/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Formativ Runtime / Contacts Migration from Outlook to GroupWise

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  • #5121

      I am trying to migrate 1200+ contacts from Outlook 2007 to GroupWise 8.0. I have set up Formative Runtime and the Personal Outlook Migration Tool sucessfully and when I run the migration tool it does take contacts from Outlook but just the person’s name and e-mail address. No other information migrates such as phone numbers, shipping/mailing addresses, notes, URL, etc.

      When I started the migration it appeared to be working fine but when I was at about number 150 of 1200 I went into GroupWise to see how it was working. I had an additional number of contacts but just their name and e-mail, nothing else.

      Is there something I am missing here, a setting, a configuration….why is this happening?

    • Author
    • #9839
      Support 3

        Thanks for your post.

        When I started the migration it appeared to be working fine but when I was at about number 150 of 1200 I went into GroupWise to see how it was working. I had an additional number of contacts but just their name and e-mail, nothing else.

        Does that mean additional details of some contacts migrated?

        We have an updated version of the Personal Outlook Migration solution available (version 2.0.8), you can try the updated version which we haven’t released yet. It has some minor fixes, details listed in this post:

        Extract from the post:

        You can download the updated version from here: http://beta.advansyscorp.com/P…igration_Express.zip

        You should save the updated version in default Formativ applets folder, usually “c:Documents and SettingsUSER-NAMEMy DocumentsAdvansysFormativApplets”. Prior to replace, please backup the existing version. Finally, restart the GroupWise client.

        Few suggestions:

        • Make sure you have the latest point release of the GroupWise client.
        • Setup MAPI configuration as described in the documentation:

          There are well known MAPI configuration issues when running both the GroupWise client and Outlook on the same workstation.
          Prior to migration, prevent Outlook using the Novell MAPI default settings by configuring the Outlook client to prompt on start-up for
          the MAPI profile to be used. You can configure this behaviour in the Outlook client under Options | Mail Services | Prompt for a profile to be used. On Windows 2000
          or above, you can also set this option by using the Windows Control Panel | Mail | Show Profiles, “When starting Microsoft Outlook, use this profile:” Prompt for a profile to be used.
          When Outlook starts and prompts you for the profile, select the appropriate one to connect to your Outlook data.
        • Importing large number of contacts can slow down GroupWise process. It is a known GroupWise issue. Few posts about it:
        • You should test a small Address Book before attempt to migrate large Address Book. You can create a small Address Book with few contacts, make sure the solution migrate all contacts, verify data then migrate the large Address Book. Alternatively, you can also split the large Address Book with smaller Address Books.

        Please note, Personal Outlook Migration is a cool solution applet. All applets supplied to the Novell Cool Solutions Applet Central area are not supported by Novell or Advansys. However, we always try to update the solution (bug fix, enhancement, etc) when the resources becomes available.

        Hope this helps.


        Advansys Support

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