/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Runtime / Non-Administrator running Formative Runtime

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  • #3647

      When a user who is not an Administrator on their PC, they get an error message stating Unable to create directory when they open Groupwise. As a work around, if as Administrator, we export the Advansys registry keys in HKEY_Current_User, then import them into the registry as the user, the problem goes away. Any ideas on what could be causing this, or what the fix is?

    • Author
    • #5726
      Support 1a

        I suspect Formativ has been installed while logged in as the Administrator on this PC. The Formativ installer creates a number of keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. The resolution would be to install Formativ Runtime while logged in as the current user.

        Advansys Support


          Exactly. All software is installed as Administrator. Users are not allowed to install their own software. Any suggestions?

          Support 1a

            At the moment no – the only workarounds is to import the keys as you have suggested, or to install runtime while logged in as the current user.

            Formativ 1.6 is about to be released in the next week or so (which I understand will be a free ungrade from 1.5). 1.6 contains a number of changes to the installation and registry usage that should alleviate this situation somewhat. Watch http://www.advansyscorp.com for an announcement.

            Advansys Support

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