/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Is there anyway to track if an email has been delivered?

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  • #3846

      I’m trying to track if a GroupWise message, send via the Internet to a non-GroupWise mailbox has been delivered.

      Is there a field in the API that I can check for this?



    • Author
    • #6387
      Support 1a


        There are a couple of Object API methods of the Message object available via the Formativ applet language (including NotifyWhenOpened). However, my understanding is that these are of little use once a message leaves the confines of a GroupWise system.

        You may wish to confirm this with Novell.

        Advansys Support


          Actualy the GWIA does support the RFC on this feature, but so few mail systems us it that’s its very unreliable.

          I was looking for accessing the status “delivered” which can be seen in the Propoerties of a mail message. I can’t seem to find where that exists in the Object API.

          I wrote an app that needed this a while back, and just turned on all recipts for sent mail, and used those receipts as notices that the mail has been read/deleted, but as you said, that only works within GroupWise.

          Support 1a

            As you mentioned, I don’t think the delivered status is accessible via the Object API. I did write something years ago that actually parsed the properties text of an item to determine this kind of information – very unpleasant.

            We will have a look to see if it is possible to add support for this in the future (perhaps SP1).

            Advansys Support


              Yes, sounds difficult, but at this point, I’ll take a stab at it. Do you remember how to get the text out of the properties?



              Support 1a

                Let me have a look and get back to you.

                Advansys Support

                Support 1a

                  Unfortunately, the technique I was thinking of only works with GroupWise 4.1a…

                  At this point I’d have to say that we can’t access this information. I have logged this as something to look at for version 2.0. I do suspect we will have to make a request to Novell to have this information made available.

                  Advansys Support.

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