/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / example of the GroupWise.SendMail method

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  • #4357

      I am trying to understand the GroupWise.SendMail. With all of the parameters needed for this line of code I am not sure what is needed for each parameter. If some more descriptive meaning to these parameters and an example could be given, it would be greatly appreciated. If there is a URL that gives better descriptions for methods, that would also be helpful. Thanks

    • Author
    • #7926
      Support 3

        GroupWise.SendMail() is Formativ Wrapper around GroupWise Token API. See below the URL for the GroupWise Token API documentation.

        Note that most of the parameters of the SendMail() are optional, so you can also call the GroupWise.SendMail() with only required parameters.

        Advansys Support


          Thanks very much for your response. I have been able to get this working and all works as I would assume it should.

          I have moved on from this back to using the Object API and creating a mail through GroupWise.Account.MailBox.Messages.Add
          Is there an easy quick way to add a string list to the body of the email without having to step through each string list item and add it to the body, the code I am using is:

          for i = 0 to strtmp.Count – 1
          newMail.BodyText = newMail.BodyText + strlist.Strings(i)

          The problem is with a large string list it takes a long time to fill in the BodyText because it is also reading in itself (BodyText) each time.

          Any information to clarify this issue will be greatly appreciated.

          Support 1

            The available properties of StringList are listed in the Formativ Language Guide, under Utilities.

            I suggest using the Text property to append your string list, as in:

              newMail.BodyText = newMail.BodyText & strList.Text

            If you need to append more than one ‘chunk’ (or section) of text to BodyText, it is probably more efficient to progressively append the chunks to a string list (eg. strlist.Add). Then assign the resulting string list to BodyText:

              strList.Add("Mary had a little lamb")
              strList.Add("whose fleece was white as snow.")
              newMail.BodyText = strList.Text

            I hope this helps.

            Advansys Support


              The quick response is greatly appreciated and has been a great help.

              All working wonderfully quickly now.

              Support 3

                Thanks for your feedback.

                Advansys Support

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