/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Remote access of GroupWise Address Book

  • Creator
  • #4437

      I am trying to retrieve some data from the GroupWise Address Book. However, I have ran in to an issue when the user is using the GroupWise client in a remote setting. The data seems to be not available. Are there any techniques to enable access to this data?

      Sub Main(Client)
      Msgbox GetGWABField(GroupWise.Account.Owner, "Office Phone Number")
      End Sub

      Function GetGWABField(objItem, strField)
      Dim objABEntry, objAddressBook, objFields, objFieldData
      Set objAddressBook = Groupwise.Account.Addressbooks.Item("Novell GroupWise Address Book")
      ' objABEntry is not created in remote setting
      Set objABEntry = objAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Item(objItem)
      Set objFields = objABEntry.Fields
      On Error Resume Next
      Set objFieldData = objFields(strField, fgwString)
      If Err = 0 Then
      GetGWABField = objFieldData.Value
      GetGWABField = ""
      End If
      Set objFieldData = Nothing
      Set objFields = Nothing
      Set objABEntry = Nothing
      Set objAddressBook = Nothing
      End Function
    • Author
    • #8178
      Support 3

        Sorry for the delay.

        Following code able to access ‘Office Phone Number’ in remote mode. This code used AddressBookEntries.Find() method to access the entry. Its a known behaviour that System Address Book supports a different set of filtering operations.

        This code will match all entries with display name so if you have multiple entries with same display name then you could iterate entries where email address matches.

        Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
          msgbox GetGWABField(GroupWise.Account.Owner, "Office Phone Number")
        End Sub
        Function GetGWABField(oAddress, strField)
          Dim oField
          dim oEntry
          dim oEntries
          dim objAddressBook
          GetGWABField = ""
          Set objAddressBook = Groupwise.Account.Addressbooks.Item("Novell GroupWise Address Book")
          iFilter = "(Name MATCHES """ & oAddress.displayname & """)"
          Set oEntries = objAddressBook.AddressBookEntries.Find(iFilter)
          if (not oEntries is nothing) then
            if (oEntries.count > 0) then
              set oEntry = oEntries.item(1)
              if (not oEntry is nothing) then
                on error resume next
                Set oField = oEntry.fields(strField, fgwString)
                If err = 0 Then
                   GetGWABField = oField.Value
                end if
              end if
            end if
          end if
          Set oField = Nothing
          Set oEntry = Nothing
          Set oEntries = Nothing
          Set objAddressBook = Nothing
        End Function

        Hope this helps.

        Advansys Support


          Thank you for confirming that the “Item” method is not supported in some situations.

          I used a the “Find” method as well and it works.

          Thank you.

          Support 3

            Great, thanks for letting us know and glad it was of assistance.

            Advansys Support

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