/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Newbie Question – How to select all mails in specific folder?

  • Creator
  • #4370

      Hi all,

      I searched the docs, crawled the examples and looked in the forums. Haven’t found what I’m looking for: Simulate the “Select All” menu entry.

      Thanks for any hint

      M. Schatz

    • Author
    • #7957
      Support 3

        If you want to access all messages in a given folder then try the following code. Note that, you have to use bit different technique when accessing the messages in Mailbox folder. Mailbox folder usually contains the sent messages which you can not see in client.

          dim oFolder
          dim oMessages
          set oFolder = client.clientstate.selectedfolder
          if (oFolder.ObjType = fgwMailbox) then
            set oMessages = oFolder.messages.find("(BOX_TYPE=INCOMING)")
            msgbox oMessages.count
            set oMessages = nothing
            msgbox oFolder.Messages.count
          end if
          set oFolder = nothing

        Advansys Support


          Thanks a lot for your quick response. It solved my problem.

          I was looking for a way to archive all items in selected folder, so selecting “Mailbox” is not allowed. For anyone looking here, I post some of my additions to your code:

            dim oFolder
            dim oMessages
            set oFolder = client.clientstate.selectedfolder
            if (oFolder.ObjType <> fgwMailbox) then
              set oMessages = oFolder.Messages
              for each Message in oMessages
                Message.Archived = true
              set oMessages = nothing
              msgbox "Not allowed here."
            end if
            set oFolder = nothing

          In real life, you would wrap some code around like status dialog a.s.o.

          BTW, as a longterm delphi programmer I am somewhat spoiled with code-completion and in-depth documentation. Are there any chances to get at least one of them into Formativ? I see there are a lot of documentation, but it is a bit complicated to find, what you are looking for.

          M. Schatz

          Support 3

            Thanks for your feedback and sample code.

            The code-completion which is in our roadmap. We also have plan to extend further to support plug-in where developer can write the solution in other platform (i.e VS, Delphi, etc). As you know, it will require extensive R&D work. Currently we are occupied with making Formativ to Vista compatibility.

            Advansys Support

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