/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Free Solutions from GroupWise Cool Solutions or Advansys / Outlook LDAP Exchange name is used instead of smtp (user@domain.com) in addresses

  • Creator
  • #5155
    jonathan cauthorn

      This might be the issue:
      “Some Outlook contacts may have originated from an Exchange Server address
      book. These contacts do not contain an email address in a format that is
      usable by the migration process. The solution attempts to extract the SMTPstyle address for such contacts from the ‘Display Name’ field (if available).”

      After migrating from Outlook to GroupWise in the Sent Items folder, all the mail TO one of the exchange users has an email recipient name format of:
      instead of
      The same is true for the inbox for any email from an exchange user – the exchange user name is not used, it is the LDAP format instead so it is unusable.
      Is there some way to work around this by fixing up the address book?
      Thanks for such a great product.

    • Author
    • #9902
      Support 2

        Hi Jonathan,

        Thank you for your post and your feedback, which is much appreciated. As we don’t have access to an Exchange server environment, we cannot reproduce the problem in-house. Are you able to send us a screen cast (perhaps using Jing, which is free from TechSmith at http://www.techsmith.com/jing.html) or screen shots of what the Exchange contacts look like in Outlook and the equivalent converted GroupWise contacts?

        Are you able to send some example Outlook Contacts & emails to supportATadvansyscorp.com (please substitute AT with @)?

        For the messages which do not convert correctly, is there any other field in the original Outlook message which contains an SMTP style address?

        Kind Regards,

        Advansys Support

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