• Creator
  • #4897

      Is it possible to archive Groupwise resources using Archive to go? We really need this functionality in order to archove specific ‘work’mailboxes that are only available as a shared resource…

    • Author
    • #9275
      Support 2

        There should be no problem exporting from a GroupWise Resource. You can use Enterprise Mode or start the GroupWise Client with the /@u-[MailboxID] to use Local Mode.


        Advansys Support


          In Enterprise mode I am not able to see the resources, only the users. Same with the client options, I cannot login because the resources do not have NDS accounts. We use LDAP synchronization, therefor the resources do not have NDS passwords and do not show in enterprise mode… is there a way around this (other than disabling the LDAP authentication, shich is a pain for current users)??

          Support 2

            Thanks for your message. Upon review, the previous advice we provided about Enterprise Mode is incorrect and sorry for any inconvenience. The Archive To Go tree view currently only displays user objects. Is is now logged in our enhancement database that Resources be added to the tree view in a future version.

            We are not sure what you mean with respect to LDAP and NDS accounts. You should be able to use Archive To Go in local mode to archive a Resource without having to authenticate to NDS or the network.

            Can you not start the GroupWise client as follows?

            C:NovellGroupWisegrpwise.exe /@u-[GW Resource ID] /ipa-[POA IP address] ipp-[POA Port address]

            Where [GW Resource ID] = the resource’s GroupWise Account ID and /ipa and /ipp are optional POA startup parameters.

            If you can, run Archive To Go from the client’s toolbar button once the client is started.


            Advansys Support


              Thanks for your answer. The problem remains when launcing GW with parameters as in: C:NovellGroupWisegrpwise.exe /@u-[GW Resource ID] /ipa-[POA IP address] ipp-[POA Port address]

              .The client will then ask for a pasword and will only authenticate towards an LDAP server. There are no individual passwords on resource’s and the resource’s do not exist in the LDAP server. This shuts you out of your resource’s other than having them available as shared folders (which is what tey are used for) This is a restriction imposed by Novell’s LDAP authentication which is why I really need to be able to view the resource’s in Enterprise mode so that I can make selections for backups there.

              Support 1

                You can verify whether resources in your GroupWise environment can be viewed in Enterprise mode as follows.

                Install the following Advansys products which integrate with the GroupWise client:

                Upon installation, both of the above products are available for a 30-day trial.

                When you start the Enterprise Proxy solution (click the new icon on the GroupWise toolbar), a dialog will appear. It lets you select the Domain of interest and shows the objects defined for that Domain in a tree view (Post Office, User, Distribution List, Resource).

                If Resource objects are displayed in the tree view, then this proves that they can be viewed in Enterprise mode in your environment.

                Please let us know how you get on.

                Advansys Support



                  We are licensed users of Formativ and Enterprise Proxy and yes, in Enterprise Proxy I can view and change settings for users and resources.

                  However , in enterpise mode in Archive to go I can only see the users, not the resources. Thus I am unable to archive a resource mailbox

                  Support 2

                    Thank you for the update. We will include GroupWise Resource access in Enterprise Access Mode in a future release of Archive To Go. In the mean time, will installing the NetWare Client on a single workstation help you use Local Access Mode to export a Resource?


                    Advansys Support


                      Hello, any idea when we will get this functionality in Archive to go ? I’m actually holding my breath for this adn life signs are weakening….

                      Support 1

                        Archive To Go 1.2 is expected to be released around mid-February 2007. It includes support for exporting GroupWise Resource mailboxes (among other enhancements).

                        If you would like to test the candidate (Beta) release for Archive To Go 1.2, please send an email to support@advansyscorp.com. If your organization does not already own the full license of Archive To Go and you want to test a full mailbox export with the candidate Trial release, please send an email requesting a full Trial and nominate the Account ID of the GroupWise account you would like to export.

                        Advansys Support

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