I am trying to retrieve some data from the GroupWise Address Book. However, I have ran in to an issue when the user is using the GroupWise client in a remote setting. The data seems to be not available. Are there any techniques to enable access to this data?
Sub Main(Client)
Msgbox GetGWABField(GroupWise.Account.Owner, "Office Phone Number")
End Sub
Function GetGWABField(objItem, strField)
Dim objABEntry, objAddressBook, objFields, objFieldData
Set objAddressBook = Groupwise.Account.Addressbooks.Item("Novell GroupWise Address Book")
' objABEntry is not created in remote setting
Set objABEntry = objAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Item(objItem)
Set objFields = objABEntry.Fields
On Error Resume Next
Set objFieldData = objFields(strField, fgwString)
If Err = 0 Then
GetGWABField = objFieldData.Value
GetGWABField = ""
End If
Set objFieldData = Nothing
Set objFields = Nothing
Set objABEntry = Nothing
Set objAddressBook = Nothing
End Function
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