Forum Replies Created
Our employees are expected to send time-sheet (which is in excel) to HQ as attachement. It turns out that we receive quite a number of files which has been saved without the extention, so I would like to determine the filetype based on the contents of the file.
On a linux machine I could use the file-command to give the file-type, but on windows/formativ?
Originally posted by Support 1:
I am not aware of any other way to determine attachment types, other than looking at the file extensions. What aspect of this approach is not robust enough?Regards,
Advansys Support
At the moment the issue seems to be fixed. There was a small logical mistake in my code. This could cause acting on the wrong recipient adress if the number of recipient-adresses was more then 1 (and the wanted adress was not on the first position).
The applet is now reading a config from an access-database, and acting on recipient, and/or sender, and/or subject and/or attechement the attachement is saved in the correct directory where the correct application can pick it up and process.
Originally posted by Support 1:
Thank you for your posting. Have you made any progress on this issue? Having Formativ installed does not change the addressing format used by GroupWise. Address formats are dictated by the way GroupWise is configured.If the email format is not sufficient, and you are unable to change your GroupWise configuration to fix it, you may need to change your approach. For example, you may be able to look for something in the subject.
Advansys Support
thanks for your suggestion, works fine now without any problem!
Originally posted by MA:
I cannot reproduce the same behaviour. The draft message was removed from the deleted items if I call message.delete. I also noticed you create the draft message in the Mailbox folder. I recommend you create the draft message in the Work-In-Progress folder. Try the code below to remove the draft message from trash entries collection. Hope this helps.————————-
sub ResendMail (Msg)
Dim objMail
Dim objNewMail
Dim objRecipientSet objMail = GroupWise.Account.WorkFolder.Messages.Add(“GW.MESSAGE.MAIL”, fgwDraft)
Set objRecipient = objMail.Recipients.Add(GroupWise.Account.Owner.EmailAddress,,0)With objMail
.Priority = fgwNormal
.FromText = Msg.Sender
.Subject = strPrefix & ” ” & Msg.Subject
.BodyText.PlainText = “============= Orginal Message =============” & _
vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
End WithSet objNewMail = objMail.Send
‘ Removes from TrashEntries collection.
set oTrashEntry = Groupwise.account.Trash.TrashEntries.ItemEx(objMail.MessageID)
if not oTrashEntry is nothing then
end ifset objNewMail = Nothing
Set objRecipient = Nothing
Set objMail = Nothing
Originally posted by GoumJer:
MA,thanks for your reply.
Unfortunatly this doesn’t solve my problem. The draft message still is in the deleted items.
Is there a command which does the same as the <shift><del> keyboard combination (really delete)?
[This message was edited by Support 1 on August 18, 2005 at 05:08 PM.]
thanks for your reply.
Unfortunatly this doesn’t solve my problem. The draft message still is in the deleted items.
Is there a command which does the same as the <shift><del> keyboard combination (really delete)?
Originally posted by MA:
Delete the draft message after send. Here is the code:Set objNewMail = objMail.Send
_objMail.delete_Hope this helps.
I created a solution which does the following:
On receive of a mail save the attachement, create a new mail to myself (with original sender as sender) and in the body of this message quote the orriginal message and the saved attachements (including path).By taking this approach I can do a search in my mailbox for a specific attachement..
Originally posted by Support 1:
Dear HRH,We don’t have a full version of this particular solution. To date we have not had sufficient demand to create a more fully-featured, paid version.
How many users in your organization would be likely to require such a solution if it existed?
Advansys Support
thank’s for the suggestion, works fine!
I now have just to speed things up, but the techniques are working.
Thanks for your help, this works fine.
my sorting routine is triggerd on Message Arrival event.
This works fine for a single message. But when I receive more e-mails while the first one is processed, the others won’t be processed anymore. Only the first mail which arrives _after_ the mail gets handled.
How can I be sure that all new mail is taken care of?
Oke, debugger works. Gives a reasonable help.
Next question:
where can I find a list of the objects available?
Set Msg = Context.Clientstate.CommandMessage
strSubject=msg.subjectWhat other objects are available besides subject?