end of the Query
                            Do While not qwend

                            Exit after 30 seconds and issues a HALT to the GroupWise Search Engine
                            if (waitCounter > 30) then
                            exit do
                            end if

                            ‘qwend = QW.Completed
                            if not qwend then
                            waitCounter = waitCounter + 1
                            end if



                            in reply to: How to insert a carriage return into the message area… #7449

                              I think the following ItemSetText token will do the job. You can also try TextSetMessage token.

                              call groupwise.ItemSetText(“X00”, itfMessage, “Line 1” & vbcrlf & “Line 2”, true)


                              in reply to: Home Address #7442


                                It works OK if the Home Address field in the address book contains a value, but throws an “Index out of range” error if it is empty.

                                Address book entry fields collection will not contains the field if the value is empty. You need to place an error handling to check the field existance prior to access the value.

                                dim oBook
                                dim oEntry
                                dim oField

                                set oBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item(“Test”)

                                set oEntry = oBook.addressbookentries.item(1)

                                on error resume next
                                set oField = oEntry.Fields.Item(“Home Address”, fgwString)

                                if not oField is nothing then
                                msgbox oField.Name & vbcrlf & oField.Value
                                end if

                                set oEntry = nothing
                                set oBook = nothing


                                in reply to: Home Address #7445

                                  You can access the Home Address value from the address book entries fields collection. The code below shows available fields and the value of an address book entry.

                                  dim oBook
                                  dim oEntry
                                  dim oField

                                  set oBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item(“Test”)

                                  set oEntry = oBook.addressbookentries.item(1)

                                  for each oField in oEntry.Fields
                                  msgbox & vbcrlf & oField.value

                                  set oEntry = nothing
                                  set oBook = nothing

                                  If you know the name of the field then you can also obtain the value using the Item() method of an address book entry. See the Object API AddressBookEntry object for more information.

                                  dim oBook
                                  dim oEntry
                                  dim oField

                                  set oBook = groupwise.account.addressbooks.item(“Test”)

                                  set oEntry = oBook.addressbookentries.item(1)

                                  set oField = oEntry.Fields.Item(“Home Address”, fgwString)
                                  msgbox oField.Name & vbcrlf & oField.Value

                                  set oEntry = nothing
                                  set oBook = nothing

                                  Hope this helps.

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