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no. i meant when you have
sub MySub(Sender)
end subwhich is the event handler for controls. That ‘Sender’
its a delphi object… woohoo
‘doc.body.innerhtml’ only captures tags within <body>. I want all tags.
‘msgbox doc.xml’ is empty as well.
It seems theres a user config conflict with some of the Novell users.
The other thing, the msg.to_, msg.bc, only return Novell validated users (which is not documented). Trying to figure out why some users are validated and others are not.
ARGH. It and the other examples work for certain users… I’m trying to figure out how come some display and others do not.
I tried the suggested steps and still get empty <TO>, <CC>, <BC> in the message boxes… is there a security setting somewhere that is preventing me from getting the values?
The message is whats created when you click ‘New Mail’.
I’ve also tried using GW 7.0.1 and most recent Formativ.
I’ve tried using the following 6 methods to get <TO>, <BC>, <CC> and none work including your suggested code. Please help.
Groupwise – 6.5.6 (2/1/2006)
Formativ – Build 1)
dim msgid
msgid = groupwise.ItemMessageIDFromView
msgbox groupwise.itemgettext(msgid,itfBC)METHOD 2)
dim RecCounter, RecipientEntry, CCRecHolder, BCRecHolder
dim RecHolderIf msg.Recipients.count > 0 then
for RecCounter = 1 to Msg.Recipients.count
set RecipientEntry = Msg.Recipients.Item(RecCounter)
‘ Recipient type of an address
Select Case RecipientEntry.TargetType
Case 0 RecHolder = RecHolder & RecipientEntry.EmailAddress & “, “
Case 1 CCRecHolder = CCRecHolder & RecipientEntry.EmailAddress & “, “
Case 2 BCRecHolder = BCRecHolder & RecipientEntry.EmailAddress & “, “
End Select
set RecipientEntry = nothing
End if
msgbox “RecHolder=” & RecHolder
msgbox “ccRecHolder=” & CCRecHolder
msgbox “bcRecHolder=” & BCecHolderMETHOD 3)
set msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
msgbox msg.to_ ‘DOES NOT WORK
msgbox msg.subject’WORKSMETHOD 4)
call groupwise.focusset(fcsCC, “”)
msgbox “char=” & groupwise.envtextcurrentwordMETHOD 5)
iMsgID = groupwise.ItemMessageIDFromView‘ TO
msgbox groupwise.ItemGetText(iMsgID, 0)METHOD 6) does NOT work for active (DRAFT) object
Set oMsg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
for x = 1 to oMsg.Recipients.Count
set oRecipient = oMsg.Recipients.Item(x)
msgbox oRecipient.EmailAddress & vbcrlf & oRecipient.TargetType
set oRecipient = nothing
nextset oMsg = nothing