i want to read the contents of the variables from a html-form. But i cannot access them.
' Insert your comments here
' --- Define global variables ---
Dim aDlg
dim iHTMLButton
Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
End Sub
Sub ShowTaskForm
Set aDlg = Utilities.NewHTMLDialog
aDlg.Caption = "Mail System Check Version 0.0.1 © R.Faude"
aDlg.Borderstyle = fbsDialog
aDlg.Width = 320
aDlg.Height = 200
aDlg.ToolbarVisible = FALSE
sHTML = "<html>"
' --- define CSS ---
sHTML = sHTML & "<style type=""text/css"">"
sHTML = sHTML & "td {font-family:arial, verdana, helvetica, sans-serif; color:black; font-size:12px;}"
sHTML = sHTML & "</style>"
sHTML = sHTML & "<body>"
' --- create Form ---
sHTML = sHTML & "<form method=""post"">"
sHTML = sHTML & "<table border=""1"">"
sHTML = sHTML & "<tr>"
sHTML = sHTML & " <td style=""background-color: #96D1FF; text-align:right; width:90px"">Number of Mails</td>"
sHTML = sHTML & " <td><input name=""number"" type=""text"" size=""3"" maxlength=""3"" style=""text-align:center""></td></td>"
sHTML = sHTML & "</tr>"
sHTML = sHTML & "<tr>"
sHTML = sHTML & " <td style=""background-color: #96D1FF; text-align:right; vertical-align:top; width:90px"">Destination</td>"
sHTML = sHTML & " <td><input type=""checkbox"" name=""destination"" value=""mail-loop"">Mail-Loop"
sHTML = sHTML & " <br><input type=""checkbox"" name=""destination"" value=""echo-tu"">echo@tu-berlin.de</td>"
sHTML = sHTML & "</tr>"
sHTML = sHTML & " <td style=""height:10px""></td>"
sHTML = sHTML & "<tr>"
sHTML = sHTML & "</tr>"
sHTML = sHTML & "</table>"
sHTML = sHTML & "<table border=""1"">"
sHTML = sHTML & "<tr><td><input type=""submit"" name=""MROK"" value=""Send""> <input type=""submit"" name=""MRCANCEL"" value=""Cancel""</td></tr>"
sHTML = sHTML & "</table>"
sHTML = sHTML & "</form>"
sHTML = sHTML & "</body></html>"
aDlg.HTMLCode = sHTML
iHTMLButton = aDlg.Execute
' --- Free up memory ---
set aDlg = nothing
if (iHTMLButton = 1) then
msgbox FormVariables.Count
Set iNumberCTL = FormVariables.ItemByName("number")
if not iNumberCTL is nothing then
call msgbox(iNumberCTL.value, vbInformation, "Number")
end if
' msgbox "Cancel"
end if
End Sub
What i am doing wrong?
Thanks ….
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