/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Want to use Formativ to update my signature – anything special required?

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  • #4322

      One of my co-workers suggested a little project, and I like the idea, so I’m going to try it out. However, I’m having trouble at step 1.

      The idea is that I’d like to update my GroupWise signature with a line that reports how many spam messages were blocked yesterday. I get an email avery morning that gives me the number, all I need now is to pluck that number out of the message, and write it into my signature line.

      Here is what I have so far:

      Sub Main(Client, GWEvent)

      dim Sig1
      dim Sig2
      dim Sig3

      dim QtySpamBlocked

      dim SignatureTextString

      QtySpamBlocked = "bazillion"

      Sig1 = "David Gerisch, Systems Technician"
      Sig2 = "A.C.S. / Tulare County Information Technology"
      Sig3 = "Yesterday, we blocked " & QtySpamBlocked & " spam messages."

      SignatureTextString = Sig1 & HRT & Sig2 & HRT & Sig3

      Call GroupWise.PrefSignature( incPrompt, true, true, SignatureTextString )

      End Sub

      It runs without error, but it doesn’t update the signature line.

      Can someone tell me what I am missing?


    • Author
    • #7819
      Support 3

        Use ThrowToken to execute a token. See the Formativ Language guide for more information. ThrowToken uses the native GroupWise Token Commander to execute the given token. See the URL for the Token API: http://developer.novell.com/documentation/gwtoken/index.html?gwtokens/data/hj8ej8g5.html

        I have noticed the default GroupWise signature (Tools – Options – Environment – Signature) need to be enabled for this token to work. See below the sample code.

         dim iReturnValue
         dim iSyntax
         QtySpamBlocked = 3
         Sig1 = "David Gerisch, Systems Technician"
         Sig2 = "A.C.S. / Tulare County Information Technology"
         Sig3 = "Yesterday, we blocked " & QtySpamBlocked & " spam messages."
         SignatureTextString = Sig1 & HRT & Sig2 & HRT & Sig3
         iSyntax = "PrefSignature(1;0;0;""" & SignatureTextString & """;"""";"""";"""")"
         msgbox groupwise.throwtoken(iSyntax, iReturnValue)

        Hope this help. Look forward to hear from you.

        Advansys Support

        [This message was edited by Support 3 on February 13, 2007 at 03:27 PM.]


          Thank you for the info – it helped me figure out why my original program wasn’t working.

          As it turns out, both programs work if I delete my existing signature first. If I do not, then no update happens.

          The token throwing version is nice in that the msgbox tells me the return value is true; the code did what it was supposed to. The error must be further down the line, what with running into an existing signature, and not just wholesale replacing it.


            One other question:

            the string I’m sending it is getting stripped of linefeed / carriage return characters. What is the correct way to send those through?


            Support 3

              The following Visual Basic constants copied from the Visual Basic Scripting Guide. See the guide for more information.


              Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition
              String Constants Language Reference
              Version 2

              Since these constants are built into VBScript, you don’t have to define them before using them. Use them anywhere in your code to represent the values shown for each.

              Constant – Value – Description
              vbCr – Chr(13) – Carriage return.
              vbCrLf – Chr(13) & Chr(10) – Carriage return–linefeed combination.
              vbFormFeed – Chr(12) – Form feed; not useful in Microsoft Windows.
              vbLf – Chr(10) – Line feed.
              vbNewLine – Chr(13) & Chr(10) or Chr(10) – Platform-specific newline character; whatever is appropriate for the platform.
              vbNullChar – Chr(0) – Character having the value 0.
              vbNullString – String having value 0 – Not the same as a zero-length string (“”); used for calling external procedures.
              vbTab – Chr(9) – Horizontal tab.
              vbVerticalTab – Chr(11) – Vertical tab; not useful in Microsoft Windows.

              Advansys Support


                Thank you very much. Smile

                Do you know if the inability to replace an existing signature is “working as designed” ?

                Support 3

                  3rd party developer unable to edit the default GroupWise signature using the Object/Token API. Documentaion in the SOAP API says, you can edit signature.

                  GroupWise Web Service (SOAP): http://developer.novell.com/wiki/index.php/GroupWise_Web_Service_(SOAP)

                  Advansys Support

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