Forum Replies Created
I’m still waiting for a response from the GroupWise support forums, but I’ve tried your other suggestions. In 3 different trees (all running eDir 8739), using 3 different desktops in each environment (Win2kSP4, WinXP-SP1, WinXP-SP2), all with GW703 (1 was upgraded from 6.5.7 directly to 703, 1 from 700 to 703 and 1 703 natively) and to 3 different printers (1 in each of the 3 environments), I had the same results. If I manually create the message and change the font in the same order that the applet would have performed the tasks, the results are as expected – 1 page. But with the applet, it’s around 12 pages.
While waiting for the GW support team to respond to my query, I’ll try DLing the free DebugView utility from SysInternals, and see if I can find anything that way.
I’ll provide another update when I get through the debugs.
Well, built a clean, new GW703 environment in the lab; DL’ed / installed formativ runtime so I can test the applet. (Confirmed GW client 7.0.3 – 08/03/2008). Confirmed the font is set when executed on new messages. Simple ‘hello world’ test email was queued to be 11 pages when created with the applet. I’ve posted something to the GW community to see what anomalies / issues might be known with the fontset() function. As it stands, I’m at a loss… (Was going to post a screenshot here showing all this, but couldn’t see a link to do so).
We are unable to re-produce the behaviour in GroupWise client 7.0.3 (8/03/2008). It print one page from the draft message and received message where the Font modified by the code above. The font and size appear to be fine in print out.
Well, that’s a good thing to know. At least it now throws suspicion into their environment as to why messages created with this applet are not printing properly.
1 thing I forgot to mention. Not sure how much it affects the tests. The client has locked the client to only allow text-mode; HTML-encoded messages are disallowed.
However, the code above change the Font to “Arial” but the font size change to “8”, default font size is “10” and font “Tahoma”. Does your font size change when you run the code? May be a bug in the GroupWise “Fontset()” token.
Yes, additional tests had the font style and size change to whatever was set, unless there was a typo in the style. in that case, it reverted to Tahoma 8-pt, which is what the client has set as their default font for their Windows XP Message Box font.
Which version of the GroupWise client you are running (see Help and About GroupWise)? You may need to upgrade the client to latest release.
The client is still at 6.5.7 (2007-09-13). They’re still a few months away from upgrading their environment to GW7. However, they are trying to get the formativ runtime seet up in their development environment, where they are testing their GW7 upgrade strategy. Hopefully I’ll be able to test it there.
Thanks again for the quick response.