/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Change the HeadLine in a messagebox
The HeadLine in a messagebox is now “VBScrip”. I would like to change this to something else. How do I do that.
Const CAPTION = “Requested Message” Call Msgbox (“Done”, 64, CAPTION)
Great. Below are a few more examples:
code: call msgbox("message text", 0, "Dialog Title")call msgbox("message text", 16, "Dialog Title")call msgbox("message text", 32, "Dialog Title")call msgbox("message text", 48, "Dialog Title")call msgbox("message text", 64, "Dialog Title")
call msgbox("message text", 0, "Dialog Title")call msgbox("message text", 16, "Dialog Title")call msgbox("message text", 32, "Dialog Title")call msgbox("message text", 48, "Dialog Title")call msgbox("message text", 64, "Dialog Title")
You can find the full details in the MS VBS Help file which is accessible from the dropdown list on FormativCentral’s Help button.
Advansys Support