/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Commercial Formativ Solutions by Advansys / Multiple Signatures with SmartFields

  • Creator
  • #4796

      Hi There,

      We have a problem with Multiple Signatures using Smartfields. If the user has their Address book organised as “Lastname, Firstname” instead of “Firstname, Lastename”, we get a Smartfields not available box with “Objects Required” on all of the [[AB:xxx] smartfield variables so when you send, N/A shows for that variable.

      Is there an known issue with this problem?

      Also, Can you please add the ability to remove “Options” on the left of the Signature selection window? (like the Formativ Templates Selection screen)

      Thanks and regards :-)

    • Author
    • #9058
      Support 1

        Thanks for your enquiry.

        Which version of GroupWise are you running?

        The SmartField Assistant should have been bundled with Multiple Signatures. It might be helpful to obtain a diagnostic trace of SmartField Assistant’s progress. In order to gather such diagnostic information, you will require a debug event viewer. If you do not already have one, I suggest you download and install DebugView from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896647.aspx, and follow the steps set out below:

      • Start DebugView and turn off capturing for Kernel events (if available).
      • Go to GroupWise and press Ctrl+Alt+D (3 keys) as you start SmartFields Assistant; this will make it generate debug information.
      • Save the debug information captured in DebugView to a text file, and send it to support@advansyscorp.com.

        I look forward to your reply.

        Advansys Support