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That would interest me also
Thank you for the feedback. Your example does not work with my GW 12-client! With german and also english version.
set oAddressBook = GroupWise.Account.AddressBooks.Item(“Novell GroupWise Addressbook”)
iUserId = Groupwise.EnvUserID()
iFilter = “(<First Name> CONTAINS “”Jens””)”
set oEntries = oAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Find(iFilter)
if oEntries is nothing then
msgbox “oEntries is nothing. Quitting”
set oAddressBook = nothing
set oFolder = nothing
set iMsg = nothing
set iMessageClass = nothing
set gStatusDlg = nothing
exit sub
end ifDo you have another idea?
Best regards
JensWhat a pity
Thank you for answer
Best Regards
Thank you for the answer. Is it correct, that you can’t call groupwise.WritingToolsTextLanguage() without option? For Example: call groupwise.WritingToolsTextLanguage(german or english) without Dialogbox!
Best regards
JensThanks for this example. Its for my applet with Multi-Signature!
Bests Regards
I have problems with the syntax for GroupWise.PrefSignature. I will disable the signature for all users. Thanks for help!
Best Regards
How can I get with this Function a “check box type”
Jens Kasper
thanks for your informations. How can I create a category and set to aktiv?
Thank you for helpKind regards
Thanks for your answer. My problem however is that I would like to enter the personal subject within the sent item directly after sending it. Do you have any ideas? Thank you in advance for your help.
Kind regards
Thank you for this information. Can I write the data content for the PersonalSubject when I send a new Mail?
Thanks for help