/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Appending HTML After Signature

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  • #4363

      I’m looking for advise on how to automate the insert of our company logo image (.gif) after the signature is appended to the message body. Can you recommend ideas on how to append HTML after the ‘send’ using Formativ or other Advansys products.

      Thanks for your ideas!

    • Author
    • #7940
      Support 3

        You can use our Multiple Signature (http://advansyscorp.com/formativ_sol_multiple_signatures.htm) solution to insert signature on message. You can define a default signature (plain text or HTML) to be automatically inserted when you run the solution. Be deafult, you can execute the solution from the Message toolbar but you can change the Applet integration to OnSend event which will add signature automatically each time you send a message. You can use the Formativ Studio or Formativ Creator to modify the applet integrations (Start Formativ IDE from the GroupWise toolbar, select the applet, select Integration tab, click Email – Events, check OnSend checkbox).

        Alternatively, if you have in-house experience then you can write a custom applet to insert the image at the end of the current message.

        Advansys Support


          Thanks for the tips!

          Your alternative idea sounds very appealing. You reminded me of similar code to force our disclaimer at the end of externally sent email. This applet uses the following commands:

          Call GroupWise.PosToEndOfText
          Call GroupWise.Retrieve(ourfilename)

          Can I get away with using PosToEndOfText twice? Once for our logo, and again for our disclaimer. It should be easy to try – but please let me know if this is a bad idea.

          Your help is very appreciated.

          Support 3

            It may work with one PosToEndOfText. I am getting the impression that you may need to call twice for the disclaimer and logo. Unless you combine the logo & disclaimer to one file. I will also suggest prior to append the logo/disclaimer, set the focus to the message body.

            call groupwise.FocusSet(fcsMessage, “”)

            Advansys Support


              You’re exactly right, only one PosToEndOfText works, however two “Call GroupWise.Retrieve(filename)” seems to work well. I’ve failed at trying to insert the logo in the disclaimer file unfortunately.

              The biggest problem I’m having is getting our logo to post after the signature. I don’t know how we were able to get our disclaimer to always post after the signature – I thought it was because we insert “>>>” just before the disclaimer text in the disclaimer file, but placing “>>>” before the logo positions above the signature.

              Another unfortunate outcome is how email providers render the logo coming from GroupWise as an attachment depending on personal HTML view options. If tried this example:
              <IMG SRC=”http://www.novell.com/common/img/hdr_logo.gif&#8221;
              BORDER=”0″> – which appears as an attachement in gmail, hotmail and others
              and example: <DIV style=”BACKGROUND-POSITION: center center; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(http://www.advansyscorp.com/images/powered-by-formativ.gif);
              WIDTH: 100px; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: no-repeat; HEIGHT: 45px”></DIV> doesn’t seem to work outside of GW received email. Can you recommend other HTML syntax I could try.

              Thanks again!

              Support 3

                Please see our Multiple Signatures (http://advansyscorp.com/formativ_sol_multiple_signatures.htm) example signature which use the external images. You will need to install the Multiple Signatures then run the solution from the email toolbar. See the signature source for more information.

                Hope this helps.

                Advansys Support

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