/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Getting data from HTML forms – newbie question

  • Creator
  • #3951

      Hello all,

      I’m writing an applet that launches an HTML form then generates a GroupWise email containing the data in the form.

      I’ve gotten pretty far, however I can’t seem to get the data out of the form and into the email. I run the following code with no errors, however my data doesn’t appear in the new GroupWise mail:

      Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

      Dim aDlg
      Set aDlg = Utilities.NewHTMLDialog
      aDlg.Caption = “New Account Request Form”
      aDlg.HTMLCode = Utilities.LoadStringFromFile(Utilities.GetDataDirectory & “test.htm”)
      Dim Msg
      Set Msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
      if Msg is Nothing then
      MsgBox(“No composing item available”)
      Msg.BodyText = txtLastName
      Set Msg = nothing
      end if
      End Sub

      And here is the HTML code behind test.htm:


      <meta http-equiv=”Content-Language” content=”en-us”>
      <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=windows-1252″>
      <meta name=”GENERATOR” content=”Microsoft FrontPage 4.0″>
      <meta name=”ProgId” content=”FrontPage.Editor.Document”>
      <title>Last Name</title>


      <form method=”POST”>
      <p><input type=”Hidden” Name=”formativapplet” value=”Kates Applet.vbf”>Last Name: <input type=”text” name=”txtLastName” size=”20″></p>
      <p><INPUT TYPE=”SUBMIT” NAME=”MROK” VALUE=”OK”><input type=”reset” value=”Reset” name=”B2″></p>



      I’m running GroupWise 6.5. What am I doing wrong?


    • Author
    • #6691
      Support 1a

        The FormVariables object only returns the values from Formativ Portals – not HTML dialogs. I think there may be an error in the documentation in this regard.

        You need to use the aDlg.Variables object, which is very similiar to the FormVariables object. We have updated your code to show how this works.

        Advansys Support

        Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
          Dim aDlg 
          dim iHtmlCtl
          dim iLastName
          Set aDlg = Utilities.NewHTMLDialog 
          aDlg.Caption = "New Account Request Form" 
          aDlg.HTMLCode = Utilities.LoadStringFromFile(Utilities.GetDataDirectory & "test.htm")
          ' Returns variables and its values set by HTML form controls in the dialog
          set iHtmlCtl = aDlg.Variables.ItemByName("txtLastName")
          if not iHtmlCtl is nothing then
            iLastName = iHtmlCtl.Value
          end if  
          Dim Msg
          Set Msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
          if Msg is Nothing then
            MsgBox("No composing item available")
            Msg.BodyText = iLastName
            Set Msg = nothing
          end if
        End Sub

          Thank you so much!

          Ultimately, I want this form to be pretty comprehensive – lots of text boxes, check boxes, and combo boxes.

          What’s the most effecient way to get all those variables out of the form and into the message? Or do I basically just start at the beginning and “dim” them all one by one?

          Thank you so much!

          Support 1a


            You need to use the .ItemByName method to access each variable in a HTML form, so if that’s what you mean by ‘dim’ each one, then yes.

            Please let us know if you need any other assistance.

            Advansys Support

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