/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Free Solutions from GroupWise Cool Solutions or Advansys / Warning user of attachment size they are sending

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  • #4520


      We do not have a limit on the size of attachments we can send and receive, however, it is very common that the recipients will have a restriction.
      Is there an applet- or is it possible- that a user is warned that they are trying to attach a document that is over a certain size?
      Similar to the GroupWise message that appears when you view an attachment over a certain size…

    • Author
    • #8315
      Support 1

        Thank you for your enquiry.

        I am not aware of a solution for GroupWise which does what you describe. However, it should be possible to develop a Formativ or other solution which takes advantage of the AttachmentSize property of an attachment. This property is available with GroupWise 6.5.2 and later.

        If you are interested in custom development of a solution like this, please contact one of Advansys’ custom development partners.

        Advansys Support



          Just so you know we hacked around the attachment checker example and came up with the code below. Its quick and dirty but it appears to do the job:

          '1000000 = 1mb, 20000000 = 20mb
          Const miWarnSize = 20000000
          sub Main(Client, GWEvent)
            Dim Msg
            Set Msg = GroupWise.ComposingItem
            if Msg is Nothing then
              on error resume next
              Set Msg = Client.ClientState.CommandMessage
              if not Msg is Nothing then
              end if
            end if
            Set Msg = nothing
          end Sub
          Sub CheckAttachments(MessageID)
             Dim msName
             Dim msSize
             for x = 0 to groupwise.ItemAttachmentGetCount("X00") -1
                msName = groupwise.ItemAttachmentGetName("X00", x)
                if msName <> "" then
                   Do Until InStr(1, msName, "") = 0
                        msName = Mid(msName, InStr(1, msName, "") + 1)
                end if
                miSize = Utilities.FileSystem.GetSizeOfFile(groupwise.ItemAttachmentGetName("X00", x))
                msSize = cstr(round(miSize/1000000))
                if Utilities.FileSystem.GetSizeOfFile(groupwise.ItemAttachmentGetName("X00", x)) > miWarnSize then
                   CancelSendDlg.CancelSendDlgLabel1.Caption = "The size of attachment " + msName + " is really large @ " + msSize + "mb are you sure you want to send it?"
                   GroupWise.CancelGroupWiseEvent = CancelSend
                end if
          end sub
          ' Ask the user if they want to cancel the sending of the item.  Return a boolean
          ' indicating if they wish to cancel or not.
          function CancelSend
            CancelSend = CancelSendDlg.ShowModal = MRCancel
          end function
          Support 3

            Great news and thanks for sharing the code.

            Advansys Support

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