/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Question: Event handling in Formativ Controls

  • Creator
  • #3854

      Is it possible to trap for events in Formativ Controls?

      For example, in the ListBox control, I would like to be able to tell when the user has changed selections and trigger an update to an Edit control to update the .text information.

      Thank you for your assistance!

      p.s. – I hope you guys are having a great time at BrainShare!

    • Author
    • #6408
      Support 2

        Hi Jo,

        You can’t trap events in the current dialog system. However, in SP1, which is due shortly, you will be able to design HTML dialogs and use embedded JavaScript to update the controls. This is what we are demonstrating at BrainShare for the first time and we are getting a great response!


        Advansys Support


          Thank you for your reply. I look forward to seeing the next SP. Is there a release date set for this yet?


          Joe Hruska


            From the feedback we received at BrainShare last week we are now fine-tuning which features will be present in SP1. We expect to have a public beta available within 4 weeks and we don’t expect a long beta period prior to release.

            BTW, BrainShare was excellent and well attended. From a Formativ product perspective, we could not have hoped for a better response! Thanks for your interest.


            Advansys Support

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