Forum Replies Created
I used the GroupWise View Designer to create the forms (really a mail item in GroupWise modified to add some additional custom fields) originally. I used Formativ for all the code behind the forms. I am not sure what you mean by “using panels”. Can these custom GroupWise mail items be set up directly in Formativ?
Advansys Formativ Creator – Version 2.0.1
Registered: YES (Audit Code – “DATUSNDS1FDC307”)
TLS Remaining: 989
Caching Protocol: None (Local access only)Operating System:
Windows XP
Internet Explorer
6.00.2900.5512 (xpsp.080413-2105)
Cache File System:
Current User Configuration:
Location of Files
User Solutions: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativApplets – (System)
User Data: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Data – (System)
User Cache: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Cache – (System)
User Images: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Images – (System)
User Config: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorLocal SettingsApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Config – (System)
User Encoded: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativEncoded Output – (System)
User Flexalock: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativFlexalock Output – (System)
User Backup: C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativLibrary Backup – (System)
Common Solutions: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Applets – (System)
Common Data: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0Data – (System)
Common Help: C:Program FilesAdvansysFormativHelp – (System)
Common Manifests: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication DataAdvansysFormativ1.0System – (System)Client Options
Portal Folder Enabled: True
Portal Folder Deleted: False
Portal Folder Name: Formativ Portals
Display Exceptions: True
Redirect Associations: False
Main Menu Caption: A&pplets
Mode: 127
Formativ is enabled
Applet creation is allowed
Client integrations are enabled
Formativ menu is enabled
Favorites menu is enabled
Applet recording is allowed
Enable intelligent Applet caching
Do not update applet cache on client startup
Debug Mode: False
Exception Dialog: True
Include Groups: True
Max Traversal: 10
Word Limit?: False
Limit Count: 2Protocols
Order: 2
Override: 0LDAP Settings
LDAP Server:
Server Port: 389
Requires Logon: True
Automatic Login: False
Anonymous Login: False
Save Password: True
Default Port: 389
Default Port SSL: 636
Use SSL: FalseSolution Packs
Library Integration Exceptions:
Formativ File Version Information:
Advansys Formativ (VBSSAFE.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:26 am
Advansys Formativ Tray Interface (FORMATIV.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:24 am
Advansys Formativ Registration Utility (FRMRMG10.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:22 am
Advansys Formativ Quick Config (QUICKCONFIG.EXE) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:20 am
Advansys Formativ Creator (FORMATIV.DLL) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:52:58 am
Advansys Formativ Control Panel Applet (FORMATIV.CPL) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:28 am
Advansys Formativ Applet Generator (SCRIPTGEN.DLL) 1.6 01/07/2003 06:22:32 pm
Advansys Formativ Applet Recorder (SCRIPTRECORDER.DLL) 1.6 18/07/2003 02:29:58 pm
Advansys Formativ Command Blocker (TOKENBLOCKER.DLL) 2.0.1 10/11/2005 03:17:36 pm
Advansys Formativ Portal Manager Resources (HTMLRES.DLL) 1.6 24/06/2003 11:40:50 am
Advansys Formativ Interface Loader (UILOAD.DLL) 2.0.1 01/12/2005 10:53:24 amLDAP File Version Information:
Novell LDAP SDK Library (LDAPSDK.DLL) 2.9.0 2.9.0 27/01/2003 11:08:08 pm
Novell LDAP SDK Extension APIs (LDAPX.DLL) 2.9.0 2.9.0 27/01/2003 11:10:04 pm
Novell LDAP SDK SSL Library (LDAPSSL.DLL) 2.9.0 2.9.0 27/01/2003 11:09:24 pmGroupWise File Version Information:
Novell GroupWise Client (GRPWISE.EXE) 8.0.0 8.0.0 31/10/2008 09:47:10 am
Novell GroupWise C3PO Manager (GWDT31.DLL) 8.0.0 8.0.0 24/10/2008 10:14:46 pm
Novell GroupWise Address Book (ADDRBOOK.EXE) 8.0.0 8.0.0 24/10/2008 10:26:14 pm
Novell GroupWise Address Book (GWABU1.DLL) 8.0.0 8.0.0 24/10/2008 10:26:12 pm
Novell GroupWiseObject Library (GWCMA1.DLL) 8.0.0 8.0.0 24/10/2008 10:06:36 pm
Novell GroupWise Import Module (GWIMPEXE.EXE) 8.0.0 8.0.0 24/10/2008 11:05:14 pm
Novell GroupWise ‘Hit the Road’ setup (HTRSETUP.EXE) 8.0.0 8.0.0 24/10/2008 11:12:00 pm
GroupWise Attachments ActiveX Control (GWATT1.OCX) 8.0.0 8.0.0 24/10/2008 10:23:02 pm
Novell GroupWise Notify (NOTIFY.EXE) 8.0.0 8.0.0 24/10/2008 11:06:44 pm
Novell GroupWise Admin API (GWCMB1.DLL) 8.0.0 8.0.0 24/10/2008 10:12:52 pmGroupWise Interface Language:
Language: EN
GroupWise Address Books:
AB Modal From Toolbar: No
Default Address Book: AB.0081D836918BCE1187EB00805FB4B2BE.DATUS (Information Manager)
Delimiter Characters: ,;
Display Name Format: F L
Name Search Mode: NoThird Party Handlers
DLL1 C:PROGRA~1AdvansysFormativTokenBlocker.dll
Advansys Formativ Command Blocker (TOKENBLOCKER.DLL) 2.0.1 10/11/2005 03:17:36 pm
DLL2 C:PROGRA~1AdvansysFormativScriptRecorder.dll
Advansys Formativ Applet Recorder (SCRIPTRECORDER.DLL) 1.6 18/07/2003 02:29:58 pmGroupWise C3PO Entries:
CommandFactoryTrialware Applets:
Available Applets:
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Activity.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Activity_Encoded.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Art Studio.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Billiards.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Card Parlor.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Change.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Chestnut.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Commons.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup HCConference.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup HCDining.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Iris.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Laurel.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Outside.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Private.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Pub.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Residential.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup SCR.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Walnut.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Wicker.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: Yes
C:Documents and SettingsadministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup.vbf; Library: ; Int Enabled: Yes; Favorite: No; Run Menu: YesI am sorry I have not responded sooner. The rollout has been completed. We found that we were missing the administrative piece that allowed distribution of the applets. We started with only the runtime version of the software.
Thanks for your post.
Thank you for your reply. I am sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I am just getting back to these issues.
The custom view would not load unless the path was set under Tools – Options – Environment – Custom View Path. Even with the full path typed in the code.
We discovered that GW was set to plain text which would explain why the html code was not working. Once we changed that to html — that piece worked.
I haven’t had a chance to try your code. I will do that today and let you know how it goes.
Thanks again for the thoughts.
We have this working. To get it working, we had to set the custom view path under Tools – Environment in GroupWise even though the path is hard coded.
Now, we have run into an issue with another piece of the code. The following code is not inserting a graphic. This works on two laptops but not on the majority of PCs.
If ActivityRoom.RoomSetup.itemindex = 0 then
End IfThe user has rights to the folder and the graphic is displayed on the form it is just not inserted into the message area. The following is the entire code:
‘ Activity Room
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
Dim iFilePathCall GroupWise.ViewOpenFile_(“p:GroupWiseViewsFormativGWViewsResActivity”, “”, “”)
if ActivityRoom.ShowModal = MROK then
Call groupwise.focusset(fcsMessage, “”)
Call groupwise.focusset(fcsSubject, “”)
end ifEnd Sub
Sub RoomSetupChange(Sender)
If ActivityRoom.RoomSetup.itemindex = 0 then
End IfIf ActivityRoom.RoomSetup.itemindex = 1 then
Utilities.CopyHTMLToClipboard(“<br><IMG_ src=””file:///P:/groupwiseviews/activityroom/yoga.JPG””>”)
End IfIf ActivityRoom.RoomSetup.itemindex = 2 then
Utilities.CopyHTMLToClipboard(“<br><IMG_ src=””file:///P:/groupwiseviews/NoSetupNeeded.jpg””>”)
End If
End SubThe .dll error seems to be fixed. The part of the code to load the custom view is still not working.
Call GroupWise.ViewOpenFile(p:GroupWiseViewsFormativGWViewsResActivity”, “”, “”)
The runtime also does not load the above custom view. In full version all works fine.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Originally posted by CLKurutz:
Hello. I have created several applets that chain together. They work fine on my PC with the full version of Formativ. I am trying to install them on a PC with Formativ Run Time. I receive the following message:EAccessViolation
h:AdvansysFormativAppletsFVSH Room Setup Art Studio_Encoded.vbf
Access violation at address 02BBE89D in module ‘formativ.dll’. Read of address 00098053 at line 8, column 6The line of code that is at the address listed is:
if ActivityRoom.ShowModal = mrOK then
The line of code before the above states to open a custom view:
Call GroupWise.ViewOpenFile(p:GroupWiseViewsFormativGWViewsResActivity”, “”, “”)
The runtime also does not load the above custom view. In full version all works fine.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you again for your response. I received this error message when running your code:
C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativAppletsRoom Setup Activity Old.vbf
Fields collection is empty at line 25, column 5Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you for the additional information. I unfortunately still can not get it to work. What did you mean by:
This assumes the custom field “TableLinens” has been defined for the GroupWise account.
My code will run but the information I type in the custom form is not inserted into the custom appointment view. It is like it can not find the user-defined field “TableLinens”.
Thanks again.
Hello. Thank you for the suggestions. I am not sure if I was clear in my original message. I have already created “user-defined” fields with the GW view designer. I took the standard appointment view and added some fields. I have tried to use the code posted but I couldn’t get it to work.
What I have is a pop up dialog box (built with Formativ). In this dialog box, I capture information on Table Linens. I would like to take that information and insert it into my custom GW Appointment in a specific field. The field being my user-defined field “TableLinens”. If I try to insert it into a “standard” field (i.e., subject), it works fine. I just don’t know how to get it to recogize the user-defined fields.
Thanks again for your thoughts.
Thank you. You were correct in what I needed to know.
Thank you for your assistance. I emailed the applet this evening.
Thank you for the reply and suggestion. It worked great.
Thanks again.
Originally posted by Support 1:
Hi,Engineering have suggested the following:
Utilities.CopyHTMLToClipboard("<br>[IMG]"file:///D:/CUSTOMVIEWS/ACTIVITYROOM/REGULARACTIVITY.JPG"[/IMG]") call groupwise.focusset(fcsMessage, "") GroupWise.EditPaste
Let me know if that works for you.
Advansys Support
Thank you for the ideas. I actually tried these and could not get it working. But, I found a way that does work. The problem is that it copies in the graphic as well as ML>. If I paste in Word, it actually shows HTML> and the graphic. I have tried many different ways to write the code but still get the ML> in the message area of GW. Here is the code:
I use the following code to paste:
call groupwise.focusset(fcsMessage, “”)
GroupWise.EditPasteIs there any way to paste without getting the words?
Thanks again for all your help.
Originally posted by Support 1:
Given an active HTML message view, two suggestions come to mind:Some suggestions…
1) Copy the html contents into clipboard and later paste into message
Utilities.CopyHTMLToClipboard("<HTML><BODY background=C:imagesrosebouquetbg.jpg></BODY></HTML>") call groupwise.focusset(fcsMessage, "") GroupWise.EditPaste
2) Use the HTMLDom to update the message
See the Developers Guide for more details on this approach.
Advansys Support
Thank you for the example. I am going to use that to try to recreate the appointment I had done with the view designer. Is there a resource (manual) for the coding used? For example, I want to include a drop down field and I need to write the option chosen out to some variable so when the custom view is received, the choice is still visible. I am assuming the following line does that for the text fields:
CustomAppointment.eSubject.Text = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage.Subject.Plaintext
I do appreciate your help. Thanks again.
Originally posted by Support 1:
I have posted a very simple example at:
You may need to right mouse click this link and select ‘Save As’ to save the applet. Copy it to your local applets folder and restart your GroupWise client (Restarting is very important).
On restarting, you should see a new calendar icon on the main GroupWise toolbar. Pressing this button brings up a custom appointment dialog. Start to enter your name in the recipient field, which should expand to automatically enter your ID (this is the GroupWise name completion control). Enter a subject and body text, then press send.
A custom appointment then appears in your mailbox. It should have a rose as its icon. Open it as you normally would. Instead of the standard GroupWise appointment view, the custom view will appear again.
The applet defines a custom message type: GW.MESSAGE.APPOINTMENT.CUSTOM. If you have a look at the integrations tab, you’ll see this context listed among the other supported type. Notice the applet has completely overridden the ‘OnOpen’ event. In other words, when a user open an instance of this message type, the applet runs instead of GroupWise simply opening the message. The applet then accesses the underlying GroupWise message in order to extract the subject, body, etc.
Examine the source code to get a feel for how it works. This example contains no error checking, and is very simple. You would need to expand it to offer all the features you require. Hopefully it will give you a good understanding of how to create a custom message.
Good luck!
Advansys Support
Hello. Thank you for your reply. I am not sure how to go down the path of creating the whole appointment view in an applet. If you have an example, that would be wonderful.
Thank you for all your help.