• Creator
  • #4043

      I am trying to remove the “Import Document” option under the File menu. I’m using groupwise 6.5 service pack 2. I was using the RemoveMenuItem command and simply passing it the path. This worked fine for groupwise 5.5 but it does not work for groupwise 6.5.

    • Author
    • #6932
      Support 1

        The menu context for RemoveMenuItem changed in GroupWise 6.5.1. I am sorry that the documentation on RemoveMenuItem in our Formativ Language Guide is out of date.

        Here is some sample code that works with all GroupWise versions.

          dim iText
          iText = "Disable (File | Import Documents...) menu item on the GroupWise client?"
          if MsgBox(iText, vbYesNo, "Enable/disable menu item") = vbYes then
            ' GroupWise 6.5.1 or later uses the short menu path.
            if GroupWise.EnvVersionName >= "6.5.1"  then
              call GroupWise.RemoveMenuItem("GW.CLIENTFileImport Documents...")
              call GroupWise.RemoveMenuItem("GW.CLIENT.WINDOW.BROWSERFileImport Documents...")
            end if
            call GroupWise.ResetMenuItems
            call GroupWise.EnableCommand(858) 'AddNewDocument()
          end if
          call MsgBox("Restart GroupWise to see the changes.")

        I hope this helps.

        Advansys Support

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