/ Forums / Advansys Formativ / Creating Solutions with Formativ / Enabling Junkmail doesn´t work

  • Creator
  • #4012

      I use the command
      Call GroupWise.JunkMailSettings(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, 20)

      but nothing happens

    • Author
    • #6848
      Support 1a

        GroupWise.JunkMailSettings calls the native GroupWise JunkMailSettings tokens, which appears to have a problem with the last two parameters. We have today reported this to Novell for confirmation and a possible workaround. We’ll report our findings back in this thread.


        Advansys Support

        Support 1a

          Novell have just comfirmed this is a bug in the JunkMailSettings token, and have created a defect notice for it. While this means it will get fixed, unfortunately I am unable to offer a workaround at this stage.

          I am able to get some of the features working by using the following code:

          dim iSyntax
          dim iReturnVal
          iSyntax = "JunkMailSettings(true;false;false;;0)"
          msgbox groupwise.throwtoken(iSyntax, iReturnVal)

          Note the fourth parameter is not specified at all (it fails if you include anything). I have used 0 as the last parameter, but supplying any other value does not appear to work anyway.

          I’ll advise when Novell have more information in this thread.

          Advansys Support

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