/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / How can i get the creation Date of an attachment

  • Creator
  • #4071

      Is there an function to get the creation date of an attachment object.

      Thanks for help

    • Author
    • #7007
      Support 1a

        I don’t believe so. Attachments are accessed via the native GroupWise Object API Attachment Object. The attachment object doesn’t expose any methods that provide this information for file attachments.

        You could possible save out the physical file using the Save method and check the creation date of the resulting file, but I couldn’t tell you if the date returned would be the original creation date, or the date the newly saved out file was created.

        I hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

        Support 1a

          Further to my response above (based on the assumption you wish to obtain the creation date of a file attachment), if you want to access the creation date of a message attachment, you could do something like:

          dim oMsg
            dim oAttachment
            Set oMsg = client.clientstate.commandmessage
            for each oAttachment in oMsg.attachments
              if (oAttachment.objtype = fgwmessage) then
                msgbox oAttachment.message.subject & vbcrlf & oAttachment.message.creationdate
              end if
            set oMsg = nothing
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