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  • in reply to: error_function_failed on addon.cfg #6149

      We now have a successful install of GW 7.01 build 553 with successful addon installation of both the runtime and presentation pack.
      The only snag is that the Presentation Pack just has to have a Different parameter for registering it. <sigh> Why do they have to be different? its this sort of thing that just drives people into Microsoft’s servitude, umm I mean, arms.

      It would be worth putting a line with the list of the common registry parameters in the sample addon.cfg so that someone using this only sample has at least that heads up on the issue.

      now that we have this working, we are finding that the export tools that we have found aren’t quite what we need here. Which of these forums is the best place to post those needs to see if someone is already working in that particular direction.

      in reply to: error_function_failed on addon.cfg #6151

        We will try this on Monday
        we were just using the orginal 7.01 client so I guess we were hitting those bugs
        thank you for the clairification on the parameters= usage. Perhaps putting that example into the sample addon.cfg (in the comments) would be most useful to many others.

        Thank you

        Andy in Toronto

        in reply to: error_function_failed on addon.cfg #6146

          Main question still unanswered, which is
          How to properly concatenate/list the ‘Parameters=’ list of parameters so that they actually work without generating the error listed as the subject of this Thread.

          The Formativ Runtime Guide is not direcctly available to the typical installer of Formativ since they typically have the Studio or Creator installed, and if they aren’t manually deploying the Runtime, won’t typically have it installed. The references to that Runtime guide should relect this as it is not reasonable jump in context to expect everyone to make.
          Therefore the documentation refering to this guide should have a pointer to where it is and/or a link to the on-line version.
          Once I was able to find it, it still didn’t answer my questions, as it only lists the parameters as OR operations, with no provision as to how to AND them.

          All the Sample Addon.cfg I’ve been able to find are all ‘blank’ samples, but none of them are samples with dummy data showing how they are used in practice. i.e. showing mulitple parameters in use. We do need both to learn how to use the tools.

          in reply to: Admin Issues with Edirectory #5292

            I figured it out, it was a bit of a Dooh! moment I think.
            At this client I tend to use two different eDir accounts, and I had missed one little thing on the more godly account(admin) I was mostly logged into eDir as, and I was logged into GW as akonecny (mearly a ‘super user’ account at eDir level)
            What I missed was doing the Associate for admin in the Config object

            as for the Applets object, I do see the object class with DSBrowse, so I might just have an issue with my ConsoleOne not seeing it in the ‘Other’ tab where it tends to show in other objects.

            fun thing is that I figured this out on only 3 hours of sleep, patching GWIA and WebAccess shouldn’t cause them to ABEND, but that was last nights late entertainment.

            Andy Konecny
            Ainsworth Inc in Toronto Canada
            “the latest is not necessarily the greatest”

            in reply to: Admin Issues with Edirectory #5291

              What are the indications that we have actually successfully entered Admin mode?
              I’m running as Admin equivilant, to be sure have also granted all rights to .Formativ.CoName container. In that container I have three objects, Gobal Config(advansysFvConfig), Global Applets(no Object Class), & FormativAdministrator(Org role). Under FormativAdministrator I am listed under ‘Security Equal to Me”, I can’t find any other place to add me to.
              Under Global Applets, I’m listed as a ‘Library Administrators’

              But I still can’t publish to eDir from Formativ Studio.
              The fact that my Global Applets contain has no object class (as seen from the other tab in C1) is suspisious, but I’m not sure if that is how it should be or not, and if not how to fix (? just add the class advansysFvLibType ?)

              I have tried from both my usual account and Admin itself, and have tried on two different notebooks, all with the same results.

              I do not have a Corporate Applets under my FormativCentral
              I am using ConsoleOne 1.36e with Formativ Admin snap-in 1.6

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